Real Name: Diana of Themyscira
First Appearance: All-Star Comics #8 (Dec, 1941)
Fight Club Ranking: #14
Featured Fights:
- vs ETRIGAN: The Demon #17 (Nov 1991)
- vs STORM: Marvel versus DC #3 (Apr 1996)
- vs MANTIS & JUGGERNAUT: Unlimited Access #1 (Dec 1997)
- vs MORGAUTH: JSA Strange Adventures #1 (Oct 2004)
- vs SUPERMAN & BATMAN: Superman/Batman #15 (Feb 2005)
- vs ULTRAMARINE CORPS: JLA: Classified #3 (Mar 2005)
- vs MONGUL: Infinite Crisis #1 (Dec 2005)
- vs INJUSTICE LEAGUE: Justice League of America #15 (Jan 2008)
- vs MINOTAUR: DC Universe 0 (Jun 2008)
- vs MARY MARVEL: Final Crisis #3 (Sep 2008)
- vs CHEETAH: Wonder Woman #29 (Apr 2009)
- vs GENOCIDE: Wonder Woman #32 (Jul 2009)
As the world counts down to this week's theatrical release of Wonder Woman, a chorus of voices unites in anticipation of Gal Gadot's solo return to the big screen. Her smile lit up the drab night of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, but will it be enough to reverse a trend of disappointing DC Comics movies? If I'm completely honest - I am not sure.
Finding definitive comic book reference for Wonder Woman isn't always the easiest task. Her most iconic villains vary from second-hand mythological figures like Ares, to the tough-sell spectacle of Giganta and Cheetah. For a film adaptation, this could be liberating license to invent an intuitive definitive vision for the character -- or a blank slate that directs a movie on a rudderless course.
The Wonder Woman film immediately takes the unconventional step of shirking the heroine's roots in World War II to extend her lifespan by centuries, repositioning the film's plot in the first World War. As a lover of retro, my heart belongs to the modern world of the 20s-40s, which already makes this movie a little less appealing.
Usually I have some idea of what I'm getting into before I see a film. There've been surprises, pleasant and less so, but superhero movies rarely surprise. So it's curious that Wonder Woman trailers and limited promotional material leave so little an impression.
Warner Brothers have made moves to tell the world Wonder Woman will be fun. The juggernaut of DC productions may roll on, but WB clearly recognize some amount of course correct will be necessary if the audience is to remain interested (hopefully). I'm not sure if I believe them, or not.
As noted last week, my enthusiasm for superhero movies is mostly reserved for Black Panther. As much as I would love to feel otherwise, it's very hard to believe that a compelling Wonder Woman movie exists behind these trailers. The hope is in what they don't show, but my threshold for gambling on joyless, mediocre superhero movies is rapidly eroding. I hope I'm wrong, but my expectations are very low at this point.
There's already a ring of enthusiasm pouring out for the movie, but so far impressions seem more enamored with the gender of the hero, than the quality of her journey. A lot of superhero movies elicit glowing reviews declaring each new release 'the best movie evarrr'. These seem unique only in their emphasis on genitalia. I'm down with woman, but I'd like some wonder too.
I hope this really is the triumph the DC Extended Universe needs. Nothing about Justice League seems likely to turn frowns upside down. Wonder Woman is certainly the best chance of achieving that. I'm not convinced it will, but I hope it does.
Edit: June was supposed to be the month of Wonder Woman comic book battles, but sadly, 2017 had a way of derailing the best of laid plans! Be sure to check out the featured fights listed at the top of this Hero of the Week entry, and keep an eye out for all-new Wonder Woman updates in the future!
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