Time -- And Time Again! (Marvel)
Where: Avengers #267 When: May 1986
Why: Roger Stern How: John Buscema
The Story So Far...
Beneath the bedrock of Manhattan Island -- Wasp joins Hercules and the Black Knight as they bore an underground tunnel network towards Avengers Hydrobase. A simple enough task for the Prince of Power -- until an eerie glow consumes the trio and whisks them away!
Where: Avengers #267 When: May 1986
Why: Roger Stern How: John Buscema
The Story So Far...
Beneath the bedrock of Manhattan Island -- Wasp joins Hercules and the Black Knight as they bore an underground tunnel network towards Avengers Hydrobase. A simple enough task for the Prince of Power -- until an eerie glow consumes the trio and whisks them away!
Caught in a swirl of endless fog, the Avengers encounter the unconscious presence of Hulk, Giant-Man, and Iron Man. A surefire clue to Wasp that they've been displaced from time and space -- sent to the Limbo dimension during the teams' first encounter with the Space Phantom!
Such a bizarre feat could only be possible for Kang The Conqueror! The master of time emerges to declare dominion over Limbo from Immortus -- but how do the three Avengers factor into his mad scheme?
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Kang 6 (Genius)
Speed: Wasp 4 (Olympian)
Stamina: Hercules 5 (Marathoner)
Agility: Wasp 3 (Acrobat)
Fighting: Hercules 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Kang 5 (Lasers)
Total: Kang The Conqueror 29 (Metahuman)
The Avengers are: Wasp, Black Knight, and Hercules.
Not the most formidable line-up for a threat as potent as Kang The Conqueror, but also not to be under estimated as a coordinated force.
Wasp has been known to fight above her weight class, taking on the unexpected challenge of Kingsize, and snuffing the flames of Pyro when Freedom Force attacked the base in Avengers #312. Her veteran wiles, Pym particle shrinking, flight, and bio-electric stingers make her a deft field leader -- and tricky to track!
Black Knight represents a more straight-forward challenge, wielding the dark magic of The Ebony Blade with expert mastery. A sharpened sword that once gave Moon Knight a run for his money, and compliments the blunt force of Hercules.
We've seen The Prince of Power take a win teaming with She-Hulk against Bran the Blessed, but results were mixed when the Secret Avengers met a magically empowered Baron Zemo, and Olympus Group fought the Dark Avengers.
Kang's greatest weapons are his advanced technology and foreknowledge of future events. This can make him very difficult to pin down, or lay a hit on with conventional means, but his presence inevitably coincides with plans that leave him vulnerable to those he seeks to dominate in the short-lived present.
If The Avengers can assemble themselves as a fighting unit they might just stand a chance. Let's see how it all unfolded!
The Tape: Avengers Ranking: Wasp (#39)
What Went Down...
From the swirling fog steps the dreaded visage of the one responsible for bringing The Avengers to Limbo...
Kang The Conqueror welcomes the trio of Avengers to his domain, rejecting Hercules' second-hand knowledge of the realm's rule by Immortus.
The Conqueror claims to have brought them to the past for his own amusement, challenging his enemies to defeat him in exchange for escaping eternity in Limbo.
Wasp is the first to indulge Kang's mad request -- firing a direct blast!
The bioelectric energy of Wasp's stinger is no match for Kang's hi-tech shields, but it does draw the time traveler's immediate attention.
The distraction grants The Black Knight the opening he needs to move in close for an attack with his Ebony Blade! The sword disrupts the invisible barrier with spectacular results -- destroying Kang's protective field!
With nothing preventing a close-quarters strike -- Hercules advances!
A mighty punch from the prince of power quite literally knocks Kang's head off!
The decapitation shatters the illusion of Kang's deception -- revealing the dangling wires of a sophisticated robot at the severed neck!
With the true Kang watching his android doppelganger's fate from the safety of monitors in his distant central robotics plant -- Hercules ends the charade by slamming his hands together around the floating head!
A team effort swiftly gets the better of Kang's proxy, but can it ever really be that simple with The Master of Time?
Hercules may have easily crushed the robot's head once Black Knight disabled its defenses, but the trio of Avengers remains trapped in Limbo: pawns in a grand scheme to see them ultimately face another of Kang's many time-generated doppelgangers.
Kang is on a warpath to destroy the many "divergents" his existence throughout time has generated. A literal war with himself, against opponents who exist at different points of his life, some choosing paths not taken. His ultimate target: a Kang who's lived far too long to succumb to any simple trap, or frontal assault.
It may sound a tad complicated, but it's a mere sample of the twisted timelines and grand temporal game played by Kang The Conqueror: He who has lived the ages as both Rama-Tut and Immortus, and intends to control a legion of Kangs by replacing his vanquished selves with robotic copies.
It may sound a tad complicated, but it's a mere sample of the twisted timelines and grand temporal game played by Kang The Conqueror: He who has lived the ages as both Rama-Tut and Immortus, and intends to control a legion of Kangs by replacing his vanquished selves with robotic copies.
This deliberate intention goes some length to explaining how we treat results like this in the Secret Wars on Infinite Earths rankings. This result will be deemed a defeat of Kang, perceiving his robotic clone as a direct extension of his intent, and an instrument used to battle The Avengers, which failed. At least for now!
The three Avengers remain trapped in Limbo circa Avengers #2, when they first battled the Space Phantom, and Kang will attempt to capitalize upon the group's depleted ranks to complete his conquest in the present-day.
Fun times with an eclectic mid-eighties line-up of Avengers that we'll no doubt see in future entries. If you'd like more from these characters you can follow links throughout this post, or dive into the Secret Archive for a complete index of featurd fights in order of publisher, series, and issue number.
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Winners: Hercules & Black Knight (w/ Wasp)
#154 (+283) Hercules
#418 (+559) Black Knight
#39 (--) Wasp [+1 assist]
#981 (new) Kang The Conqueror
#154 (+283) Hercules
#418 (+559) Black Knight
#39 (--) Wasp [+1 assist]
#981 (new) Kang The Conqueror
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