Monday, April 21, 2008

ARTWORK: CRMKA final crisis may be brewing in the DC multiverse, but after last week, fans of the company learnt a new threat will attack in the unlikely medium of video games! Worlds collide as Midway and DC confirmed what the gamers were waiting for; their shock joint venture: Mortal Kombat versus DC Universe!

Having dabbled in the past in fantasy fight combos that brought together the heroes and villains of the Marvel and Street Fighter universes, we're rolling out a massive new crop of fictional fisticuffs as we count down to the Fall release.
Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Batman, and Superman have all been confirmed, but for your pleasure, we'll roll out over one hundred potential candidates for the new game!

Though a fan of both brands, the Infinite Wars is sceptical about the quality and benefit of the crossover. That said, it doesn't mean we can't all indulge in the jois de vivre of pairing up some of the most unlikely rivalries! Featured in our nominations will be a diverse range of characters with the usual resonance of our thematic fantasy pairings, as well as some special attention for characters versed in the martial arts -- a quality overlooked in previous ventures like the Marvel versus Capcom series.

We've already locked in our 100+ selections to be revealed in stages every Mortal Monday, slowly building to the characters you're most looking forward to. That said, as always, everyone is encouraged to have their say, and throw their own speculation into the ring! Registration is not required to comment, so get in there, and challenge your opponent!

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The Hook...
Okay, I know what you're probably thinking.
As far as a starting selection goes, this wasn't what you were expecting, but hold your tongue!
One of the great exercises of a site like this is to provide a friendly arena to expose everyone to characters they might not know.

Take Richard Dragon; one of the most respected martial artists in the DCU. Dragon has been responsible for training Batman, The Question, and others, making him a great candidate to take on five-time champion: Liu Kang!

Some of you might consider this a disservice to a character, (Kang), who carried two major motion pictures to the box office, but fret not. Over the past few iterations of the series, the vanilla champion has been gradually phased out, in favour of stalwart icons like Sub-Zero, and Scorpion. In fact, the opening cinematic for 2002's, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, opened with the shock murder of the game's champion, resulting in an eventual return in zombie and spirit forms.

It's hard to imagine in which form Kang will appear, if at all, but for our fantasy match-ups, this diminished focus makes for the perfect opportunity to include a strong martial arts character -- something the competition never quite did.

The Battle...
Despite enduring as the penultimate hero in over four games, Liu Kang isn't without his faults. Mortal Kombat has been infamous for diminishing it's heroes with unintentionally dimwitted characterizations. Though undoubtedly a diverse and skilled fighter, it's hard not to think of Liu Kang as a bit of an idiot.

There's still a strong representation within the MK fanbase that wishes to see Liu Kang continue as the franchise's iconic hero. He certainly has far more fans and moxy than his fantasy counterpart, the somewhat obscure, Richard Dragon.

The hi-concept probably says Liu Kang should win here, but in presentation I'm not sure I can respect him as much as I should. Richard Dragon is the fighter responsible for training some of the greatest fighters in the DC Universe. That respect probably should be enough to carry him to the win, but, even he doesn't have the air of the champion that quashes my reluctance.

I know who I'm supposed to choose, and given the license afforded by a stand-alone crossover, I'm not sure I can even hide behind something like the trivial differences between a franchise hero, and a vulnerable zombie. I guess I have to buckle to pressure, but I'll be more than forthcoming about understanding arguments based on the tangible facts of these characters...


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The Hook...
When it comes to premiere martial artists in the DCU; these days Karate Kid might just be at the top of the list. He trumped Dragon's brief appearances in 52 with his own starring role in the follow-up weekly series, Countdown.

The character, who predates the Ralph Macchio movies that had to pay licensing fees for the name, can go toe-to-toe with the best of them.
He even challenge Batman in recent issues of Justice League of America, and as we've seen, that's a pretty big deal, not just for Batman's prowess as a fighter, but as a leading icon from the DC comics.

Kung Lao is the number two to Liu Kang's hero.
The much maligned characterization of the character in Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks saw that rivalry taken to a jealous state, but I'd be more inclined to leave that argument to the fans who prefer the less obvious hero. Suffice to say, he's an exceptionally skilled fighter in his own right, even if he doesn't have the grandeur of Kang, whose sole purpose was to be the hero.

This pairing, as you might guess, continues our desire to put some focus on the martial artists of the DC Universe. Don't worry. As our weekly Fantasy Fights progress over the next few months, there'll be plenty of diversity in picks, but much like the MK games, you'll have to earn your way up the ladder of lesser characters to get to those big names!

The Battle...
Karate Kid is a master of martial arts developed far into the thirty-first century, and that quality makes him a pretty tough competitor, and certainly a character with wide potential for a beat 'em up video game. Most games emphasise characters like Kung Lao, who typically fights with fairly traditional riffs on Shaolin disciplines and popular kung fu.

Karate Kid potentially brings with him a lot of experimentation, like the modern Keysi Fighting Method, represented in the recent Batman Begins films, but still remains on Kung Lao's level as a fighter without a penchant for the chi-based attacks popularized by other characters.

In trying to pick a winner, much like the last entry, I'm influenced by broad perception. Kung Lao's fighting abilities have never really been the emphasis on his characterization and story, so when a character hinged solely on being a superb fighter comes along, I'm inclined to go that way.

Some sources cite Kung Lao as a Shaolin pacifist reluctant to fight, despite actually being more skilled than his champion relative, Liu Kang. As the only direct descendent of the original Kung Lao, a character who championed five hundred years into the series' back story, you could certainly debate his pedigree, but I'm going to go with my gut on this one...


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The Hook...
As you can see, we're really pulling out all the stops to bring the big guns to the Fantasy Fights. Alright, this is a comic website, so I should show some respect to all those Suicide Squad and Kung-Fu Fighter comic book fans.

Bronze Tiger might look a little bit like King from Tekken, but you forget about prowrestling!
Bronze Tiger's the kung-fu fighting who trained under O-Sensei before Richard Dragon, making him a pretty big deal, if not a master.

Not unlike Kai, Bronze Tiger became his best when he was dedicated to a purpose greater than himself. While Kai joined Kung Lao's Order of the Temple of Light to become a Shaolin monk, Bronze Tiger was captured by the League of Assassins and brainwashed into becoming their ultimate assassin.

A feared name across the glober, the Tiger would eventually become unstuck, but in doing so, was freed of his programming and allowed to redeem himself by doing good in the world with the Suicide Squad.

The Battle...
I know a lot of MK fans have initially been somewhat jarred by the notion of the DC heroes crossing over with their violent fighting game, but it's worth considering that Batman is considered by many to be the benchmark of fighters in the DC Universe. It's a victory over Batman that really symbolizes how great a fighter Bronze Tiger can be, and that's exactly why he's a great, if unlikely, character for a fighting franchise.

As you might have gathered from the previous monologue, Kai isn't a particularly integral part of the Mortal Kombat mythology. He was one of the new inclusions in Mortal Kombat 4, only returning for the anthology title, Armageddon. That said, his MK4 origins position him in one of the fiercest battles in Mortal Kombat history, the struggle against fiendish fallen elder god, Shinnok; feats that earned him the praises of the protectoral god, Raiden.

Both are obscure minority figures in their respective franchises, but if it's status that's influencing my choices for victor, as is so often the case in crossovers, then I'm almost inclined to lean toward Bronze Tiger. Though Kai was to boast motion capture by Sultan Uddin, the speed and graceful complexity of the character never quite eventuated in a clunky 3D build, undermining his supposed skill. Third-rung at best, Kai's the monk who'll never be champ, but Bronze Tiger is a strong and vibrant identity within his own corner, making him...


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The Hook...
At this point, it might be fair to say I've copped out a little bit when it comes to crowning would-be winners. Not so with this combination, which is the first of the major mismatches.

MK producer, Ed Boon, has acknowledged willfully that some of the DC superheroes out weight the capabilities of the MK counterparts. That said, I don't think it's at all unreasonable to expect some suspension of disbelief, even though it sounds like some acceptable reasoning is being given to try to blur the lines.

Though not confirmed by later appearances, Chameleon is still popularly believed to be a member of the Saurian race; inhabitants of Zaterra that were wiped out near extinction when their realm merged was conquered by Shao Kahn and merged with Outworld. Zaterra's destructive fate, and the loneliness of being the last of a species, are qualities all too familiar to the Manhunter from Mars.

The Battle...
Though substantially more powerful, Martian Manhunter has certain abilities in common with Chameleon, which lend themselves to familiar gameplay elements. Among the obvious is the Manhunter's chameleonic ability to manipulate his molecular structure to become invisible (and vary his density).

Vulnerability to flame is a broad factor, but something that doesn't really give Chameleon any inherent advantages, even with his various energy projectiles. At Superman levels, this really is a clear-cut victory for Martian Manhunter, but I like to think there'd be a bit of fun getting there.

As a mainstay of the Justice League, J'onn J'onnz would have to be the most likely DC character listed to be included in the games. Chameleon, however, was a throwaway mash-up of the other ninja characters in the PSX version of Mortal Kombat Trilogy; and made it in as a last minute entry into Armageddon.
Despite mainstream prevelance in the Justice League and The Batman cartoons, there's always a chance MM is overlooked for a more diverse cast, but with a wide berth of gameplay options, you never know!


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The Hook...
Hopefully Martian Manhunter didn't get you too excited, because we're still in the early goings.
We bring it back to the martial artist with Lady Shiva; another character widely respected as one of the top martial artists in the DCU.

Another student of O-Sensei; Shiva, like Richard Dragon, has the distinction of training Batman, crucial to his retraining after his back was broken by the chemically enhanced villain, Bane.
A merciless assassin without definite allegiance; Shiva is the perfect foil to the Outworld Emperor's mutant clone, Mileena; who shares a similar prowess for lethality, if not the beauty of the one-time leader of Nyssa Raatko's League of Assassins.

The Battle...
In preperation for these features I made a nice long list of MK characters and did my best to come up with the perfect match for their DC counterparts. With over one hundred characters to consider and very little time, I think I did a pretty good job, but now that I'm doing a write up, choosing is hard!

It's probably important to talk about the odds of these characters being included, because for those of you interested in this upcoming game, but illinformed about one of the sides, I'm the perfect go-between. Or at least, I would be, if I could make a definite call one way or the other! Yeesh!

Mileena has the honor of appearing in Playboy, despite being the hideously deformed clone of Kitana, princess of Edenia. Given the limits on the roster of characters to appear, I'd probably be more inclined to expect Kitana than her sinister shadow, but the two have diverged in ways that leave the colour swapping of the early games far behind them.

Lady Shiva's regularly touted as, perhaps, the most impressive female fighter in the DC Universe. It's a commentary on my own selections that characters like this haven't featured on the site, as well as, to a degree, their mainstream appeal. Lady Shiva's not someone I would be counting on in a game designed to bring potential new fans into the MK fold, but she certainly wouldn't be out of place. Like Sonya Blade, or Kitana, she doesn't have any energy based attacks, but is the perfect vehicle for an exciting fighting dynamic.

Mileena's no stranger to the land of death, and despite her greater recognition, I'm inclined to play this one pure. Like her chances of trumping her royal counterpart, I think Mileena falls down a shaft of spikes, whilst trying to better the lethality of Lady Shiva.


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ODDS: [50%]
The Hook...
Alright, we wrap this first round up with something MK fans know all about -- and it isn't another martial artist you've never heard of!

From his first appearance in the now legendary Mortal Kombat II; I've been a big fan of Baraka! Declared king of mutants in that game, he represents the endless horde of the Tarkata: violent mutant inhabitants of Outworld!

DC isn't exactly known for it's mutants, so I actually had a bit of a disappointing time trying to pair Baraka up. He was the character I confirmed last, and with mixed emotions I settled on the animalistic mutant, Hyena.

There isn't a lot bringing these characters together, other than their penchant for bloodlust, and some fanged grins. It was sheer serendipty that mugshots for each character shows an echoed sense of delight in the anticipated violence. A fitting description of two characters happy to serve as foot soldiers in armies amassed by more aspiring overlords.

The Battle...
Mortal Kombat is well known for it's violence, and as much as this may have earned it's status of infamy in better regarded gaming series, it's a charm that's almost disappointing to see leave. Though a dark gothic asthetic and penchant for bloody violence looks to remain intact, corporate malaise means the bloodthirsty fanbase will have to live without it's popular fatalities.

It's this quality that threatens to eliminate cult-favourite, Baraka.
With a massive blade protruding from each wrist, early comic book influences from series co-creator, John Tobias, are obvious. These Wolverine-esque weapons force the character to either be harshly "nerfed," or just plain left out. Not that you'd expect Hyena in the game, unless you buy into early clues featuring African animals, and the prospect of a weirdly ironic animality.

Baraka might not be the sharpest blade in the horde, but Hyena has become identified by his feral demeanor. There might be a struggle between these two characters, but when Baraka sheathes his mutant blades, it's sure to be a bloody lesson even an animal would understand!


Remember! With over one hundred characters to be featured, Mortal Monday and the Fantasy Fights will be back next week, so tune in for six more contenders for one of the most unlikely meetings DC has ever been a part of! There'll be blood, sweat, law, and... "wall breaking" DISorder...?! All will be revealed!


  1. nicely done!! I seems you have good insite into the characters you've chosen and have done your homework. Keep it up!

    Hey, on a side note, I'd love to see the list you made and the power levels you alocated to the various MK fighters. I too have done a little bit of that, but adding DC and there powerlevels into the mix makes thing more interesting, and that's info that I don't have and really have tried to understand.

  2. @anonymous: Many thanks!

    I've been a big fan of both franchises for a long time, so it's definitely a great opportunity for the Infinite Wars to help fans from either side cross over, and bridge an understanding of what the other is dealing with.

    Since it's just been announced that there'll only probably be about ten characters from each side; next week there'll be a special footnote for the most likely characters (which will probably be announced by the time we deliver our ODDS).

    Jumping on the announcement of the game meant the list and post didn't have much more than twenty-four hours to formulate.
    I wasn't entirely happy with the formatting, but since you aren't the first person to bring up the power levels, I won't scrap them as planned. They might appear abbreviated, but we'll see...

    Glad you enjoyed it!
    There'll be plenty more to come every Monday, as well as other materials materializing during the week, so stay tuned!


  3. Na Mileena over Shiva and definitely without a doubt Kung Lao over Karate Kid.
