Real Name: Benjamin J. Grimm
First Appearance: Fantastic Four #1 (Nov, 1961)
Fight Club Ranking: #10
Featured Fights:
- vs FRIGHTFUL FOUR: Fantastic Four #129 (Dec 1972)
- vs EGO THE LIVING PLANET: Fantastic Four #235 (Oct 1981)
- vs ULTRON: Marvel Two-In-One #92 (Oct 1982)
- vs AHAB & HOUNDS: X-Men Annual #14 (1990)
- vs DOCTOR DOOM: Fantastic Four #350 (Mar 1991)
- vs JUSTICE PEACE: Fantastic Four #354 (Jul 1991)
- vs PAIBOK: Fantastic Four #358 (Nov 1991)
- vs DOCTOR DOOM: Fantastic Four #361 (Feb 1992)
- vs DOPPELGANGER THING: Fantastic Four #367 (Aug 1992)
- vs ADAPTOID: Fantastic Four: Unplugged #1 (Sep 1995)
- vs MOLEMAN: Fantastic Four #2 (Dec 1996)
- vs SUPER-SKRULL: Fantastic Four #6 (Apr 1997)
- vs ICONOCLAST: Fantastic Four #2 (Feb 1998)
- vs FRIGHTFUL FOUR: Marvel Adventures #12 (Mar 1998)
- vs WOLVERINE: Wolverine #22 (Jan 2005)
- vs SINISTER TWELVE: Marvel Knights: Spider-man #11 (Apr 2005)
- vs GOMDULLA: Spider-man Family #3 (Aug 2007)
- vs SENTRY: Mighty Avengers #10 (May 2008)
- vs LUKE CAGE: New Avengers #2 (Sep 2010)
Joy of joys! Marvel Two-In-One is officially coming back!
Axel Alonso got people talking with a Twitter teaser that implied some version of "Fantastic 2". CBR has since reported the story, revealing cover art with Thing front-and-centre, alongside a cavalcade of prospective Two-In-One allies including his old buddy Human Torch!
Marvel Two-In-One would probably be a welcome classic reference at the best of times, but with Fantastic Four out of print since 2015 -- and many of Marvel's most iconic heroes sidelined in the last twelve months -- it's exactly what weary fans of Marvel Comics should want to hear!
If Marvel Legacy really isn't able to deliver the Fantastic Four; a Thing team-up book is the perfect way to stir up similar feelings. Marvel Two-In-One is the kind of series that really fell out of vogue in the 1990s and 2000s, but has always been a fun concept begging for a revival. The fact that Thing and Human Torch were left displaced in the Marvel Universe after the FF disbanded makes it the kind of intuitive no brainer that's long overdue!
I've found myself revisiting issues of Marvel Two-In-One throughout the year -- not just the classic 1982 Annual -- but non-descript issues, too!
I had particular fun revisiting issue #96, where a variety of heroes attempt to pick up the slack while Thing recovers in hospital from his battles with Champion and Gladiator. A whole lotta bad guys are out causing trouble. There's a particularly nice moment when Sandman manages to slip by the other heroes defenses, only to share a beer with Thing. A very nice, classic Marvel moment!
The possibility of diving back into superhero comics like that is nice, even if a little unlikely. It's presently unclear exactly how the new Marvel Two-In-One will operate, or for how long. Here's hoping we get a lot of fun adventures with the ever lovin' blue-eyed Thing!
If you want to see more of his classic exploits, be sure to follow the featured fights at the top of the post. You can also dive in to the Secret Issue Index for past battles filed by publisher, series and issue number. Follow along on Twitter and Facebook to get daily fight links inspired by the day's topics!
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