When Titans Splash (Marvel)
Where: Namor The Sub-Mariner #59 When: February 1995 Why: Glenn Herdling How: Geof Isherwood
The Story So Far...
The Abomination is an unexpected intruder in the Sub-Mariner's domain, but the gamma-irradiated powerhouse is merely a pawn in a grand scheme to construct underwater nuclear reactors for artificial island bases!
Where: Namor The Sub-Mariner #59 When: February 1995 Why: Glenn Herdling How: Geof Isherwood
The Story So Far...
The Abomination is an unexpected intruder in the Sub-Mariner's domain, but the gamma-irradiated powerhouse is merely a pawn in a grand scheme to construct underwater nuclear reactors for artificial island bases!
Controlling The Abomination from the safety of a cloaked deep sea vessel is a remnant of his days as a KGB agent -- and while the Sub-Mariner defends himself from the beast's attack, Stingray investigates the unseen enemy that dwells in the water.
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Sub-Mariner 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Draw 4 (Olympian)
Stamina: Abomination 6 (Generator)
Agility: Sub-Mariner 3 (Acrobat)
Fighting: Sub-Mariner 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Draw 1 (None)
Total: Sub-Mariner 29 (Meta-Human)
The Abomination is supposedly stronger than the Hulk, but even if that were true -- it won't give him any guarantees against one of the jade giant's oldest and most vexing sparring partners -- especially fighting in his domain!
Namor, the Sub-Mariner is among the strongest heroes in the Marvel Universe, reaching peak power when submerged in the sea. The life-giving waters can restore him from devastated weakness to full strength -- as we saw during his battle with Tiger Shark and The Aquanoids in Marvel Team-Up #14!
Namor has such esteem as a physical combatant that he joined Thor, Firelord, and Iron Man in the first wave assault on Thanos during Infinity Gauntlet #4, and took on a super-enhanced Ronan the Accuser in Maximum Security #3! He even bested the Mind Gem itself while on mission in New Avengers: Illuminati #2!
A contentious attitude, and obligations to the undersea kingdom of Atlantis, have made Prince Namor an opponent of heroes and villains alike.
Along with run-ins with the likes Hulk and the Fantastic Four, we've seen him almost single-handedly fight the X-Men to a standstill in X-Men #6, withstand a brainwashed Wolverine in New Invaders #6, and overwhelm Iron Man during Invincible Iron Man #12. He can stand toe-to-toe with Abomination - but will he?
The Tape: Sub-Mariner Ranking: Sub-Mariner (#33)
What Went Down...
A massive green-fisted uppercut sends Namor hurtling backwards, but the Prince of the Deep quickly corrects his course to wrap a vengeful hand around Abomination's throat!
Triton, Andromeda, and Stingray watch in horror as Abomination launches another powerful attack, socking the Sub-Mariner across the jaw with a devastating left that once again sends him streaking through the water!
Triton & Andromeda jump in to lock-up Abomination's arms, but the powerhouse simply drags them into a head-long collision by rapidly raising his fists!
Recognizing he's clearly out-matched -- Stingray leaves Abomination to his business, taking the opportunity to investigate a mysterious wave distortion spotted earlier.
Sub-Mariner returns to the fray, rising from beneath Abomination to grab hold of his jaw and thrust the behemoth's head violently upward!
A light overhead diverts Namor's attention to a materializing underwater vessel that extends a mechanical claw to grab hold of Stingray.
The distraction allows Abomination to deliver a powerful body blow that smashes Namor through underwater rocks!
The deep sea monarch recalls his acquaintance with the Hulk as Abomination smashes his fist through more rock, narrowly missing Namor's head.
A sense of urgency consumes the Sub-Mariner as he works quickly to end the fight so he can save Stingray. With the entire ocean at his command, he begins to swim rapid circles around the Abomination -- generating a crushing vortex!
Feeling the pressure of the sea bearing down on him, Abomination does the only thing he can -- smashing his palms together to send a powerful shockwave through the water that interrupts the Sub-Mariner's flow.
Namor is never the less the first to recover and resume his affront -- dive bombing both fists into Abomination's gut like an undersea torpedo!
Bravado becomes his undoing as boasting that even the Hulk never beat him beneath the sea inspires a tactical shift from Abomination.
The gamma-irradiated powerhouse manages to grab the swimming Sub-Mariner by the ankle and launch him uncontrollably toward the surface with a mighty throw!
Namor's wings aren't powerful enough to slow his ascent, but breaching the surface reveals a man-made island to the Prince of the Sea. He only has a moment to survey the military installation before Abomination joins him in the air!
Abomination launches from the water with a diving tackle, but Namor's aerial superiority gives him the foundation to punch the villain in the face -- and send them both plunging back into his domain!
The Sub-Mariner grabs hold of his opponent and steers him towards deeper waters still, challenging the Abomination's presumption to enjoy fighting underwater.
The Avenging Son threatens to test Abomination's resilience with the nitrogen blood absorption of a trip 15,000 feet below to The Hellencian Trench, but before he can make good on the excursion -- a cloaked craft orders a halt!
The mercenary Major Bogatin issues an ultimatum: the Sub-Mariner will help them pilfer a sunken submarine to construct a nuclear reactor for the Advanced Idea Mechanics' artificial island -- or they will execute Stingray!
Thus, Prince Namor joins the Abomination in reluctant servitude -- for now.
An exciting fight ends with an unlikely alliance as Sub-Mariner joins Abomination in the same predicament of indentured servitude.
Neither wishes to serve the whims of AIM -- or rather, the ex-KGB mercenary now working for them -- but both must cooperate to preserve the lives of Stingray and Abomination's ex-wife, Nadia Dornova. At least... long enough for Namor's ally Andromeda to find the cloaked sub holding them and stage a rescue.
It's another strange twist in the life and times of Emil Blonsky, who seemed to thrive after his Hulk-like transformation, but keeps finding himself in vaguely sympathetic situations, forced to serve masters who desire his power, and suffering emotional torture and hardship as a result.
This time it's the former Major Bogatin seeking to exploit Abomination's power.
He knew Blonsky from their days as KGB spies, imbedded together in the US Air Force base where Bruce Banner was developing the gamma bomb that turned him into the Hulk. Bogatin was therefore well positioned to doubt that Emil had perished when he disappeared, having been transformed into Abomination.
Apparently the erstwhile Major put it all together, and leverages his unique insight into Blonsky's earlier life to coerce him into an elaborate scheme of salvaging sunk submarines, and constructing underwater nuclear power plants without succumbing to radiation, or intense subaquatic pressure.
The story draws heavily from those seminal issues of Incredible Hulk, padding the nefarious figures lurking in the shadows to further flesh out Abomination's backstory some thirty years later. Something that had already been done with the introduction of his ex-wife in Incredible Hulk a few years earlier, in 1991.
By keeping it light and focused on telling a new story -- rather than meddling with old ones -- it succeeds rather well. They even float the idea that Abomination might be particularly well suited to fighting underwater. A simple, intuitive idea drawn from his slightly amphibious look. Gotta love those fin-like Jack Kirby ears.
By keeping it light and focused on telling a new story -- rather than meddling with old ones -- it succeeds rather well. They even float the idea that Abomination might be particularly well suited to fighting underwater. A simple, intuitive idea drawn from his slightly amphibious look. Gotta love those fin-like Jack Kirby ears.
The issue ends with Abomination catching up with his blackmailer and doing something very nasty off-panel with a sickening "KRAK". A grim end for Bogatin, who might've worked as an on-going menace in the Marvel Universe, but just exists to give an inconsequential super-villain guest spot a bit more heft.
You might've thought mutual grievance would've kept the morally ambiguous Sub-Mariner on the same page with Abomination, but once Andromeda helps Stingray escape with Nadia, the villain snatches a warhead detonator and clobbers Namor, eager to destroy Bogatin's work, seemingly with Triton in the blast zone.
It might've been an interesting premise to parlay Abomination into Sub-Mariner's limited rogues gallery, but it of course turns out the Inhuman fish-man is just fine, washed ashore by the submarine explosion. No harm, no foul, I suppose.
It might've been an interesting premise to parlay Abomination into Sub-Mariner's limited rogues gallery, but it of course turns out the Inhuman fish-man is just fine, washed ashore by the submarine explosion. No harm, no foul, I suppose.
I'm a bit of a sucker for a good villain crossover and this issue satisfies on that level. It's an interesting match-up and we at least get a pretty good taste of what it's like for Sub-Mariner and Abomination do battle. A palatable alternative to the many run-ins between Namor and Hulk over the years.
Your mileage will vary vis-a-vis the very mid-nineties artwork. Some scenes and figures have a very rough finish with unrefined detail, such as faces, while others look dynamic and well staged. That roughness seemed to become a curious signature of the Namor series, getting very spiny and vague when Jae Lee arrives.
Geof Isherwood inks himself here, with colours by Glynis Oliver that come together brilliantly to create a real sense of vast space in the panel showing Namor over Abomination and a cloaked sub. That one's a favourite.
Geof Isherwood inks himself here, with colours by Glynis Oliver that come together brilliantly to create a real sense of vast space in the panel showing Namor over Abomination and a cloaked sub. That one's a favourite.
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Winner: Inconclusive
#33 (--) Sub-Mariner
#635 (-4) Abomination
#630 (new) Major Bogatin [+1 assist]
#631 (new) Andromeda [+1 assist]
#632 (new) Triton [+1 assist]
#633 (new) Stingray [+1 assist]
#33 (--) Sub-Mariner
#635 (-4) Abomination
#630 (new) Major Bogatin [+1 assist]
#631 (new) Andromeda [+1 assist]
#632 (new) Triton [+1 assist]
#633 (new) Stingray [+1 assist]
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