Return of the Thunder (DC)
Where: Convergence Shazam #1 When: June 2015
Why: Jeff Parker How: Evan "Doc" Shaner
The Story So Far...
The coming of Telos pits entire worlds against one another as they converge in the ultimate battle of inter-dimensional survival! Encased in crystalline domes devised by his master Brainiac: each chosen capital awaits its fate as the crisis consumes the multiverse!
In Fawcett City, forces of evil work to capitalize on the predicament of their encasement! While the dome denies the Marvel Family their power-giving lightning -- other heroes, such as the soaring Bulletman & Bulletwoman, work to keep the city safe in their absence!
A powerless Billy Batson broadcasts the call for hope as he and his friends investigate strange goings on in the subterranean traffic ways beneath the city. It turns out Doctor Sivana has discovered Captain Marvel's secret identity and assembled a new Monster Society of Evil to take full advantage!
Tale of the Tape...

Strength: Captain Marvel 6 (Invincible)
Intelligence: Dr. Sivana 6 (Professor)
Speed: Captain Marvel 5 (Super-Human)
Stamina: Mr. Atom 6 (Generator)
Agility: Mary Marvel 3 (Acrobat)
Fighting: Captain Marvel 3 (Street Wise)
Energy: Dr. Sivana 4 (Arsenal)
Total: Captain Marvel 30 (Super)
The Marvel Family are: Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, Mary Marvel, Tawky Tawny, Uncle Dudley, and Sterling Morris.
Captain Marvel is the magically charged powerhouse of the Marvel Family, who's summoned to action when Billy Batson speaks the name of the wizard Shazam! His enchanted pantheon of powers have been displayed battling the likes of: Black Adam [Hawkman #24], Macro-Man [Legends #1], Thor [Marvel versus DC #2], and Superman in a series of contests found in Action Comics Annual #4, Superman #216, Superman/Batman #4, and Kingdom Come #4!
Captain Marvel shares his powers and name with friends and sibling Captain Marvel Jr and Mary Marvel, whose strength comes at a minor cost to the hero. Fortunately, the extra muscle of the Marvel Family is worth every bit!
We've seen Cap Junior battle Iron Goblins in DCU: Brave New World #1, and withstand Marvel's unstoppable Juggernaut in Unlimited Access #3! Mary's no slouch either, having braved Black Adam [Power of Shazam #11], and bested Wonder Woman and Supergirl while corrupted during Final Crisis #3 and #6!
These three alone present a formidable line-up, but they can also count on the courage of Secret Wars on Infinite Earths newcomer: Tawky Tawny! He's a talking man-tiger whose dignified claws are always ready to fight the good fight!
Uncle Dudley and broadcast boss Sterling Morris probably aren't going to make the difference in battle, but against such formidable foes, their extra eyes and ears may come in handy -- as long as they can stay out of danger!
The Monster Society of Evil are: Doctor Sivana, Mister Atom, Ibac, and King Kull.
The mad genius of Doctor Sivana was part of The Society think tank that brought about the demise of Martian Manhunter in Final Crisis: Requiem. Giant self-aware robot Mister Atom was also part of the villainous Society, lending his nuclear-powered strength to an attack on Powergirl during Infinite Crisis #2.
These wicked minds are joined by: Ibac - a crook whose magic word was bestowed by Lucifer to endow him with the power of history's greatest villains! He wields the terror of Ivan the Terrible, cunning of Borgia, fierceness of Attila the Hun, and cruelty of Caligula - names spelling IBAC!
Another of history's great evils is King Kull - a pre-historic menace who ruled a race of Submen who were hunted to extinction in a war with humanity. Despite his ancient status, Kull is a technological genius, who survived into the modern era by being suspended in animation.
The Tape: Marvel Family Ranking: Captain Marvel Jr (#69)
What Went Down...
While following Sterling Morris and their Uncle Dudley, Billy & Mary Batson convene with Freddy Freeman only to find themselves suddenly basked in the atomic light of Mister Atom! The menacing machine takes them underground where "Uncle Dudley" reveals himself to be a magically disguised Doctor Sivana!
The Doctor's illusion also reveals "Morris" to be Ibac, assembled with King Kull as the newest incarnation of The Monster Society of Evil! Sivana has discovered the Marvel Family's true identity and worked to infiltrate their ranks, but the same impenetrable dome that denies the Marvels their magic lightning has also trapped he and his co-conspirator Ibac in their unremarkable forms!
Just as the villains prepare to muzzle and restrain their prisoners -- another enters the underground cavern: The Marvel's old friend Tawky Tawny!
Where: Convergence Shazam #1 When: June 2015
Why: Jeff Parker How: Evan "Doc" Shaner
The Story So Far...
The coming of Telos pits entire worlds against one another as they converge in the ultimate battle of inter-dimensional survival! Encased in crystalline domes devised by his master Brainiac: each chosen capital awaits its fate as the crisis consumes the multiverse!
In Fawcett City, forces of evil work to capitalize on the predicament of their encasement! While the dome denies the Marvel Family their power-giving lightning -- other heroes, such as the soaring Bulletman & Bulletwoman, work to keep the city safe in their absence!
A powerless Billy Batson broadcasts the call for hope as he and his friends investigate strange goings on in the subterranean traffic ways beneath the city. It turns out Doctor Sivana has discovered Captain Marvel's secret identity and assembled a new Monster Society of Evil to take full advantage!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Dr. Sivana 6 (Professor)
Speed: Captain Marvel 5 (Super-Human)
Stamina: Mr. Atom 6 (Generator)
Agility: Mary Marvel 3 (Acrobat)
Fighting: Captain Marvel 3 (Street Wise)
Energy: Dr. Sivana 4 (Arsenal)
Total: Captain Marvel 30 (Super)
The Marvel Family are: Captain Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr, Mary Marvel, Tawky Tawny, Uncle Dudley, and Sterling Morris.
Captain Marvel is the magically charged powerhouse of the Marvel Family, who's summoned to action when Billy Batson speaks the name of the wizard Shazam! His enchanted pantheon of powers have been displayed battling the likes of: Black Adam [Hawkman #24], Macro-Man [Legends #1], Thor [Marvel versus DC #2], and Superman in a series of contests found in Action Comics Annual #4, Superman #216, Superman/Batman #4, and Kingdom Come #4!
Captain Marvel shares his powers and name with friends and sibling Captain Marvel Jr and Mary Marvel, whose strength comes at a minor cost to the hero. Fortunately, the extra muscle of the Marvel Family is worth every bit!
We've seen Cap Junior battle Iron Goblins in DCU: Brave New World #1, and withstand Marvel's unstoppable Juggernaut in Unlimited Access #3! Mary's no slouch either, having braved Black Adam [Power of Shazam #11], and bested Wonder Woman and Supergirl while corrupted during Final Crisis #3 and #6!
These three alone present a formidable line-up, but they can also count on the courage of Secret Wars on Infinite Earths newcomer: Tawky Tawny! He's a talking man-tiger whose dignified claws are always ready to fight the good fight!
Uncle Dudley and broadcast boss Sterling Morris probably aren't going to make the difference in battle, but against such formidable foes, their extra eyes and ears may come in handy -- as long as they can stay out of danger!
The Monster Society of Evil are: Doctor Sivana, Mister Atom, Ibac, and King Kull.
The mad genius of Doctor Sivana was part of The Society think tank that brought about the demise of Martian Manhunter in Final Crisis: Requiem. Giant self-aware robot Mister Atom was also part of the villainous Society, lending his nuclear-powered strength to an attack on Powergirl during Infinite Crisis #2.
These wicked minds are joined by: Ibac - a crook whose magic word was bestowed by Lucifer to endow him with the power of history's greatest villains! He wields the terror of Ivan the Terrible, cunning of Borgia, fierceness of Attila the Hun, and cruelty of Caligula - names spelling IBAC!
Another of history's great evils is King Kull - a pre-historic menace who ruled a race of Submen who were hunted to extinction in a war with humanity. Despite his ancient status, Kull is a technological genius, who survived into the modern era by being suspended in animation.
The Tape: Marvel Family Ranking: Captain Marvel Jr (#69)
What Went Down...
While following Sterling Morris and their Uncle Dudley, Billy & Mary Batson convene with Freddy Freeman only to find themselves suddenly basked in the atomic light of Mister Atom! The menacing machine takes them underground where "Uncle Dudley" reveals himself to be a magically disguised Doctor Sivana!
The Doctor's illusion also reveals "Morris" to be Ibac, assembled with King Kull as the newest incarnation of The Monster Society of Evil! Sivana has discovered the Marvel Family's true identity and worked to infiltrate their ranks, but the same impenetrable dome that denies the Marvels their magic lightning has also trapped he and his co-conspirator Ibac in their unremarkable forms!
Just as the villains prepare to muzzle and restrain their prisoners -- another enters the underground cavern: The Marvel's old friend Tawky Tawny!
The fabulous feline leaps clear of a deadly ray gun blasted by Doctor Sivana!
Fast thinking Mary kicks the gun clear, while Tawny contends with a headlock from Ibac. Fortunately, the magical menace merely possesses the strength of Mr. Morris, allowing Tawny to effortlessly upend him into the stone wall!
Tawny frees the young Marvels while Billy holds the villains at bay with one of their own weapons -- until Mister Atom obliterates it with a powerful blast! He's accompanied by the techno-savvy savage King Kull, who also assaults Tawny's ears with a deafening sonic weapon!
Kull brings news of a change to the dome over Fawcett City. Ibac wastes no time testing his magical word, transforming back to mortal Stanley Printwhistle.
One magic word deserves another -- Billy Batson leads the charge: SHAZAM!
Captain Marvel flies across the cavern to confront Mister Atom with the strength of Hercules -- while two more lightning bolts transform his junior allies!
Alas, a puff of smoke and Sulphur signals the transformation of Printwhistle back to the vile Ibac! He takes great pleasure in cutting Captain Marvel Jr off with a devastating right hook to the cheek!
Mister Atom recovers from the Captain's mighty fists and blinds Mary Marvel with an intense nuclear light! At the same time: King Kull clobbers Captain Marvel with a primitive club, and Dr. Sivana zaps Tawny with electric gauntlets!
Sivana is so caught up in the glee of doing harm on The Monster Society's "home court" he doesn't even notice the rattle of chains behind him! The very bonds that held them hostage for months become instruments of justice in the hands of Sterling Morris and Uncle Dudley as they garrote the mad scientist!
Meanwhile, Ibac narrowly avoids saying his own name as he fumes over the blood spilled from his own nose. He takes it out on Captain Marvel Jr by swinging him by the cape through nearby walls!
Mister Atom encourages Ibac and Kull to press their advantage -- towering as he fires concussive blasts at Captain Marvel and a leaping Mary Marvel! The destructive energy does as much to erode the structural surroundings as it does the erstwhile heroes, encouraging Tawny, Sterling, and Dudley to take leave.
The super-powered Marvels begin to turn the tables on the Monster Society as dust and debris fills the confined lair! Cap Junior buries his fists into Ibac's gut at speed, while Captain Marvel rips one of Atom's mighty mechanical arms off and kayos King Kull in one foul swoop!
The action beneath the subway is finally too much! Sivana cries out as the wrenching of stone announces the collapse of the building! The very home court that provided the Monster Society their advantage now buries them!

The building may've collapsed, but the Marvel Family are still standing - emerging from the debris relatively unscathed!
You can thank Captain Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr for the lion's share of the victory, but everyone involved did their part to ensure The Monster Society of Evil was defeated!
I got a special kick out of finally getting Tawky Tawny on the record. The snappy dressing man-tiger was a stand-out of Final Crisis, and I've been hoping to get around to him ever since. His unapologetic inclusion in Convergence: Shazam was one of the simple pleasures of an issue that's pretty light on story.
The issue drops readers right into the middle of a crisis situation for Captain Marvel and Fawcett City. The overarching background premise was similar to Marvel's 2015 Secret Wars -- pitting different incarnations of DC characters against one another in an inter-dimensional battle for survival. Crisis-lite.
Convergence was extra heavy on nostalgia, using specific periods in publishing history, as well as well known alternate realities. Convergence Shazam #1 has the benefit of acting as a stand-alone introduction to Earth-S, and DC's modern-classic take on the Marvel Family. The second (and final) issue pits Earth-S against the world of popular Elseworlds story Batman: Gotham By Gaslight.
The whole first issue would be an unbridled joy -- if it wasn't such a perfect proof-of-concept for the type of comic book DC Entertainment has largely refused to publish throughout the 2010s. A bittersweet moment of clarity.
The heavy hitters are all here, with original iconic names and design mostly in tact, and beautifully rendered by colorist Jordie Bellaire and penciler Doc Shaner. Sadly, this is novelty enough to sell an issue in 2015 -- or a couple of years later, when I picked it up on the cheap.
In my estimation, Shaner is one of the stand-out artists working for DC in this decade. You probably couldn't ask for a better creative team to take a classically infused Captain Marvel forward. Alas, that just doesn't seem to be an option.
DC are still periodically dangling the carrot of a more iconic, classic style of comic, but Convergence was merely one of a string of hollow teasers following the New 52 hard reboot. Ultimately, Convergence was conceived as a publishing holding pattern for the months DC was shutting down their traditional home in New York City, and making the move to Burbank. It was a temporary reprieve and last hurrah for a continuum many probably understood to be missed.
What makes this type of comic so special? The devil's in the details: from the simple rendering of Captain Marvel's costume and sash, to the wholesome under current of young kids bravely defying to do good, and thwart evil! Their best friend is a talking tiger wearing tweed and a tie, and their arch-nemesis is a kooky mad scientist. It's fun, fun, fun -- and distinct, as well. Too rare!
This is the type of comic that could hold on to its retro charms and identity, while embracing qualities that feel entirely contemporary! Instead of chasing Superman's tail, or trying to fit in with the Justice League, this is a property that could lead the way with its own distinct flavor, tackling a market that's about to lose family entertainment brands like Steven Universe and Adventure Time.
This runs counter to the Hollywood version of "Shazam" hitting the big screen in April. Mirroring a current revival in comics: this New 52 version of the big red cheese plays more like a mean-spirited pitch of Superman meets Big. It's playing more to the power fantasies of a child in a superhero's body, while eschewing the retro aesthetic that makes the whole thing flavourful.
With the big screen home to so many formulaic mediocrities, Shazam still feels like a change of pace, but like Billy Batson gazing up to find hope in Bulletman & Bulletwoman's heroics, I'll be holding on to the shining example of Convergence Shazam #1, hoping the magic lightning of Shazam will hit DC Comics.
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Winners: Marvel Family
#42 (+27) Captain Marvel Jr
#70 (+49) Captain Marvel
#110 (+217) Mary Marvel
#319 (new) Tawky Tawny
#320 (new) Uncle Marvel
#321 (new) Sterling Morris
#557 (-53) Doctor Sivana
#873 (new) King Kull
#874 (new) Ibac
#888 (-202) Mister Atom