Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What Ever Happened to the Comic Book Fight Club?...
Seasons Greetings, True Believers!

Y'know, it's a pretty fair question: what did happen?
Long time readers will know I've often been fairly ambitious with my time, but in 2009, more than ever before, time got away from me! 2009 was to be the first year the Infinite Wars would reflect the weekly goings on in comics. Even now I have a hefty stack of comics to my right, no less than two for every week, that were chosen when contemporary, to be our classic Friday Night Fight (with extra madness for Mondays)!

For the time being, I have every intention of working my way through the 2009 stack. Though not quite hot off the press by now, each issue is a worthy addition to our hallowed halls of hard hits! There is still the statistical element of crowning a grand hero (or villain) for Season 2009, as well! I've got my fingers crossed for a late surge up the ranks by Hawkman, but I've got a nasty feeling when I finally feature Blackest Night #1, his chances might diminish just a fraction...

It was a series of events that conspired against regular updates on the Infinite Wars this year, not the least of which was the passing a very dear friend and family member, in October. Things like that tend to take a lot of wind our of your sails, and, hey, I haven't exactly hit that "dot com" boom in the four years we've been doing this dance of review, discussion, and appreciation.

I've been sharing the wonderful world of superheroes on a blog I've managed to keep better updated, partially dude to it's lack of format: http://sixarmedsamurai.1up.com/.
Be sure to check it out, bookmark it, click the thumbs up, read stuff, and just enjoy a slightly different perspective to the Infinite Wars. Hey, don't feel like you can't drop a comment to make me look good, either!

Like so much about 2009, I'm a little late to the punch, but I've finally settled on a series of scintillating match-ups for our Annual Year-End DC versus Marvel Fantasy Fights!
Be sure to check back regularly for the polls (located top-right in the site menu), and vote for the hero or villain who is most worthy of victory! Last year DC completely swept the pot, but it's a whole new ball game, with brand new pairings inspired by the parallels between stories and ideas from both of the major publishers. If you've got a Fantasy Fight suggestion, it's probably not too late to suggest it in the comments, either!

I hope everyone's holidays have been fantastic and your new year starts the same!
Not sure what lies ahead in 2010, but we'll cross that bridge when it comes!


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