Salvation (Marvel)
Where: Uncanny X-Men #209 When: September 1985 Why: Chris Claremont How: John Romita Jr & P Craig Russel
The Story So Far...
Tensions between the Hellfire Club and X-Men reach breaking point when the X-Man of the future, Rachel Summers, infiltrates the Inner Circle to avenge a fallen comrade by assassinating their Black Queen!
The attempt on Selene's life ends with a killing blow, but it's Wolverine executing lethal force against the renegade Summers. True to her mantle as Phoenix, however, the young mutant refuses to die, sending the Hellfire Club on a hunt for the wounded girl in Central Park!
The X-Men engage the Inner Circle in a battle for their teammate, but they aren't the only interested parties! As the heroes struggle to stay above ground, another threat descends from the sky: the Sentinel of the future - Nimrod!
Tale of the Tape...

Strength: Colossus 6 (Invincible)
Intelligence: Selene 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Nightcrawler 3 (Athlete)
Stamina: Sebastian Shaw 7 (Unstoppable)
Agility: Nightcrawler 5 (Cat-Like)
Fighting: Wolverine 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Storm 5 (Lasers)
Total: Wolverine 26 (Metahuman)
The Hellfire Club are: "Black King" Sebastian Shaw, "Black Queen" Selene, "Black Bishop" Harry Leland, "Black Rook" Friedrich von Roehm, and Tessa.
Representing the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle, these are some of the most powerful representatives of the venerated and clandestine organization.
The only member to have appeared previously in our record is the rotund Harry Leland. His mutant ability to inflict dramatic gravitational fields famously sent Wolverine plunging through a building and into the sewers in X-Men #132.
Sebastian Shaw can absorb kinetic energy directed at his body and convert it into a source of increased super-human strength and durability. Direct attacks literally make him stronger, making him a difficult opponent to contend with!
Selene combines vast mutant gifts with the knowledge of ancient magic. By draining the lifeforce of others she can extend her life and enhance her strength & powers. She's a powerful telepath able to influence others, generate psionic bolts, pyrokinetic fire, and telekinesis. She can also manipulate inanimate objects to make them do her bidding!
Selene also holds sway over Friedrich von Roehm, whose bloodline is tainted with that of the werewolf! Unlike usual lycanthropes, he relies on the mental powers of Selene to trigger his transformation. This grants him increased strength, speed, agility, and claws, but also reduces him to a feral state.
The X-Men are: Storm, Shadowcat, Rogue, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Phoenix, with Callisto and Caliban.
Recent events have left the team in pretty bad shape! When we join the fight there are only two X-Men still active on the battlefield. Team leader Storm is one of them, but even she's lost the use of her mutant weather powers from a prior incident. Shadowcat is by her side - one of the few ready for action.
Wolverine is still recovering from his battle with The Reavers, as well as a very recent attempt to kill Rachel Summers, who was on a murderous warpath with her Phoenix power. She's clinging to life somewhere nearby, but Wolverine is still back at base in the Morlock tunnels, having missed last issue's skirmish.
Rogue took the brunt of the lead-in battle and accidentally absorbed the powers of Colossus while trying to save him from being plunged deep into the Earth! The last time Rogue enhanced her strength with Colossus' power she was able to take down Nimrod! That's a pertinent example of her might after permanently acquiring the powers of Ms Marvel.
With flight, Rogue can be evasive while striking at the strongest members of the Hellfire Club. Wolverine and Nightcrawler may've been jumped by the Inner Circle in X-Men #132, but Wolvie got his revenge against their masked guards in X-Men #133! They can handle the likes of Von Roehm and lingering minions.
If Phoenix gets in the game she can neutralize Selene, but recent history might just turn her against the X-Men! Tip the scales and the X-Men are in serious trouble! We saw a similar line-up upset by Deathstroke and Parademons during a DC crossover in Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans #1! Let's see...
The Tape: X-Men Ranking: Wolverine (#4)
What Went Down...
The cold mechanical visage of Nimrod hovers silently over Central Park like a spectre of death. The assembled combatants can only watch in awe as they anticipate the inevitable fight for their lives that awaits!
Somewhere across the battlefield, Rachel Summers stirs, clinging desperately to consciousness in a bid to aide her friends. Storm and Shadowcat are the lone X-Men still standing, surrounded by hostile members of the Hellfire Club.
Despite their predicament, Storm smiles wryly as the ground begins to tremble beneath her feet. Her mutant weather powers have been lost, but she doesn't need them to know the vengeful storm front rising from the depths!
Rogue's return stuns the Black Bishop responsible for her quest to the depths and sends the Hellfire Club scrambling! Storm takes the opportunity to order Shadowcat to phase down to the lower depths where Colossus is still trapped under the heavy weight of Harry Leland's gravitational powers.
Storm doesn't notice the masked Hellfire Club snipers gathering in the surrounding bushes -- but Callisto does! The morlock dives to knock Storm clear of the shot. Nightcrawler and Wolverine teleport in at just the right time to reacquaint themselves with their old enemies. The guardsmen run!
With a shower of turf clearing: Sebsatian Shaw charges at Rogue, undeterred by the doubled-strength she gained by absorbing Colossus' power! She narrowly avoids his punch, leaving a nearby oak to snap under its impact!
Where: Uncanny X-Men #209 When: September 1985 Why: Chris Claremont How: John Romita Jr & P Craig Russel
The Story So Far...
Tensions between the Hellfire Club and X-Men reach breaking point when the X-Man of the future, Rachel Summers, infiltrates the Inner Circle to avenge a fallen comrade by assassinating their Black Queen!
The attempt on Selene's life ends with a killing blow, but it's Wolverine executing lethal force against the renegade Summers. True to her mantle as Phoenix, however, the young mutant refuses to die, sending the Hellfire Club on a hunt for the wounded girl in Central Park!
The X-Men engage the Inner Circle in a battle for their teammate, but they aren't the only interested parties! As the heroes struggle to stay above ground, another threat descends from the sky: the Sentinel of the future - Nimrod!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Selene 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Nightcrawler 3 (Athlete)
Stamina: Sebastian Shaw 7 (Unstoppable)
Agility: Nightcrawler 5 (Cat-Like)
Fighting: Wolverine 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Storm 5 (Lasers)
Total: Wolverine 26 (Metahuman)
The Hellfire Club are: "Black King" Sebastian Shaw, "Black Queen" Selene, "Black Bishop" Harry Leland, "Black Rook" Friedrich von Roehm, and Tessa.
Representing the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle, these are some of the most powerful representatives of the venerated and clandestine organization.
The only member to have appeared previously in our record is the rotund Harry Leland. His mutant ability to inflict dramatic gravitational fields famously sent Wolverine plunging through a building and into the sewers in X-Men #132.
Sebastian Shaw can absorb kinetic energy directed at his body and convert it into a source of increased super-human strength and durability. Direct attacks literally make him stronger, making him a difficult opponent to contend with!
Selene combines vast mutant gifts with the knowledge of ancient magic. By draining the lifeforce of others she can extend her life and enhance her strength & powers. She's a powerful telepath able to influence others, generate psionic bolts, pyrokinetic fire, and telekinesis. She can also manipulate inanimate objects to make them do her bidding!
Selene also holds sway over Friedrich von Roehm, whose bloodline is tainted with that of the werewolf! Unlike usual lycanthropes, he relies on the mental powers of Selene to trigger his transformation. This grants him increased strength, speed, agility, and claws, but also reduces him to a feral state.
The X-Men are: Storm, Shadowcat, Rogue, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Phoenix, with Callisto and Caliban.
Recent events have left the team in pretty bad shape! When we join the fight there are only two X-Men still active on the battlefield. Team leader Storm is one of them, but even she's lost the use of her mutant weather powers from a prior incident. Shadowcat is by her side - one of the few ready for action.
Wolverine is still recovering from his battle with The Reavers, as well as a very recent attempt to kill Rachel Summers, who was on a murderous warpath with her Phoenix power. She's clinging to life somewhere nearby, but Wolverine is still back at base in the Morlock tunnels, having missed last issue's skirmish.
Rogue took the brunt of the lead-in battle and accidentally absorbed the powers of Colossus while trying to save him from being plunged deep into the Earth! The last time Rogue enhanced her strength with Colossus' power she was able to take down Nimrod! That's a pertinent example of her might after permanently acquiring the powers of Ms Marvel.
With flight, Rogue can be evasive while striking at the strongest members of the Hellfire Club. Wolverine and Nightcrawler may've been jumped by the Inner Circle in X-Men #132, but Wolvie got his revenge against their masked guards in X-Men #133! They can handle the likes of Von Roehm and lingering minions.
If Phoenix gets in the game she can neutralize Selene, but recent history might just turn her against the X-Men! Tip the scales and the X-Men are in serious trouble! We saw a similar line-up upset by Deathstroke and Parademons during a DC crossover in Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans #1! Let's see...
The Tape: X-Men Ranking: Wolverine (#4)
What Went Down...
The cold mechanical visage of Nimrod hovers silently over Central Park like a spectre of death. The assembled combatants can only watch in awe as they anticipate the inevitable fight for their lives that awaits!
Somewhere across the battlefield, Rachel Summers stirs, clinging desperately to consciousness in a bid to aide her friends. Storm and Shadowcat are the lone X-Men still standing, surrounded by hostile members of the Hellfire Club.
Despite their predicament, Storm smiles wryly as the ground begins to tremble beneath her feet. Her mutant weather powers have been lost, but she doesn't need them to know the vengeful storm front rising from the depths!
Rogue's return stuns the Black Bishop responsible for her quest to the depths and sends the Hellfire Club scrambling! Storm takes the opportunity to order Shadowcat to phase down to the lower depths where Colossus is still trapped under the heavy weight of Harry Leland's gravitational powers.
Storm doesn't notice the masked Hellfire Club snipers gathering in the surrounding bushes -- but Callisto does! The morlock dives to knock Storm clear of the shot. Nightcrawler and Wolverine teleport in at just the right time to reacquaint themselves with their old enemies. The guardsmen run!
With a shower of turf clearing: Sebsatian Shaw charges at Rogue, undeterred by the doubled-strength she gained by absorbing Colossus' power! She narrowly avoids his punch, leaving a nearby oak to snap under its impact!
Rogue knows she can't use force to stop Shaw, but she can redirect his power toward another threat. She launches him across the battlefield on a collision course with Nimrod! The Sentinel of the future is prepared!
Nimrod is able to "reverse [the] target's gravimetric polarity" before he makes impact -- repelling the Black King from the very surface of the planet!
Delighted at her rival's plight; The Black Queen attempts to curtail Nimrod's advances with her ability to manipulate inanimate matter.
Shocked to find she has no effect on the robot's body, Selene resorts to wrenching boulders from the earth to destroy it. Once again futuristic processors analyze the threat and neutralize it - reducing the great rocks to slag with a beam fired from Nimrod's chest!
X-Men and Hellfire Club pause to contemplate the eerie robot alike. Callisto tests the sniper's high-tech weaponry on the robot, but it leaves little more than a scratch! Enough to encourage Storm to propose a team-up with her enemies.
Delighted at her rival's plight; The Black Queen attempts to curtail Nimrod's advances with her ability to manipulate inanimate matter.
Shocked to find she has no effect on the robot's body, Selene resorts to wrenching boulders from the earth to destroy it. Once again futuristic processors analyze the threat and neutralize it - reducing the great rocks to slag with a beam fired from Nimrod's chest!
X-Men and Hellfire Club pause to contemplate the eerie robot alike. Callisto tests the sniper's high-tech weaponry on the robot, but it leaves little more than a scratch! Enough to encourage Storm to propose a team-up with her enemies.
Friedrich von Roehm violently rejects the proposal -- launching himself at Storm with the savage fury of a beast!
The Black Rook takes the X-Men's leader to ground, but is swiftly swatted away by the back of Wolverine's fist!
The Black Rook takes the X-Men's leader to ground, but is swiftly swatted away by the back of Wolverine's fist!
Von Roehm locks his eyes on Wolverine with grit teeth and readies to answer the challenge. Once again he launches himself, ready to test claw against claw -- until a massive beam of energy consumes him in mid-air!
What lands is a mere pile of disintegrated ash! Nimrod takes Rook!
Storm reiterates her proposal for an alliance with the Hellfire Club - appealing to the remaining membership's survival instincts, while Rogue engages Nimrod in the sky above. For a moment the heavens whip her with sudden wind and rain!
The last time Rogue absorbed the mutant power of Colossus she was able to defeat Nimrod. Before she can attempt another miraculous victory -- the borrowed organic steel of her skin begins to fade! It's all she can do to keep ahead of Nimrod's energy blasts! A deadly game of keep-away with one inevitable outcome!
The Sentinel of the future tracks Rogue's movements and calculates a course based on velocity and maneuverability. There's nothing she can do as the air before her is filled with a "shockweb". She fries in a dazzling explosion of light that leaves her plummeting back to earth, unconscious and smoldering.
The dramatic demonstration is enough to persuade Selene, Harry Leland, and Tessa to accept Storm's offer.
Storm reiterates her proposal for an alliance with the Hellfire Club - appealing to the remaining membership's survival instincts, while Rogue engages Nimrod in the sky above. For a moment the heavens whip her with sudden wind and rain!
The last time Rogue absorbed the mutant power of Colossus she was able to defeat Nimrod. Before she can attempt another miraculous victory -- the borrowed organic steel of her skin begins to fade! It's all she can do to keep ahead of Nimrod's energy blasts! A deadly game of keep-away with one inevitable outcome!
The Sentinel of the future tracks Rogue's movements and calculates a course based on velocity and maneuverability. There's nothing she can do as the air before her is filled with a "shockweb". She fries in a dazzling explosion of light that leaves her plummeting back to earth, unconscious and smoldering.
The dramatic demonstration is enough to persuade Selene, Harry Leland, and Tessa to accept Storm's offer.

Until an alliance is reached between the X-Men and Hellfire Club, there are technically three factions acting upon today's battle -- all equally hostile to each other! That makes lodging the result a little trickier than usual, but a clean conclusion can be reached...
The majority of casualties in today's battle were suffered by the Hellfire Club, but they aren't alone in defeat. The X-Men were either ineffectual, or as in the case with Rogue, trounced by the futuristic weaponry of Nimrod! Victory therefore belongs to the time travelling killer robot.
You could reasonably argue that Uncanny X-Men #209 contains a single continuous battle beyond what's described above. There is, however, a very distinct break in the action that allows the dynamic to be completely redrafted.
Round 2 begins anew when the surviving forces unite to engage Nimrod. Or Round 3, as it were, given this all began in the issue prior. At some point in the future we'll take a closer look at what went down.
Forgive me if I now give in to the temptation to shout: "It's Nimrod!!"
If you're a fan of the nineties X-Men cartoon you'll probably understand where I'm coming from. There were a lot of quotable lines to come out of that wonderful show. The over-the-top identification of Nimrod comes from the first half of their unique Days of Future Past two-parter. It's a little Mugatu in its blunt declaration of the obvious, but it works in context.
Nostalgia has weighed heavily on the X-Men for a long time now. The commercial highs of the nineties seem very visible at the moment, but the franchise arguably struggles most with the source material that inspired the cartoon. That seems true of the future-set Powers of X, which showed its hand with new character designs that promised the return of something like Nimrod.
In the past I've regarded nostalgic regression as a bad thing for the X-Men, but after a decade of mediocrity and brand assassination, this seems like a reset that's overdue. It's a reinvestment in what's good about the X-Men, rather than the ill timed rehashing of past reboots, like Whedon's slide-inducing Astonishing.
There's something oh-so deliciously eighties about Nimrod. He's a marshmallow of a Sentinel, what with his big, white, ill defined humanoid body, and hot pink highlights. A character that could be a source for ridicule - if he wasn't so successfully defined as a credible threat in appearances like today's battle, and the earlier confrontation of Uncanny #194.
Nimrod was arguably played out by the time he merged with Master Mold to make Bastion in the late nineties (or whatever that was about), but now that we've now caught up to the dreaded events of Days of Future Past and it's Sentinel ravaged future of 2013 means there's fresh perspective. Treating that once looming threat at present-day is an exciting prospect. Timeline be damned.
Chris Claremont's collaborations with John Romita Jr arguably rival his earlier works with Byrne. There's obviously a tremendous debt of reference owed, but out of that comes a refinement, and loose change in style that I really enjoy.
I love the livewire approach evident in the plotting of this run of mid-eighties issues. Nimrod lingers as a developing sub-plot that occasionally comes to the fore, while a strong lineup of X-Men deals with threats like the Hellfire Club, and their own internal conflicts. It doesn't make for a strong, singular tome like Days of Future Past, but it exploits the serial nature of comic books thrillingly.
The face-off between Wolverine and Rachel Summers in the issues leading to today's fight is really something to behold! Gritty, urgent images from JRjr radiate off the page. It's still a little herky-jerky in the initiation of certain events, but the fact that so many other ideas are firing and layered into the flow of events only enhances the reality of a character like Nimrod.
It's a pretty great time for the occasionally inconsistent X-Men lineup, too!
Rogue will arguably reach another gear as the Jim Lee pinup of the nineties, but better stands out as an MVP during this period of mid-eighties punkish, brooding growth. The brash icon she'll become is earned in these issues where she's still developing into the fullest potential of her powers, and her role as a hero.
Her ability to absorb the powers of teammates like Nightcrawler and Colossus is a winning visual-concept with an all-time cool-factor!
The fact steel-skin Rogue is reprised so quickly after #194 shows they knew what they had. The gimmick becomes a dramatic tool in this issue, triggered inadvertently as Rogue tries to save Colossus from his sinking fate. It comes a bonus sugar rush. The kind of idea you love to see, but a writer can't go to every time -- no matter how much they want to! Restraint keeps it special.
I actually pulled this issue out in the hopes of talking more about Colossus, but it looks like that will just have to wait until next time!
If you want to get more from the X-Men and characters featured today, you should follow links throughout this post, or dive into the Secret Archive for a full index of featured fights ordered by publisher, series, and issue number!
At the time of this writing it's been difficult to find a collected edition containing Uncanny X-Men #209. The black & white Essential X-Men Vol.6 is tough to find, but if you do any shopping via the Amazon affiliate link provided, you'll help support the site at no extra cost to you!
You can also get daily links to fights inspired by the topics of the day by subscribing to Secret Wars on Infinite Earths on Twitter and Facebook! Be sure to like and share your favourite fights!
Winner: Nimrod
#348 (+257) Nimrod [+1 kill]
#49 (--) Storm
#349 (-39) Harry Leland
#885 (new) Callisto
#886 (new) Selene
#887 (new) Sebastian Shaw
#888 (new) Friedrich von Roehm
#889 (new) Tessa (Sage)
#4 (--) Wolverine [+1 assist]
#890 (-5) Nightcrawler [+1 assist]
The majority of casualties in today's battle were suffered by the Hellfire Club, but they aren't alone in defeat. The X-Men were either ineffectual, or as in the case with Rogue, trounced by the futuristic weaponry of Nimrod! Victory therefore belongs to the time travelling killer robot.
You could reasonably argue that Uncanny X-Men #209 contains a single continuous battle beyond what's described above. There is, however, a very distinct break in the action that allows the dynamic to be completely redrafted.
Round 2 begins anew when the surviving forces unite to engage Nimrod. Or Round 3, as it were, given this all began in the issue prior. At some point in the future we'll take a closer look at what went down.
Forgive me if I now give in to the temptation to shout: "It's Nimrod!!"
If you're a fan of the nineties X-Men cartoon you'll probably understand where I'm coming from. There were a lot of quotable lines to come out of that wonderful show. The over-the-top identification of Nimrod comes from the first half of their unique Days of Future Past two-parter. It's a little Mugatu in its blunt declaration of the obvious, but it works in context.
Nostalgia has weighed heavily on the X-Men for a long time now. The commercial highs of the nineties seem very visible at the moment, but the franchise arguably struggles most with the source material that inspired the cartoon. That seems true of the future-set Powers of X, which showed its hand with new character designs that promised the return of something like Nimrod.
In the past I've regarded nostalgic regression as a bad thing for the X-Men, but after a decade of mediocrity and brand assassination, this seems like a reset that's overdue. It's a reinvestment in what's good about the X-Men, rather than the ill timed rehashing of past reboots, like Whedon's slide-inducing Astonishing.
There's something oh-so deliciously eighties about Nimrod. He's a marshmallow of a Sentinel, what with his big, white, ill defined humanoid body, and hot pink highlights. A character that could be a source for ridicule - if he wasn't so successfully defined as a credible threat in appearances like today's battle, and the earlier confrontation of Uncanny #194.
Nimrod was arguably played out by the time he merged with Master Mold to make Bastion in the late nineties (or whatever that was about), but now that we've now caught up to the dreaded events of Days of Future Past and it's Sentinel ravaged future of 2013 means there's fresh perspective. Treating that once looming threat at present-day is an exciting prospect. Timeline be damned.
Chris Claremont's collaborations with John Romita Jr arguably rival his earlier works with Byrne. There's obviously a tremendous debt of reference owed, but out of that comes a refinement, and loose change in style that I really enjoy.
I love the livewire approach evident in the plotting of this run of mid-eighties issues. Nimrod lingers as a developing sub-plot that occasionally comes to the fore, while a strong lineup of X-Men deals with threats like the Hellfire Club, and their own internal conflicts. It doesn't make for a strong, singular tome like Days of Future Past, but it exploits the serial nature of comic books thrillingly.
The face-off between Wolverine and Rachel Summers in the issues leading to today's fight is really something to behold! Gritty, urgent images from JRjr radiate off the page. It's still a little herky-jerky in the initiation of certain events, but the fact that so many other ideas are firing and layered into the flow of events only enhances the reality of a character like Nimrod.
It's a pretty great time for the occasionally inconsistent X-Men lineup, too!
Rogue will arguably reach another gear as the Jim Lee pinup of the nineties, but better stands out as an MVP during this period of mid-eighties punkish, brooding growth. The brash icon she'll become is earned in these issues where she's still developing into the fullest potential of her powers, and her role as a hero.
Her ability to absorb the powers of teammates like Nightcrawler and Colossus is a winning visual-concept with an all-time cool-factor!
The fact steel-skin Rogue is reprised so quickly after #194 shows they knew what they had. The gimmick becomes a dramatic tool in this issue, triggered inadvertently as Rogue tries to save Colossus from his sinking fate. It comes a bonus sugar rush. The kind of idea you love to see, but a writer can't go to every time -- no matter how much they want to! Restraint keeps it special.
I actually pulled this issue out in the hopes of talking more about Colossus, but it looks like that will just have to wait until next time!
If you want to get more from the X-Men and characters featured today, you should follow links throughout this post, or dive into the Secret Archive for a full index of featured fights ordered by publisher, series, and issue number!
At the time of this writing it's been difficult to find a collected edition containing Uncanny X-Men #209. The black & white Essential X-Men Vol.6 is tough to find, but if you do any shopping via the Amazon affiliate link provided, you'll help support the site at no extra cost to you!
You can also get daily links to fights inspired by the topics of the day by subscribing to Secret Wars on Infinite Earths on Twitter and Facebook! Be sure to like and share your favourite fights!
Winner: Nimrod
#348 (+257) Nimrod [+1 kill]
#49 (--) Storm
#349 (-39) Harry Leland
#885 (new) Callisto
#886 (new) Selene
#887 (new) Sebastian Shaw
#888 (new) Friedrich von Roehm
#889 (new) Tessa (Sage)
#4 (--) Wolverine [+1 assist]
#890 (-5) Nightcrawler [+1 assist]
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