Real Name: Thaal Sinestro
First Appearance: Green Lantern #7 (August, 1961)
Fight Club Ranking: #102
Featured Fights:
- vs GREEN LANTERN & GREEN ARROW: Green Lantern: Rebirth #4 (Mar 2005)
- vs FREEDOM FIGHTERS: Infinite Crisis #1 (Dec 2005)
- vs GREEN LANTERN & GREEN LANTERN: Green Lantern #25 (Jan 2008)
Earlier in the year Action Comics inspired a closer look at the return of Cyborg Superman and some of the classic villains joining his Superman Revenge Squad. Now the latest issue of Superman is pitting The Man of Steel against an atypical threat that challenges the power of his hope: Sinestro!
CBR featured the issue last week, with writer Jim Johnson speculating about the future rivalry that may emerged from this clash between Superman and Sinestro.
That's the more attractive aspect of the story, which sees the fear entity Parallax briefly possessing a compromised Superman. A little too easy-breezy for my tastes, given the weight of past possessions, most notably Hal Jordan's lengthy fall from grace. The rainbow array of entities and power rings live and die by the key concepts that keep them different. Grafting Parallax to heroes this easily runs the risk of really diminishing the impact of the concept.
Superman's had to weather a rough run in recent years, compromising the bold heroism and hope the character should stand for. Fear eats away at hope, and pitting Sinestro's yellow light against Superman could be a great way of restoring Superman's strength as an inspirational hero!
Sinestro has been much bigger than a mere Green Lantern villain for a long time now, so I think this is one case of cross-pollination that could really give both characters something more.
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