Real Name: Miguel O'Hara
First Appearance: Spider-man 2099 #1 (November, 1992)
Group Affiliation: Exiles
Gaming Credentials: Spider-man (2000); Spider-man 2: Enter Electro (2001); Spider-man: Web of Shadows (2008); Marvel Super Hero Squad (2009); Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions (TBR/2010); Super Hero Squad Online (TBA)
Infinite Wars Ranking: DNR
From one futuristic hero of the week [Batman Beyond] to another, we arrive at Spider-man 2099!
Featured in several games as an unlockable costume swap for your regular, friendly neighbourhood, garden variety Spider-man -- Miguel O'Hara, the Spider-man of the year 2099, will make his first full fledged appearance as a playable character when Activision release the latest in their long line of titles this year, the reality-hopping epic, Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions.
Shattered Dimensions looks to reinvigorate the lagging Spidey license with the introduction of four new modes built around the classic adventures of Spider-man, and three alternate universe versions based on the comics. Spider-man Noir and Spider-man 2099 are the two confirmed alternate Spider-men who will be joined by a fourth mystery universe to be revealed at the coming San Diego Comic-Con, all piloted by a plot crafted by fan-favourite comics writer, Dan Slott.
Interestingly enough, this isn't the 2099 Spidey's first brush with playable gaming fame.
In the mid-nineties, Saffire were to develop a game called Marvel 2099: One Nation Under Doom; a title designed to place control over the various 2099 properties (versions of Ghost Rider, Daredevil, X-Men, Punisher, and others) in the hand of gamers. In 1996, it's fair to say it would've been a strange title to join the pantheon of games, but one that received coverage at SDCC at the time and was even previewed in some magazine publications. Alas; Marvel's Earth-928 (as it's now known) would have to wait until now to get a gaming realization.
Not your father's Spidey: Miguel O'Hara is a different Spider-man for a different time in Shattered Dimensions!
Originally posted: Incomplete Article Not Published
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