Monday, November 06, 2017

Real Name: Billy Batson
First Appearance: Whiz Comics #2 (February, 1940)
Fight Club Ranking: #110

Featured Fights:
- vs MACRO-MAN: Legends #1 (Nov 1986)
- vs THOR: Marvel versus DC #2 (Mar 1996)
- vs DARKSEID & THANOS: DC versus Marvel #4 (Apr 1996)
- vs SUPERMAN: Kingdom Come #4 (Aug 1996)
- vs SUPERMAN & BATMAN: Superman/Batman #4 (Jan 2004)
- vs BLACK ADAM: Hawkman #24 (Mar 2004)
- vs SUPERMAN: Superman #216 (Jun 2005)

Warner Brothers gave us one of the first big stories of the year when news broke of plans for a Black Adam solo movie. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has been formally and informally attached to inhabit the anti-villain's role for several years now. As 2017 draws towards a close, The Hollywood Reporter delivers news that we finally have a Captain Marvel to go with him!

Zachary Levi isn't an actor who immediately conjures the square-jawed vision of Earth's mightiest mortal -- but who does? Hollywood may have once been replete with tall, dark, handsome leading men, but the Cary Grants and Fred MacMurrays of the world seem to be a thing of the past.

What Levi immediately inspires is hope that "the big red cheese" will view the world through good natured eyes. TV's Chuck can clearly handle a light touch, and with the right physical transformation, has the potential to be channeled into something the DC Cinematic Universe is sorely missing.

With talk that Black Adam won't have any role in SHAZAM, it would be nice to see a movie that goes all-in on family friendly fun, with a retro bent. Think The Incredibles meets A Night at the Museum, with a buff and sheen from a 1940s cloth. The movie is a chance to see the world in a different way, revealing the fantasy so many films -- especially modern superhero movies -- refuse to indulge.

It's easy to believe the movie will go light, but here's hoping it doesn't go light-weight.

Those who are inevitably rejecting the casting choice aren't completely without reason. Levi doesn't seem to have the obvious presence of a classic Captain Marvel, and Warner Brothers haven't shown a lot of instinct, or understanding, when attempting to initiate their various DC properties.

The New 52 has felt like a window into the DCEU, and that's a picture that isn't kind to even the modern-classic Captain Marvel who bobbed around in the 90s and mid-00s. There are a lot of ways the movie could go horribly wrong, diverging into misplaced darkness, or total slapstick. I'm sure we're all bracing for disappointment, if we're completely honest with ourselves.

As Justice League grimly sloshes its way into theatres this month; Captain Marvel has the potential to jolt the superhero movie age into a fresh era. This has the potential to be a strong entry with a wholly unique visual and stylistic aesthetic. A player that exceeds Marvel's step forward with next year's Black Panther. It may be a long shot, but it's enough to make a Hero of the Week!

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