DC Comics is teasing a Rebirth and in their latest update, they're claiming it isn't a reboot - and it never was! The cryptic messages were delivered on the now familiar Rebirth blue drape by DC bigwigs: Jim Lee and Geoff Johns. So, what does it all mean?...
2010 line-wide reboot "The New 52" came built-in with an apparent Get Out Of Jail Free option in the form of mystery character Pandora. For the stubborn among us, every event since reads like a possible unravelling of the controversial relaunch. The New 52 selectively wiped the post-Crisis DC Universe from existence, replacing it with a movie era "new reader friendly" one. The line arguably jack knifed under apparent poor planning and less than iconic characters, lending to a serious rethink. .
Fact is: DC has been in the business of soft reboots, hard reboots, and general jumpstarts for the last two decades. The quality of the New 52 reinvention can be questioned, but undoubtedly the overall weight of so many lives and deaths of the DC Universes have contributed to diminishing returns.
This Old Comics Wednesday you're invited to look back upon some of DC's many deaths and rebirths. By clicking the covers below, you'll be transported back to the pivotal battles that gave birth to new visions of the DC Universe, destroyed old ones, introduced new eras of characters, rebooted classic ones, and in come cases literally involved the Rebirth brand. Could one or more point the way to what's next for DC Comics? The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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