A demon and a dodgy businessman topped the list of Marvel and DC movers & shakers for 2020! It's hard to tell if that was the theme of the year, or just a byproduct of villains having the most to gain as they rise from the bottom rungs with occasional success.
Demogoblin made the biggest gains of the year as we dug deeper into the saga of Maximum Carnage, with Carnage and Shriek also benefitting. Firelord was equal in his improvement after appearing in a Thor epic. The world of the X-Men continues to produce big movers, as well. Sebastian Shaw was up 492 places, with Selene, Magneto, Emma Frost, and Cannonball all rising up hundreds of places!
Other significant gainers from Season 2020 include: Scorpion, Ronan The Accuser, Quasar, Ego The Living Planet, Champion of the Universe, Thunderbolt, Stargirl, and Green Lantern. In the inverse, these characters plunged further down the list: Sasquatch, Bizarro, Sunspot, Magik, Doctor Polaris, Warlock, Banshee, Mirror Master, and Klaw.
The Countdown to 1000 ranked characters has been a feature of Patreon and after adding 46 new characters this year we're just 8 characters away!
You can follow progress in more detail by signing up to Patreon at the Basic level. Or just scroll down to find out what happened to all the characters who were featured during Season 2020! You can also revisit rankings recaps from 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 and check out the 2020 Featured Fights too!
#1 (--) Batman (Bruce Wayne)
#2 (--) Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
#3 (--) Iron Man (Tony Stark)
#4 (--) Wolverine (James "Logan" Howlett)
#5 (--) Superman (Kal-El)
#6 (--) Hulk (Bruce Banner)
#7 (--) Captain America (Steve Rogers)
#8 (+4) Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
#9 (-1) Luke Cage
#10 (-1) Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards)
#11 (+5) Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira)
#12 (-2) Thanos
#13 (-2) Thing (Ben Grimm)
#14 (-2) Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
#15 (-1) Invisible Woman (Susan Storm)
#17 (+6) Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
#21 (+9) Thor (Thor Odinson)
#24 (+9) Red Robin (Tim Drake)
#26 (+8) Hawkman (Carter Hall)
#27 (-2) Black Adam (Teth-Adam)
#30 (-3) Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)
#32 (-4) Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie)
#33 (+4) Black Panther (T'Challa)
#36 (-1) Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd)
#38 (+12) Storm (Ororo Munroe)
#39 (-1) Black Canary (Dinah Lance)
#45 (+28) Archangel (Warren Worthington III)
#48 (-4) Venom (Eddie Brock)
#49 (-4) Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
#50 (-1) Captain Marvel (Billy Batson)
#51 (-3) Beast (Henry McCoy)
#57 (+30) Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
#66 (+34) Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce)
#71 (-15) Rogue (Anne Marie)
#73 (-3) Wonder Man (Simon Williams)
#77 (-8) Deathstroke (Slade Wilson)
#78 (-6) Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
#80 (-6) Giant-Man (Henry Pym)
#81 (-6) Deadshot (Floyd Lawton)
#82 (+326) Magneto (Max Eisenhardt)
#84 (-4) Cyclops (Scott Summers)
#86 (+56) Shriek (Frances Barrison)
#91 (+57) Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)
#92 (+60) Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
#97 (+67) Stargirl (Courtney Whitmore)
#98 (+8) Doppelganger
#100 (+95) The Thunderbolt (Yz)
#114 (+218) Champion of the Universe (Tryco Slatterus)
#116 (-6) Nova (Richard Rider)
#119 (+2) Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel)
#120 (+217) Carnage (Cletus Kasady)
#131 (-4) USAgent (John Walker)
#132 (+208) Cannonball (Sam Guthrie)
#134 (-22) Black Cat (Felicia Hardy)
#136 (+252) Lex Luthor
#138 (-20) Batroc The Leaper (Georges Batroc)
#144 (-13) Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
#145 (-23) Jean Grey
#146 (+269) Scorpion (Hanzo Hasashi)
#147 (-11) Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold)
#148 (-11) She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
#151 (-4) The Werewolf (Jack Russell)
#154 (+9) Ms Marvel (Sharon Ventura)
#184 (new) Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
#185 (+280) White Queen (Emma Frost)
#200 (-6) Nocturne (Talia Wagner)
#300 (--) Alice (Elizabeth Kane)
#306 (--) Blockbuster (Roland Desmond)
#331 (new) Savant (Brian Durlin)
#332 (new) Richard Dragon (Richard Drakunovski)
#333 (new) Doctor Volt (Dr. Ampere)
#334 (new) Spawn (Al Simmons)
#335 (new) Mon-El (Lar Gand)
#336 (new) Officer Romundi (Car-Vex)
#337 (new) Officer Blaylock
#338 (new) Guardian (Jim Harper)
#339 (new) Jakeem Thunder (Jakeem Williams)
#340 (new) Nomad (Ian Rogers)
#341 (new) Sentinels
#344 (-201) Bizarro
#347 (-193) Sunspot (Roberto Da Costa)
#351 (-1) Kenshi (Takahashi Kenshi)
#360 (-167) Magik (Illyana Rasputin)
#363 (-116) Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
#364 (-147) Doctor Polaris (Neal Emerson)
#365 (-140) Warlock
#366 (-88) Plastic Man (Patrick "Eel" O'Brian)
#367 (-140) Banshee (Sean Cassidy)
#398 (+492) Black King (Sebastian Shaw)
#399 (+490) Selene Gallio
#400 (+262) Ronan The Accuser
#401 (+494) Demogoblin
#402 (-16) Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch)
#404 (+494) Firelord (Pyreus Kril)
#405 (-70) Beta Ray Bill
#406 (-68) Flash (Jay Garrick)
#408 (-28) Dragon (Kurr)
#416 (-16) Vision
#418 (-29) Gorilla Grodd
#422 (-25) Hercules (Hercules Panhellenios)
#424 (-18) Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)
#425 (-27) Colossus (Piotr Rapsutin)
#426 (-19) Cheetah (Barbara Ann Minerva)
#431 (-17) Speedball (Robert Baldwin)
#432 (-10) Crystal (Crystalia Amaquelin)
#459 (new) Darkstar (Laynia Petrovna)
#460 (new) Talisman
#461 (new) Harlequin (Molly Mayne)
#473 (new) Thor Girl (Tarene)
#500 (-21) Blimp (Unknown)
#589 (new) Bob
#590 (new) Buster
#591 (new) Kenny Two-Bear
#592 (new) Creote (Aleksandr Creote)
#593 (new) Lady Blackhawk (Zinda Blake)
#594 (new) Woozy Winks (Wolfgang Winks)
#595 (new) Takahashi Takeda
#596 (new) Sentinel A7
#597 (new) N'Banu
#598 (new) Rigellian Recorder
#599 (new) Luna Maximoff
#600 (-31) Liu Kang
#601 (new) Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida)
#609 (-69) Mirage (Danielle Moonstar)
#623 (+249) Ego The Living Planet
#624 (+253) Quasar (Wendell Vaughn)
#700 (-34) Deluge
#800 (-33) Bishop (Lucas Bishop)
#888 (-33) Captain Britain (Brian Braddock)
#900 (-32) Man Mountain Marko (Michael Marko)
#920 (-27) Swamp Thing (Alec Holland)
#923 (new) The Question (Renee Montoya)
#924 (new) Blitzkrieg (Franz Mittelstaedt)
#925 (new) Johnny Quick (John Chambers)
#926 (new) Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair)
#927 (new) Hsu Hao
#928 (new) Defensor (Gabriel Sepulveda)
#929 (new) Parasite (Rudy Jones)
#930 (new) Jigsaw (William Russo)
#931 (new) Le Peregrine (Alain Racine)
#932 (new) Namorita (Namorita Prentiss)
#933 (new) 3-D Man (Delroy Garrett Jr)
#934 (new) Killmonger (Erik Killmonger)
#935 (new) Tarakis
#936 (new) Bloodsport (Robert DuBois)
#937 (new) Fear Eater
#938 (new) Cold War
#939 (new) Maxwell Lord
#951 (-273) Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
#952 (-96) Max Mercury
#960 (-43) Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond)
#972 (-76) Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)
#974 (-43) Falcon (Sam Wilson)
#978 (-63) Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
#979 (-104) Klaw (Ulysses Klaw)
#980 (-61) Metallo (John Corben)
#983 (-45) Thunderbolt Ross (Thaddeus Ross)
#984 (-45) Brick (Daniel Brickwell)
#985 (-45) Killer Croc (Waylon Jones)
#986 (-50) Cloak (Tyrone Johnson)
#987 (-46) Lady Deathstrike (Yuriko Oyama)
#988 (-46) Dan Hibiki
#989 (-46) Lizard (Curt Conors)
#990 (-46) Zangief
#991 (-46) Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)
#992 (-46) Sabretooth (Victor Creed)
#DNR Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)
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