Sunday, April 22, 2018

Cosmic Battle on the Edge of The Universe! (Marvel)
Infinity Gauntlet #4 When: October 1991
Why: Jim Starlin How: Ron Lim & George Perez

The Story So Far...
When the Silver Surfer crash lands to Earth through the roof of Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum -- he brings ominous warning of the greatest threat the universe has ever known! Thanos lives and has taken possession of the Infinity Gems of Soul, Mind, Power, Time, Reality, and Space to form the omnipotent Infinity Gauntlet!

The Mad Titan's mission is to eradicate half of all sentient life in existence! A feat he achieves in an instant with but a mere thought! His quest to court the mistress Death does not end there, though. His dominion is now all that exists in the known universe -- a reality, his to dominate and reshape!

Ripples of Thanos' power echo throughout the universe, causing mayhem and destruction on Earth, where the mightiest heroes assemble in conference to discuss the unknown threat. The unexpected arrival of Adam Warlock provides limited answers as he takes command, selecting a special task force to confront Thanos in a desperate ploy to save the universe from The Infinity Gauntlet!

Tale of the Tape...
Strength: Thanos 6 (Invincible)
Intelligence: Thanos 5 (Professor)
Speed: Firelord 5 (Super-Speed)
Stamina: Thanos 7 (Unstoppable)
Agility: Sub-Mariner 3 (Acrobat)
Fighting: Thanos 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Thanos 6 (Mass Destruction)
Total: Thanos 34 (Super)

The assembly of heroes enters the third phase of attack with confidence gained from their second wave brawlers. They may've been sent packing, but set up the distraction to begin a third wave with: Vision, Sub-Mariner and She-Hulk!

Sub-Mariner was part of the first wave that Thanos avoided by manipulating time. They never really entered any kind of conflict, but inadvertently helped Thanos reach a decision to negate his omnipotence - and fight fair.

doesn't quite pack the punch of her incredible cousin -- who was part of the second wave -- but with the flying Sub-Mariner in tow, she could provide a more dexterous follow-up to the brawling successes of Hulk and Drax! She can stretch to her cousin's strength level [eg; She-Hulk vs Avengers], but it's her mental acumen that best distinguishes her.

Champion of the Universe was able to beat She-Hulk using the Power Infinity Gem in She-Hulk #8, but she lawyered her way to a quick rematch victory in a memorable cosmic contest. Thanos isn't above reason, but he's probably made the exceptions he's going to. So smart strength is her best role.

Ultimately, the real x-factor in this phase of attack is Vision! The eerie android brings a versatility that none of the other combatants have offered! Thanos has committed to fighting by some rules of physical reality, but Vision can easily subvert them by shifting his density from total intangibility - to super density!

In the "Counter Earth" reality of Avengers (Vol. 2) #1; Vision's density proved strong enough to topple Thor! Unfortunately, his synthoid body was susceptible to the magic of Loki. When Rogue absorbed Thor's powers in the alternate reality of What If...? #66, Vision attempted a trademark of shifting density while intersecting with her body, but her newfound godly energies rendered it moot.

If the other heroes can maintain a distraction, Vision could conceivably try to sneak up on Thanos, to attempt to interfere with the Infinity Gauntlet, or harm him by shifting density within his person. A hand in the brain is sure to cause even Thanos problems! He could also deliver a powerful beam of energy from his forehead at point blank!

That said, with so much power at his disposal, it's just as likely Vision could be reduced to scrap by the powers of the Infinity Gems! Like Loki's magic, the gems could have unforeseen effects. Thanos himself also possesses abilities to manipulate energy that could destroy Vision - and his allies!

The heroes are riding a moment of opportunity, but the deck is still seemingly stacked in Thanos' favour. Let's see what happens in the third wave!

The Tape: Vision, Sub-Mariner & She-Hulk Ranking: Sub-Mariner (#22)

What Went Down...
Preoccupied with attempting to squash a miniaturized Hulk -- Thanos doesn't notice the eerie synthezoid materializing behind him! The Vision has the drop on the god-like being -- and intends to take full advantage!

Vision unleashes a narrow beam of energy directly at Thanos! Its heat causes the surrounding air to ignite - engulfing Thanos in flames!

Unaffected by the fire, but stunned by the unexpected attack, Thanos stands idle as the Vision disappears as suddenly as he came! The synthezoid phases effortlessly through Thanos' space platform in strategic retreat.

Captain America orders his team to "pour on the power" -- summoning She-Hulk and Sub-Mariner in a sudden rush!

Sub-Mariner soars above the licking flames, while She-Hulk runs straight through! Their fists collide with Thanos in perfect unison - a left and a right!

Thanos orders the pair away with a remarkably simplistic push. He throws his hands outward to merely shove them away. but his newfound powers are as vast as they are cruel! In truth, the areas where his hands made contact begin to manifest a strange growth spreading across their chests with alarming speed!

Namor and She-Hulk desperately claw at the spreading stuff as it overwhelms their chest and torso! In seconds their arms and faces are also encased! It only takes a few more for the two Avengers to be completely and utterly consumed.

Where once there was hope, there is now only two disgusting piles of unknown moss marking the place where Sub-Mariner and She-Hulk died. Such is the unspeakable will of the Titan who would court death: Thanos!

The Hammer...
The first wave ended in ambiguity, while the second was determined only in retreat. Vision may've got in and out, but this time Thanos concludes the battle with the most final of victories -- a double fatality!

I'm reluctant to state exactly what it was that consumed them with any certainty. The initial growth was on bare flesh, but it quickly overwhelmed their clothing, too. Some kind of fungus, it would seem. It hardly matters.

One might question whether Sub-Mariner and She-Hulk were the best heroes for this particular fight. Their courage is unquestionable, of course, but in a battle of such esoteric scale, could the close quarters combat of bare flesh truly hope to triumph? On a team with so many heavy-hitters, perhaps you would think so, but alas poor Namor, I knew him well.

Adam Warlock seems fairly resigned to losing some of his troops. His resolve to keep Silver Surfer out of the fight doesn't sit well with the space rider, but it has its purpose. At least Vision made an impression and remains in play.

For those following the rankings through these posts, Vision's role will warrant an assist stat - rather than a defeat. His get in, get out offensive really only served to facilitate the follow-up power play from the duo of defeated Avengers.

Vision has established himself as a floating wildcard with potential to cause real harm. His phasing powers could be a real game changer if he can use them to relieve Thanos of The Infinity Gauntlet, or interfere with his internal make-up.

Be here in two days as we advance to the fourth wave! Readers of past, present, and future can find all the Infinity Gauntlet installments via links throughout these posts, or by using the Secret Archive Index! All featured fights are filed by publisher, series, and issue number!

Want to read The Infinity Gauntlet for yourself? Get the whole story in collected edition by following the Amazon link provided! Using the link to shop gets you a good deal and helps support the site at no extra cost!

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Winner: Thanos
#66 (+51) Thanos [+2 kills]
#24 (-2) Sub-Mariner
#375 (-5) She-Hulk
#359 (+3) Vision [+1 assist]

Infinity Gauntlet #4
Thanos runs the gauntlet of heroes in a special series spotlighting the classic cosmic showdown!
Versus Wave 1, Hulk & Drax, Wave 3, Thor & Dr. Doom, Wolverine, Wave 6, Cloak, Firelord & Drax, Iron Man, Spider-man & Thor, Nova, Quasar, Captain America

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