Saturday, September 20, 2008


Joe Satriani - Surfing with the Alien (live) (1987)

The first in a long line of references to Marvel's cosmic surfer; Joe Satriani's 1987 album goes so far as to feature a panel from the 1982 issue, Silver Surfer #1, as it's cover!

Ever the enthusiast for joyous expression and the common good, John Byrne, the artist on the piece, has noted on his site that he never received payment for the image, which was lifted without permission from the issue.
As you can imagine the community feels indebted to the artist for but one of his many contributions to public well being.

Silver Surfer has yet to comment, but the Skrulls like his work so much, they named a planet after him (Satriani, duh).

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