Real Name: Jason Rusch
First Appearance: Firestorm #1 (July, 2004)
Fight Club Ranking: #86
Featured Fights:
- vs SINESTRO CORPS: Green Lantern #25 (Jan 2008)
- vs INJUSTICE LEAGUE: Justice League of America #15 (Jan 2008)
Cross another name off the Injustice 2 character wishlist! If you had Firestorm in your office pool, you're in luck! The Nuclear Man got the full spotlight trailer treatment late last week, confirming the arrival of the Jason Rusch version of the character -- and our inevitable Hero of the Week!
Ever since diving back into the post-Crisis '80s of DC Comics [see; Legends]; I've really been jamming to Firestorm. Sure, it was the Ronnie Raymond version that got my meter ticking over, but who's really keeping score? In the fighting game arena it's apples for apples. I kinda like the visual aesthetic of the Rusch update [see mugshot above], so that's a plus. Or at least, it could be...
It's not all good news when it comes to the Firestorm reveal. The design and general nature of the character seems to have got away from developers: NetherRealm Studios.
Granted, their situation isn't entirely enviable. The molecular transmutation of inanimate objects isn't exactly in the wheelhouse of your typical side-to-side fighting game. If "balance" wasn't an issue, it'd be very interesting to see how Firestorm could counter-act the strengths of certain characters. Instead, they're relying heavily on the character's basic element of fire. It's unclear if he has any other tricks up his sleeves -- which are sadly less than puffy. Underwhelming when it comes to representing the character within the reality of a three-dimensionally rendered video game.
That sense of reality only seems to be a burden when it comes to the character's design. NetherRealm have tried to adapt the basic look of the character, but their dimensions and rendering leave Firestorm looking like a bucket-headed dingus.
The classic look of Firestorm has always been a slightly tricky proposition, occasionally looking a little on the robot-head side, which I'm not a fan of. I'm at least pleased to see them attempt a costume. The low grade aesthetics of their CW TV contemporaries could've given Injustice 2 permission to omit the costume headgear all together. Although, that wouldn't do much for the game's Gear System, which could still be a saving grace.
Word is the RPG Gear System will offer a lot of customizable costume options, and I'll be hoping dearly there are some '80s puffy sleeves to be unlocked with untold fashion power-ups! Something more in common with the sculpted, highlight laden Rusch look of the comics would be nice [see mugshot again]. Something to tone down those ear cups might be nice, too. He looks a little too much like a novelty stress toy.
It should be noted that Green Arrow returns to fight in the Firestorm trailer as well. I've kinda been taking for granted he'd show up sooner or later. Firestorm may not be perfect, but he's the one worth the excitement of Hero of the Week! Injustice 2 comes out this May, so we've still got a few months to look forward to more discussion from the game!
If you don't want to wait to see more from the DC Universe, you can jump straight into the Archive Index to check out hundreds of battles! You can also get daily links inspired by the topics of the day by liking & following on Twitter and Facebook! Sadly, we're short on Jason Rusch, but if you want more Firestorm be sure to check out the original by clicking the name!
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