Saturday, May 31, 2008


Paul McCartney & Wings - Magneto and Titanium Man (1975)

In a month of Iron Mania it would be a terrible faux pas to overlook the 1975 single from Venus and Mars, especially having already featured the song that has nothing to do with the character; Black Sabbath's, Iron Man.

A notorious comic geek, McCartney features a nefarious plot pairing the ferris fiends, Titanium Man and Crymson Dynamo, with the master of magnetism himself, Magneto!

McCartney's grating penchant for naff-pop may not make this a must-have track on the iron iPods of enthusiasts, but it's a fun tribute to the cultural significance of the medium and it's mythos.

With band footage scarce on YouTube, this fan-made video plays substitute, casting the unnamed female robber as the Black Cat by combining clips from the 1990's Spider-man cartoon, with shots from the static mid-sixties cut-and-paste anthology, The Marvel Superheroes.

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