Thursday, November 09, 2017

For years his stories claimed they'd change the status quo forever -- but nothing will shake the Marvel Universe quite as dramatically as news Brian Michael Bendis is leaving for DC Comics!

In one of the most shocking news stories of 2017; DC Comics announced a multi-year exclusivity agreement that will bring the Marvel mainstay into near-uncharted waters. It ends an almost eighteen year association that shaped the identity of Marvel both on the page - and on the screen!

Bendis rose to fame as an architect of the millennial Ultimate Marvel universe, but much of his best work was done with characters like Daredevil, Luke Cage and the creation of Jessica Jones. For better or worse he redefined what the Avengers brand meant to Marvel, creating a memorable series in the first volume of New Avengers, which controversially brought in Avengers hold-outs like Spider-man and Wolverine. These properties featured heavily on Secret Wars on Infinite Earths, so it only makes sense we pay tribute with a look back at some of the weird and wild moments!

Still seeking more thrills and chills? Dive into the Secret Issue Index to discover hundreds of battles from the dark side and beyond! Like & share daily links on Facebook and Twitter to spread the blood amongst your friends! Happy Halloween from Secret Wars on Infinite Earths!

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