Real Name: J'onn J'onzz
First Appearance: Detective Comics #225 (November, 1955)
Fight Club Ranking: #23
Featured Fights:
- vs BRIMSTONE: Legends #2 (Dec 1986)
- vs PROFESSOR IVO: Justice League of America #261 (Apr 1987)
- vs STONE GOD: Secret Origins #32 (Nov 1988)
- vs WOOD KING: Secret Origins #32 (Nov 1988)
- vs KIDNAPPERS: Secret Origins #35 (1988)
- vs DOOMSDAY: Superman #74 (Dec 1992)
- vs HILL STREET CULT: DC: The New Frontier #2 (Apr 2004)
- vs ULTRAMARINE CORPS: JLA: Classified #3 (Mar 2005)
- vs DESPERO: JLA #118 (Nov 2005)
- vs THE SOCIETY: Final Crisis: Requiem #1 (Sep 2008)
- vs GREEN LANTERN & FLASH: Green Lantern #44 (Sep 2009)
There's something different in the air at DC Comics and it might just be the change to finally do them some good! As the cacophony of Dark Nights: Metal subsides, the opportunity to tell interesting new stories with a more classic feel seems to be presenting itself. CBR features design artwork for the new Justice League line-ups coming in their No Justice series, and there's a muted flavor of intrigue that will hopefully be the antidote to some of their less focused, destructive urges of late.
Martian Manhunter emerged as an important player in Metal, and will be leading a high-profile team of Justice League aliens dubbed "Team Mystery" in CBR's preview. The group [pictured above] includes Superman, Sinestro, Starfire, and Starro.
Dark Nights: Metal may not have been everyone's cup of tea, but it feels like it's initiated the next phase of a decision making process that feels a little more traditional, and comics oriented, rather than multimedia pandering. It's there in the restoration of Superman's trunks, the elevation of heroes like Martian Manhunter and Hawkman, and the introduction of The Terrifics.
There are some other interesting team-ups coming in No Justice, with aesthetics to tie the groups together in pleasant fashion. Team Entropy and Team Wonder are looking pretty spiffy with hues of orange and purple. Team Wisdom a little less strong, but high on fun quotient.
I like seeing Martian Manhunter back in a position of prominence. It was real disappointing when the New 52 stripped him out of Justice League history. It's great to see him back saving the day in Metal! It bares repeating that David Harewood is always kicking goals as TV's J'onn J'onzz on Supergirl, as well! That's more than enough to render him this week's Hero of the Week! Hussah!
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