The Evil Dr. Volt (Quality)
Where: Plastic Man #7 When: Spring 1947
Why: Jack Cole How: John Spranger
The Story So Far...
Midnight in the city brings a deluge of rain and a chance for crime. The Little Moron Mob are out to make a big score -- and their target is an after hours withdrawal from the city bank!
An anonymous tip puts Plastic Man and Woozy Winks right at the scene. At the first sign of trouble they spring into action, striking like lightning to apprehend the bank robbing mob. They aren't the only men with eyes on the thieves, though!
Watching from across the street is the sinister scientist Doctor Volt! With his own designs for robbing the bank, he expedites the process by directing literal lightning at one of the Little Morons! While Plastic Man takes the rest of the mob to jail, Woozy Winks watches the corpse - forcing Volt to strike once again!
Tale of the Tape...

Strength: Plastic Man 5 (Super-Human)
Intelligence: Doctor Volt 3 (Straight A)
Speed: Plastic Man 3 (Athlete)
Stamina: Plastic Man 6 (Generator)
Agility: Plastic Man 7 (Unlimited)
Fighting: Plastic Man 3 (Street Wise)
Energy: Doctor Volt 5 (Lasers)
Total: Plastic Man 27 (Metahuman)
Doctor Volt is an aptly named mad scientist with specialized expertise in the field of lightning. His laboratory is home to a "super lightning generator" said to be capable of conjuring a 50 million volt strike. Given the average lightning bolt can carry up to 1 billion volts charge -- that might be a conservative estimate!
What makes Doctor Volt truly dangerous is his portable generator, which can direct an artificial lightning strike just by pointing the handheld box! A device already used to kill one of the Little Moron Mob right where he stood!
This one ultimately boils down to a simple question: Can you electrocute a man whose body behaves just like rubber?
Plastic Man was safe-cracker Patrick "Eel" O'Brien until he was shot by a night watchman during a break-in at Crawford Chemical Works. Left for dead by his gang of burglars, he soon discovered exposure to unknown chemicals had given his body the impossible power to bend and reshape itself like rubber!
We briefly saw Plastic Man stretching to save the citizens of New York City when the Sinestro Corps attacked in Green Lantern #25. It offered a small glimpse of his ability to extend body and limbs, but that's just the tip of the iceberg!
Plastic Man can assume the shape of almost anything you can imagine! He can also absorb incredible amounts of impacting force, and bounce back totally unscathed! He's essentially a living cartoon -- and dedicated to upholding the law with his hapless pal and sidekick, Woozy Winks.
Plastic Man has been likened to one of the most powerful men on Earth, largely due to his incredible durability. That said, at extremes he can be temporarily concussed, or even chemically interfered with using energy fields, heat, or liquid compounds. He always pulls himself back together, but he can be defeated.
Science challenges the life-saving virtues of rubber soled boots, but Plastic Man has more rubber than the average pair of galoshes. In reality, the insulating properties of rubber may still be effected by the 50,000F degree heat generated by a direct lightning strike -- but this is comics! He can probably take it!
Woozy Winks, on the other hand, is totally human and in real danger. Dr. Volt makes no bones about using his machine to kill, so Plastic Man will have the distraction of keeping his dopey buddy safe. Balancing this out is Volt's own goal to rob the bank, and his portable generator's limitation of three lightning strikes.
The wet night will play to Doctor Volt's advantage. Let's see how it went...
The Tape: Plastic Man Ranking: Plastic Man (#279)
What Went Down...
A sudden lightning strike leaves one of the Little Moron Mob lying smoldering in the gutter. It's up to Woozy Winks to keep watch over the fresh corpse while Plastic Man deposits the rest of the gang in a nearby jail cell!
Unbeknownst to our intrepid heroes, the misfortunate mobster was struck down by another ne'er-do-well who watches from across the street.
The dastardly Dr. Volt is waiting for his opportunity to rob the same bank, but with Woozy on the lookout, he couldn't possibly get away with it. His deadly lightning device has only two charges remaining, and he'll need them to break the external door and vault. Necessity inspires invention in the doctor!
Volt sprints through the rain to meet Woozy with what appears to be a camera under his arm. He arrives singing the praises of Plastic Man's loyal side kick, claiming to represent the world press. He requests a photo of the hero who took down the Little Moron Mob, lining him up perfectly with the bank door!
Woozy lifts his soggy hat and strikes a pose, perfectly positioned to be flash fried in the path of a strike headed for the front door. Dr. Volt aims his disguised machine and fires off his second lightning bolt with a shrieking blast!
Unseen beneath the blinding flash: Plastic Man formed a protective shield in front of Woozy at the very last moment! His rubbery body absorbs the lightning strike with minimal damage -- a poor conductor for its electrical charge!
Caught red-handed, Dr. Volt makes a mad dash for freedom. He can't possibly outrun the long arm of the law when it's the extended limb of Plastic Man!
Plastic Man appeals to Dr. Volt's intelligence, reasoning that his machine is useless against his insulated rubber body, so he doesn't stand a chance.
The doctor agrees, finding another use for the device as it's final charge brings a destructive blast against the overhanging edge of a nearby roof!
The wily gambit pays off -- sending tons of rooftop rubble raining down upon the outstretched body of Plastic Man! There's little the hero can do as he's rapidly buried beneath boulders of masonry and stone!
Woozy Winks fears the worst as he paws at the demolished mound, believing his best friend Plastic Man to be nothing more than a grease stain on the pavement. Fortunately, it's not so easy to keep a Plastic Man down! He soon stretches his way free from the rubble -- ready to resume the chase for justice!
Where: Plastic Man #7 When: Spring 1947
Why: Jack Cole How: John Spranger
The Story So Far...
Midnight in the city brings a deluge of rain and a chance for crime. The Little Moron Mob are out to make a big score -- and their target is an after hours withdrawal from the city bank!
An anonymous tip puts Plastic Man and Woozy Winks right at the scene. At the first sign of trouble they spring into action, striking like lightning to apprehend the bank robbing mob. They aren't the only men with eyes on the thieves, though!
Watching from across the street is the sinister scientist Doctor Volt! With his own designs for robbing the bank, he expedites the process by directing literal lightning at one of the Little Morons! While Plastic Man takes the rest of the mob to jail, Woozy Winks watches the corpse - forcing Volt to strike once again!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Doctor Volt 3 (Straight A)
Speed: Plastic Man 3 (Athlete)
Stamina: Plastic Man 6 (Generator)
Agility: Plastic Man 7 (Unlimited)
Fighting: Plastic Man 3 (Street Wise)
Energy: Doctor Volt 5 (Lasers)
Total: Plastic Man 27 (Metahuman)
Doctor Volt is an aptly named mad scientist with specialized expertise in the field of lightning. His laboratory is home to a "super lightning generator" said to be capable of conjuring a 50 million volt strike. Given the average lightning bolt can carry up to 1 billion volts charge -- that might be a conservative estimate!
What makes Doctor Volt truly dangerous is his portable generator, which can direct an artificial lightning strike just by pointing the handheld box! A device already used to kill one of the Little Moron Mob right where he stood!
This one ultimately boils down to a simple question: Can you electrocute a man whose body behaves just like rubber?
Plastic Man was safe-cracker Patrick "Eel" O'Brien until he was shot by a night watchman during a break-in at Crawford Chemical Works. Left for dead by his gang of burglars, he soon discovered exposure to unknown chemicals had given his body the impossible power to bend and reshape itself like rubber!
We briefly saw Plastic Man stretching to save the citizens of New York City when the Sinestro Corps attacked in Green Lantern #25. It offered a small glimpse of his ability to extend body and limbs, but that's just the tip of the iceberg!
Plastic Man can assume the shape of almost anything you can imagine! He can also absorb incredible amounts of impacting force, and bounce back totally unscathed! He's essentially a living cartoon -- and dedicated to upholding the law with his hapless pal and sidekick, Woozy Winks.
Plastic Man has been likened to one of the most powerful men on Earth, largely due to his incredible durability. That said, at extremes he can be temporarily concussed, or even chemically interfered with using energy fields, heat, or liquid compounds. He always pulls himself back together, but he can be defeated.
Science challenges the life-saving virtues of rubber soled boots, but Plastic Man has more rubber than the average pair of galoshes. In reality, the insulating properties of rubber may still be effected by the 50,000F degree heat generated by a direct lightning strike -- but this is comics! He can probably take it!
Woozy Winks, on the other hand, is totally human and in real danger. Dr. Volt makes no bones about using his machine to kill, so Plastic Man will have the distraction of keeping his dopey buddy safe. Balancing this out is Volt's own goal to rob the bank, and his portable generator's limitation of three lightning strikes.
The wet night will play to Doctor Volt's advantage. Let's see how it went...
The Tape: Plastic Man Ranking: Plastic Man (#279)
What Went Down...
A sudden lightning strike leaves one of the Little Moron Mob lying smoldering in the gutter. It's up to Woozy Winks to keep watch over the fresh corpse while Plastic Man deposits the rest of the gang in a nearby jail cell!
Unbeknownst to our intrepid heroes, the misfortunate mobster was struck down by another ne'er-do-well who watches from across the street.
The dastardly Dr. Volt is waiting for his opportunity to rob the same bank, but with Woozy on the lookout, he couldn't possibly get away with it. His deadly lightning device has only two charges remaining, and he'll need them to break the external door and vault. Necessity inspires invention in the doctor!
Volt sprints through the rain to meet Woozy with what appears to be a camera under his arm. He arrives singing the praises of Plastic Man's loyal side kick, claiming to represent the world press. He requests a photo of the hero who took down the Little Moron Mob, lining him up perfectly with the bank door!
Woozy lifts his soggy hat and strikes a pose, perfectly positioned to be flash fried in the path of a strike headed for the front door. Dr. Volt aims his disguised machine and fires off his second lightning bolt with a shrieking blast!
Unseen beneath the blinding flash: Plastic Man formed a protective shield in front of Woozy at the very last moment! His rubbery body absorbs the lightning strike with minimal damage -- a poor conductor for its electrical charge!
Caught red-handed, Dr. Volt makes a mad dash for freedom. He can't possibly outrun the long arm of the law when it's the extended limb of Plastic Man!
Plastic Man appeals to Dr. Volt's intelligence, reasoning that his machine is useless against his insulated rubber body, so he doesn't stand a chance.
The doctor agrees, finding another use for the device as it's final charge brings a destructive blast against the overhanging edge of a nearby roof!
The wily gambit pays off -- sending tons of rooftop rubble raining down upon the outstretched body of Plastic Man! There's little the hero can do as he's rapidly buried beneath boulders of masonry and stone!
Woozy Winks fears the worst as he paws at the demolished mound, believing his best friend Plastic Man to be nothing more than a grease stain on the pavement. Fortunately, it's not so easy to keep a Plastic Man down! He soon stretches his way free from the rubble -- ready to resume the chase for justice!
The Hammer...
It was Plastic Man's dogged determination that ultimately got the better of him! If he'd been a little more cautious, he might not have been so easily pinned beneath the cascading carnage. Not that it kept him down for long!
When I was preparing for the latest installment of The Contest [Plastic Man vs Bltizkrieg], I couldn't actually remember a specific instance where Plastic Man was shown to be immune to electricity. It seemed like a no brainer: his body's like rubber -- rubber is non-conductive. He must've shrugged off hundreds of electric shocks over the decades. Right?..
I figured I'd do some quick research to support my presumption, but lo and behold -- it was remarkably difficult to find verifying sources!
Apparently the obvious pairing of a rubberized hero and evil electricity just wasn't as common as I'd expected. Resistance to electricity doesn't even warrant a mention on the various Wikis that list Plastic Man's invulnerabilities and weaknesses. Not that they would've been my preferred source...
I dug up this classic example from Plastic Man #7 to address the subject head-on. Usually I prefer to review physical copies I've scanned myself, but I'm breaking my rule in the hopes of performing a service for curious fans. The 1947 issue has lapsed into the public domain, so you can legally read it for free on Comic Book+, even though DC acquired the rights to Quality Comics in 1956.
It, of course, hasn't escaped my notice that Plastic Man was defeated in the first skirmish. Dr. Volt used ingenuity to temporarily incapacitate Plas' by burying him in rubble. The thing to notice here is that he was able to absorb a direct lightning strike with only a small plume of smoke to show.
I have to imagine there are more examples of Plastic Man facing an electrical current. I am aware of a popular example cited from Superman/Batman #31, but that was Lex Luthor using an unspecified energy field to disrupt the stability of Plastic Man's physical composition, rather than simple electrocution.
Navigating the real world science of lightning strikes on rubber doesn't seem to be much easier. Most articles are preoccupied with public safety, and busting myths about the protective properties of rubber boots, or car tyres. The voltage and heat of a direct strike is too high for common insulators to hold up.
This is ultimately a matter of fiction, and real-world science can only offer so much insight. Plastic Man is an impossible hero able to withstand impossible danger. Needs of the modern era may interpret this differently, but for the time being, we can record that Dr. Volt could not stop Plastic Man with lightning.
This is a bonus battle added to the current schedule. If you like Secret Wars on Infinite Earths and want to see more entries like this, you can support the project (and my continued survival) via Patreon. Patrons can get involved with extra voting polls, and options for choosing special feature articles.
If you'd like to own a print version of this story, and discover more from the original Quality Comics run, you can find it collected in Plastic Man Archive Edition: Volume 7. Using the Amazon link provided to do your shopping will also help support Secret Wars on Infinite Earths at no additional cost to you!
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Winner: Doctor Volt
#333 (new) Doctor Volt
#357 (-78) Plastic Man
#578 (new) Woozy Winks [+1 assist]
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