2018 was packed full of surprises, with many heroes facing defeat, and very little action at the top of the list. Thanos was the biggest mover of the year, decimating his way into the Top 10 with a special spotlight on Infinity Gauntlet!
Significant gains were made further down the list by an eclectic cadre of stand-outs: Gladiator, Mar-Vell, Siryn, Goliath, Vulture, Domino, Typhoid Mary, and Steel Serpent. There were major declines, as well, with a significant drop felt by: Enchantress, Cloak, Demogoblin, and The Flash. A Marvel heavy year generally worked against DC, but Green Lantern and Aquaman vied for the #20 spot, with Orion recording the biggest increase for a DC character with +81. It's worth noting that 2018 was also the first year in Secret Wars on Infinite Earths history to go without featuring perennial #1: Batman!
The list below spotlights the many characters who made appearances in 2018. This includes featured fights and Hero of the Week. We shattered 900 ranked characters this year! You can compare and contrast by looking back at the 2017 Rankings Recap. Remember: Some movement is incidental.
#1 (--) Batman (Bruce Wayne)
#2 (--) Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
#3 (--) Iron Man (Tony Stark)
#4 (--) Wolverine (James "Logan" Howlett)
#5 (--) Superman (Kal-El)
#6 (--) Hulk (Bruce Banner)
#7 (--) Captain America (Steve Rogers)
#8 (--) Power Man (Luke Cage)
#9 (+342) Thanos
#10 (-1) Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards)
#11 (-1) Thing (Benjamin Grimm)
#12 (-1) Invisible Woman (Susan Storm)
#13 (-1) Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
#14 (-1) Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
#15 (-1) Wonder Woman (Diana)
#16 (+2) Venom Symbiote
#17 (-2) The Flash (Barry Allen)
#18 (-2) Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
#19 (-2) Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
#20 (+8) Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
#21 (+37) Aquaman (Arthur Curry)
#22 (-3) Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
#25 (-2) Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
#26 (-2) Doctor Strange (Stephen Strange)
#27 (-5) Sub-Mariner (Namor McKenzie)
#29 (-3) The Flash (Wally West)
#30 (-3) Steel (John Henry Irons)
#33 (-2) Hawkman (Carter Hall)
#35 (-2) Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd)
#42 (+69) Venom (Eddie Brock)
#43 (-3) Red Hood (Jason Todd)
#46 (+24) Wasp (Janet Van Dyne)
#47 (-4) Juggernaut (Cain Marko)
#49 (+78) Black Panther (T'Challa)
#52 (+23) Bronze Tiger (Ben Turner)
#54 (-6) Winter Soldier (James "Bucky" Barnes)
#60 (+31) Jessica Jones
#64 (-7) Morbius (Michael Morbius)
#65 (+31) Deathstroke (Slade Wilson)
#68 (-7) Captain Marvel Jr (Freddy Freeman)
#72 (+42) Deadshot (Floyd Lawton)
#73 (+45) Vixen (Marie McCabe)
#75 (-12) Doctor Light (Arthur Light)
#76 (-9) Cyclops (Scott Summers)
#77 (-9) Doctor Doom (Victor Von Doom)
#78 (-8) Raiden
#83 (-8) Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
#84 (-8) Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
#86 (new) Terraxia
#91 (+84) Orion
#100 (-8) Vindicator (Heather Hudson)
#101 (+198) Domino (Neena Thurman)
#102 (+125) Steel Serpent (Davos)
#105 (+21) Nova (Richard Rider)
#108 (-5) Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
#110 (-11) Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)
#111 (-6) Cable (Nathaniel Summers)
#116 (-9) Superboy (Connor Kent)
#119 (-9) Captain Marvel (Billy Batson)
#120 (-7) Red Lantern (Guy Gardner)
#121 (-9) Phoenix (Jean Grey)
#122 (+3) Drax (Arthur Douglas)
#126 (-24) Sinestro (Thaal Sinestro)
#134 (+249) Siryn (Teresa Cassidy)
#135 (+33) Bizarro
#140 (-7) Beta Ray Bill
#142 (+143) Typhoid Mary (Mary Walker)
#152 (new) Aquagirl (Tula)
#169 (+269) Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)
#170 (+271) Gladiator (Kallark)
#200 (-8) Doppelganger
#300 (-5) Blockbuster (Mark Desmond)
#311 (new) Captain Comet (Adam Blake)
#313 (new) Ghost (Unknown)
#314 (new) Mister Negative (Martin Li)
#315 (new) Dolphin (Unknown)
#317 (new) Rag Doll (Peter Merkel)
#320 (-9) Champion of the Universe (Tryco Slatterus)
#323 (-188) The Flash (Jay Garrick)
#326 (+208) Vulture (Adrian Toomes)
#364 (+216) Goliath (Bill Foster)
#367 (-57) Ghost Rider (Dan Ketch)
#380 (-21) Vision
#384 (-19) Scorpion (Mac Gargan)
#386 (-13) Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold)
#387 (-19) She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
#388 (-19) Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff)
#392 (-15) The Joker
#400 (-14) Equus
#421 (new) Eradicator
#500 (-14) Doctor Yinsen (Prof. Ho Yinsen)
#544 (new) Danny Peyer
#545 (new) Misty Knight
#549 (-21) Dracula
#554 (new) Mera
#555 (-64) Ocean Master (Orm Marius)
#565 (new) Tempest (Garth)
#600 (-21) Hulkling (Dorrek Vill)
#700 (-19) Gruagach
#800 (-19) Professor Thorton (Truett Hudson)
#828 (-19) Batwoman (Kate Kane)
#860 (-19) Brainiac (Vril Dox)
#862 (new) Klaw (Ulysses Klaw)
#863 (new) Stalnoivolk (Ivan Gort)
#864 (new) Quasar (Wendell Vaughn)
#865 (new) Kingsize
#866 (new) Doctor Nemesis (Michael Stockton)
#867 (new) Black Manta (David Hyde)
#869 (new) Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson)
#870 (new) Firelord (Pyreus Kril)
#873 (-11) Electro (Maxwell Dillon)
#874 (-342) Enchantress (June Moone)
#878 (-29) Red Skull (Johann Schmidt)
#881 (-212) Demogoblin
#882 (-305) Cloak (Tyrone Johnson)
#888 (-31) Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond)
#890 (-31) Metallo (John Corben)
#900 (-30) Kingpin (Wilson Fisk)
#903 (-30) Falcon (Sam Wilson)
#907 (-29) Toad (Mortimer Toynbee)
#908 (-29) Red Hulk (Gen. Thaddeus Thunderbolt Ross)
#909 (-29) Brick (Daniel Brickwell)
#910 (-29) Killer Croc (Waylon Jones)
#911 (-34) Lady Deathstrike (Yuriko Oyama)
#912 (-30) Dan Hibiki
#913 (-30) Lizard (Dr. Curt Connors)
#914 (-30) Zangief
#915 (-30) Sabretooth (Victor Creed)
#916 (-30) Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)
#DNR Flash Gordon
#DNR Mon-El (Lar Gand)
#DNR Piccolo
#DNR Killmonger (Erik Killmonger)
#DNR Rogol Zaar
#DNR The Chief (Niles Caulder)
#DNR Spawn (Al Simmons)
#DNR Omega Red (Arkady Rossovich)
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