The Widow Part Two of Four (Marvel)
Where: Daredevil #62 When: September 2004
Why: Brian Michael Bendis How: Alex Maleev
The Story So Far...
It's been one year since Daredevil attempted to finish his endless war with Wilson Fisk by dumping the crime boss's defeated body in the street. He has declared himself the new Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen, but his reign has not gone smoothly.
Tabloid press have outed Matt Murdock as Daredevil, and despite his stringent denials, the blind lawyer is caught in a tangled web of public adoration, marital breakdown, and criminal liability. Enter: Black Widow.
Agent Natasha Romanova seeks refuge with her former lover when Nick Fury warns her of corrupt movements within SHIELD. The visit provides a welcome distraction for the man without fear, and the safety of public visibility for the Widow, but a night of playing superhero is about to compound their problems!
Tale of the Tape...

Strength: Daredevil 3 (Athlete)
Intelligence: Black Widow 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Daredevil 4 (Olympian)
Stamina: Daredevil 5 (Marathoner)
Agility: Black Widow 4 (Gymnast)
Fighting: Daredevil 5 (Martial Artist)
Energy: Jigsaw 2 (Projectiles)
Total: Daredevil 26 (Metahuman)
The details of Jigsaw's origin have changed over the years, but the general premise remains simple: Billy "The Beaut" Russo was a hitman for the mob until he crossed The Punisher and got thrown face-first through a plate glass window.
Russo's face was shredded, but surgeons stitched it back together, leaving a hideous jigsaw pattern of scars. In his early appearances he wore a supportive exo-suit that covered all but his disfigured face. He wore it in early outings against Punisher, Spider-Man, and Nightcrawler, but predominantly relies on toughness, gunmanship, and connections in the underworld.
Daredevil knows the criminal underworld better than most, making his home in crime-ridden Hell's Kitchen. Local street toughs rarely get the drop on him thanks to his radar perspective and greatly enhanced senses. Jigsaw probably shouldn't be too much of a problem.
We've seen DD go up against Jigsaw's arch-nemesis in Daredevil #257 and Daredevil (Vol.2) #65, deftly handling Punisher's blend of military hand-to-hand combat and gunmanship. He's also turned the tables on Turk in Marvel Comics Presents #19, and bested super-powered brawler Tombstone in Daredevil #91.
Throw in Black Widow and Jigsaw's chances are pretty much shot. Natasha Romanova is every bit the supreme martial artist and acrobat that Daredevil is, keeping company with the Avengers and their many super-powered adversaries.
The Widow is a long time partner for Daredevil, having bunked with the blind lawyer in the seventies. We saw her provide the assist in Daredevil #79, while her most compelling battle on record was another team-up, with Iron Man, against the powerful armored Titanium Man in Iron Man #316!
Black Widow's back in town to lie low with her former lover and it looks like her presence makes Jigsaw's defeat a foregone conclusion. Did it? Let's take a look.
The Tape: Daredevil & Black Widow Ranking: Daredevil (#11)
What Went Down...
Bullets spray across the North Shore Pier. A hideously disfigured man yells obscenities into the night. His name is Billy Russo, but ever since The Punisher introduced his face to a pane of glass he's answered to the name of Jigsaw.
Inspiring his gun violence are two figures moving in the shadows. Jigsaw pins them down with twin submachine . Their bullets spray with wanton regard for accuracy, held at head height in the general direction of the intended targets.
Taking shelter from the gunfire behind steel barrels: Daredevil and Black Widow exchange a flippant flirtation. They're biding their time. Daredevil's radar senses give him a clear lay of the land. Jigsaw's sloppy shooting affords time to spare.
Daredevil calls an one-two play from their past team-ups. Black Widow mocks his old moves, but agrees to play along. They strike!
The vigilante heroes launch into a beautifully acrobatic assault. They dance between Jigsaw's bullets, sending his guns flying through the air, still firing, as they collide with his throat and chest in synchronized kicks.
The Hammer...
We can only presume the double-kick is the finishing blow. The next page shows Daredevil and Black Widow retreating to a rooftop to cool down, and reminisce about past post-battle romances.
We can at least be relatively certain of their victory: Jigsaw returns later in the issue having posted $15,000 bail. A tidy sum for being picked up and held in custody after his defeat.
He believes it's the price to pay for stepping too close to Daredevil's turf when he shows up in the offices of Murdock & Nelson looking to get into the "Murdock business".
Daredevil successfully overthrew Wilson Fisk and declared himself Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen twelve issues ago. Jigsaw has mistaken the new order for another arrangement in organized crime. He thinks he just needs to pay a cut to respect the new boss of the town -- but he's sorely mistaken.
The press has also seemingly outed Matt Murdock as Daredevil at this time, but he maintains a façade of innocence by deflecting any acknowledgment that he's the red garbed vigilante - or new Kingpin - even to Jigsaw. The veil of plausible deniability will be crucial to restoring the status quo, but also leads to a fun, unexpected trap when Jigsaw comes looking for a reprisal at Murdock's home in the final issue of the arc.
This is part two of a four issue story billed around Black Widow. At a glance it seems like a deviation, but it actually compliments the continuum of Daredevil's tumultuous existence, even as it affords some sense of relief from it.
The arc plays like a deliberate chance to revisit DD and Black Widow's iconic relationship for its own sake, while also pitting him against one of the great Marvel street criminals he hasn't dealt with all that much. It's definitely ticking those boxes for a storied run, but both external elements compliment the building pressure of Matt Murdock's failing marriage to Milla Donovan, and his rash decision to declare himself the very thing he hates.
Black Widow plays a quality guest role as a major protagonist in the arc. She's a character long associated with team-ups and memberships. She of course co-starred in Daredevil in the early seventies, making frequent return appearances in the years since. Remarkably, she didn't get her own titular series until 1999!
I'd presume gender bias in the market had a role to play, along with the decline of the Cold War, and perhaps less interest in spy stories after a boom in the 60s. It was probably a missed opportunity, but when I was growing up reading back issues it did give her a suitably mercurial quality. You never quite knew for sure where Black Widow might strike next!
Scarlet Johansson was originally scheduled to star in her first solo cinematic adventure last month, but the COVID-19 global pandemic pushed the release back to November while theatres remained shut.
I figured it was still a nice time to dig in to one of the Black Widow team-ups I've enjoyed over the years. Hopefully you've enjoyed it, too! You might also like to revisit Iron Man #316, and keep your eyes peeled to the Black Widow tag, or Secret Archive index for future updates.
Secret Wars on Infinite Earths has featured well over 600 battles! If you like superhero smackdown and want to see the service prosper you can contribute to the cause via Patreon. Patrons gain inside access to the schedule, and can get involved with special feature articles and polls.
You can check out the entire issue and story from today's featured fight in Daredevil Vol. 4 or Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev Omnibus Vol. 2. Using the Amazon purchase links provided to do your shopped won't just get you a great deal -- it will also support the site at no extra cost!
Get updates and daily links to featured fights inspired by the topic of the day by following on Twitter and Facebook. Be sure to hit like & share!
Winner: Daredevil & Black Widow
#9 (+2) Daredevil
#56 (+33) Black Widow
#918 (new) Jigsaw
Where: Daredevil #62 When: September 2004
Why: Brian Michael Bendis How: Alex Maleev
The Story So Far...
It's been one year since Daredevil attempted to finish his endless war with Wilson Fisk by dumping the crime boss's defeated body in the street. He has declared himself the new Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen, but his reign has not gone smoothly.
Tabloid press have outed Matt Murdock as Daredevil, and despite his stringent denials, the blind lawyer is caught in a tangled web of public adoration, marital breakdown, and criminal liability. Enter: Black Widow.
Agent Natasha Romanova seeks refuge with her former lover when Nick Fury warns her of corrupt movements within SHIELD. The visit provides a welcome distraction for the man without fear, and the safety of public visibility for the Widow, but a night of playing superhero is about to compound their problems!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Black Widow 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Daredevil 4 (Olympian)
Stamina: Daredevil 5 (Marathoner)
Agility: Black Widow 4 (Gymnast)
Fighting: Daredevil 5 (Martial Artist)
Energy: Jigsaw 2 (Projectiles)
Total: Daredevil 26 (Metahuman)
The details of Jigsaw's origin have changed over the years, but the general premise remains simple: Billy "The Beaut" Russo was a hitman for the mob until he crossed The Punisher and got thrown face-first through a plate glass window.
Russo's face was shredded, but surgeons stitched it back together, leaving a hideous jigsaw pattern of scars. In his early appearances he wore a supportive exo-suit that covered all but his disfigured face. He wore it in early outings against Punisher, Spider-Man, and Nightcrawler, but predominantly relies on toughness, gunmanship, and connections in the underworld.
Daredevil knows the criminal underworld better than most, making his home in crime-ridden Hell's Kitchen. Local street toughs rarely get the drop on him thanks to his radar perspective and greatly enhanced senses. Jigsaw probably shouldn't be too much of a problem.
We've seen DD go up against Jigsaw's arch-nemesis in Daredevil #257 and Daredevil (Vol.2) #65, deftly handling Punisher's blend of military hand-to-hand combat and gunmanship. He's also turned the tables on Turk in Marvel Comics Presents #19, and bested super-powered brawler Tombstone in Daredevil #91.
Throw in Black Widow and Jigsaw's chances are pretty much shot. Natasha Romanova is every bit the supreme martial artist and acrobat that Daredevil is, keeping company with the Avengers and their many super-powered adversaries.
The Widow is a long time partner for Daredevil, having bunked with the blind lawyer in the seventies. We saw her provide the assist in Daredevil #79, while her most compelling battle on record was another team-up, with Iron Man, against the powerful armored Titanium Man in Iron Man #316!
Black Widow's back in town to lie low with her former lover and it looks like her presence makes Jigsaw's defeat a foregone conclusion. Did it? Let's take a look.
The Tape: Daredevil & Black Widow Ranking: Daredevil (#11)
What Went Down...
Bullets spray across the North Shore Pier. A hideously disfigured man yells obscenities into the night. His name is Billy Russo, but ever since The Punisher introduced his face to a pane of glass he's answered to the name of Jigsaw.
Inspiring his gun violence are two figures moving in the shadows. Jigsaw pins them down with twin submachine . Their bullets spray with wanton regard for accuracy, held at head height in the general direction of the intended targets.
Taking shelter from the gunfire behind steel barrels: Daredevil and Black Widow exchange a flippant flirtation. They're biding their time. Daredevil's radar senses give him a clear lay of the land. Jigsaw's sloppy shooting affords time to spare.
Daredevil calls an one-two play from their past team-ups. Black Widow mocks his old moves, but agrees to play along. They strike!
The vigilante heroes launch into a beautifully acrobatic assault. They dance between Jigsaw's bullets, sending his guns flying through the air, still firing, as they collide with his throat and chest in synchronized kicks.
The Hammer...

We can at least be relatively certain of their victory: Jigsaw returns later in the issue having posted $15,000 bail. A tidy sum for being picked up and held in custody after his defeat.
He believes it's the price to pay for stepping too close to Daredevil's turf when he shows up in the offices of Murdock & Nelson looking to get into the "Murdock business".
Daredevil successfully overthrew Wilson Fisk and declared himself Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen twelve issues ago. Jigsaw has mistaken the new order for another arrangement in organized crime. He thinks he just needs to pay a cut to respect the new boss of the town -- but he's sorely mistaken.
The press has also seemingly outed Matt Murdock as Daredevil at this time, but he maintains a façade of innocence by deflecting any acknowledgment that he's the red garbed vigilante - or new Kingpin - even to Jigsaw. The veil of plausible deniability will be crucial to restoring the status quo, but also leads to a fun, unexpected trap when Jigsaw comes looking for a reprisal at Murdock's home in the final issue of the arc.
This is part two of a four issue story billed around Black Widow. At a glance it seems like a deviation, but it actually compliments the continuum of Daredevil's tumultuous existence, even as it affords some sense of relief from it.
The arc plays like a deliberate chance to revisit DD and Black Widow's iconic relationship for its own sake, while also pitting him against one of the great Marvel street criminals he hasn't dealt with all that much. It's definitely ticking those boxes for a storied run, but both external elements compliment the building pressure of Matt Murdock's failing marriage to Milla Donovan, and his rash decision to declare himself the very thing he hates.
Black Widow plays a quality guest role as a major protagonist in the arc. She's a character long associated with team-ups and memberships. She of course co-starred in Daredevil in the early seventies, making frequent return appearances in the years since. Remarkably, she didn't get her own titular series until 1999!
I'd presume gender bias in the market had a role to play, along with the decline of the Cold War, and perhaps less interest in spy stories after a boom in the 60s. It was probably a missed opportunity, but when I was growing up reading back issues it did give her a suitably mercurial quality. You never quite knew for sure where Black Widow might strike next!
Scarlet Johansson was originally scheduled to star in her first solo cinematic adventure last month, but the COVID-19 global pandemic pushed the release back to November while theatres remained shut.
I figured it was still a nice time to dig in to one of the Black Widow team-ups I've enjoyed over the years. Hopefully you've enjoyed it, too! You might also like to revisit Iron Man #316, and keep your eyes peeled to the Black Widow tag, or Secret Archive index for future updates.
Secret Wars on Infinite Earths has featured well over 600 battles! If you like superhero smackdown and want to see the service prosper you can contribute to the cause via Patreon. Patrons gain inside access to the schedule, and can get involved with special feature articles and polls.
You can check out the entire issue and story from today's featured fight in Daredevil Vol. 4 or Daredevil by Bendis & Maleev Omnibus Vol. 2. Using the Amazon purchase links provided to do your shopped won't just get you a great deal -- it will also support the site at no extra cost!
Get updates and daily links to featured fights inspired by the topic of the day by following on Twitter and Facebook. Be sure to hit like & share!
Winner: Daredevil & Black Widow
#9 (+2) Daredevil
#56 (+33) Black Widow
#918 (new) Jigsaw
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