Demons on Broadway: Maximum Carnage Chapter 3 (Marvel)
Where: Amazing Spider-Man #378 When: June 1993
Why: David Michelinie How: Mark Bagley
The Story So Far...
Symbiote-wearing serial killer Cletus Kasady escaped from maximum security at the Ravencroft Institute, carving a bloody path as his alter-ego Carnage!
Having forged a twisted bond with Shriek and the razor-fanged Doppelganger; Carnage is set on painting the town red with Spider-man's blood -- and the innards of anyone else unfortunate enough to come across his killer family's path!
When Spider-Man was kicked from a high-rise rooftop during a skirmish with Shriek and Doppelganger, he inadvertently found his first allies in Cloak and Dagger. Alas, their intervention quickly came at the ultimate price when Dagger was seemingly destroyed in battle with the villains!
Nursing broken ribs and a crushing sense of responsibility, Spider-Man must return to the New York City skyline alone in order to hunt his out-of-control lethal foes. He'll stop at nothing to defeat them, but he didn't count on running in to another of his most dangerous enemies: Demogoblin!
Tale of the Tape...

Strength: Spider-Man 5 (Super-Human)
Intelligence: Spider-Man 5 (Professor)
Speed: Spider-Man 4 (Olympian)
Stamina: Draw 5 (Marathoner)
Agility: Spider-Man 5 (Cat-Like)
Fighting: Draw 3 (Street Wise)
Energy: Demogoblin 4 (Arsenal)
Total: Spider-Man 29 (Metahuman)
Spider-Man has faced more than his fair share of goblins over the years, but most of those were just guys in creepy costumes. Demogoblin is the genuine article: unleashed from Hell by N'Astirh, and the ambitions of Jason Macendale!
Macendale is best known for appropriating the identity of Hobgoblin, but when he attempted to add supernatural powers to his skills as a mercenary, he was possessed with a demonic spirit that eventually began to consume him. We saw the Demogoblin taking control in Marc Spector: Moon Knight #32, where his crusade against sinners led to an assault on Moon Knight's mansion.
Separated from Macendale the demon later attempted to team with a mystically corrupted Blade in Ghost Rider #40 - only to wind up dead on the end of a demogorge shish kebab! That was soon remedied and he was back causing mayhem in Venom: The Enemy Within #3, where Venom and Morbius teamed to stop Demogoblin in a loose sequel to their affiliation in Maximum Carnage.
That finally brings us to today's battle where Demogoblin hasn't yet made the acquaintance of Carnage and his twisted family of killers. He's just a formidable opponent at last facing his one true arch-nemesis - Spider-Man!
Demogoblin approximates his arsenal from his human host, and Hobgoblin's gear was already stolen from Green Goblin. That means Spidey's experience fighting other goblin-types is invaluable.
Determination and personal ties were vital to vexing Harry Osborn in Amazing Spider-Man #176. We saw how proper motivation could motivate Spidey to lay the smackdown in Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #1! The super-powered Menace flipped that script, using super-strength to secure a win in Amazing #585!
With her advanced super-human strength Menace is a near equivalent to Demogoblin, but we've seen Spider-Man overcome plenty of odds! Let's see...
The Tape: Spider-Man Ranking: Spider-Man (#2)
What Went Down...
Swinging through the Bowery skyline by night, an injured Spider-Man begins the solemn search for Carnage and his adopted family of crazed killers.
The last thing the web-slinger wanted was to run into another nemesis, but when he spots Demogoblin gliding above the city streets, he finds his best lead for tracking down the sinister Doppelganger -- Demogoblin's former pet!
Hoping to track the demon, Spider-Man hangs back to avoid detection, but his reflection in high-rise windows betrays him!
Demogoblin spots the web-swinging hero and accelerates around a corner, riding his flaming glider in an upward arc over the building to double-back and launch an ambush!
His danger-warning spider-senses sound the alarm at the last second, allowing Spider-Man to twist clear of a stream of hellfire shot from Demogoblin's finger!
The demon's arsenal is far from exhausted. While Spidey uses webs to keep the battle airborne and clear of civilians, Demogoblin produces a sinister black pumpkin bomb! He tosses it, forcing Spider-Man to use a street light to hand press himself clear of the blast -- but the bomb doesn't explode!
Instead, the grinning weapon suddenly erupts into a wave of darkness that engulfs the unsuspecting hero!
Spider-Man has no time to dodge the living black, which wraps around his body and sends him hurtling to the street below!
Nearby onlookers offer cheers of support, but Spider-Man cannot comply with their calls to victory. His body is overcome with a feeling of cold and despair. He curls into the foetal position, struggling to leave the pavement even as Demogoblin arrives at his feet!
Demogoblin grabs Spider-Man by the throat and hoists him up against a nearby building. The demon explains his new weapon's purpose to make all sinners taste the bleak and unending hopelessness of torment.
A passing priest hears Demogoblin's doctrine and attempts to intervene. The padre dubs the demon a blasphemous trickster and demands he release the hero by all that's holy. His zeal is met with another choke hold and the promise that he will be the next to burn. It's enough to rouse Spider-Man from the dark!
Inspired by a will to protect others from harm -- Spider-Man strikes!
The mighty blow sends Demogoblin flying through the air, his grip on the priest loosened as they're both launched! Despite the rough landing, the priest is grateful for Spider-Man's efforts. The web-head's rescue job isn't finished yet.
Where: Amazing Spider-Man #378 When: June 1993
Why: David Michelinie How: Mark Bagley
The Story So Far...
Symbiote-wearing serial killer Cletus Kasady escaped from maximum security at the Ravencroft Institute, carving a bloody path as his alter-ego Carnage!
Having forged a twisted bond with Shriek and the razor-fanged Doppelganger; Carnage is set on painting the town red with Spider-man's blood -- and the innards of anyone else unfortunate enough to come across his killer family's path!
When Spider-Man was kicked from a high-rise rooftop during a skirmish with Shriek and Doppelganger, he inadvertently found his first allies in Cloak and Dagger. Alas, their intervention quickly came at the ultimate price when Dagger was seemingly destroyed in battle with the villains!
Nursing broken ribs and a crushing sense of responsibility, Spider-Man must return to the New York City skyline alone in order to hunt his out-of-control lethal foes. He'll stop at nothing to defeat them, but he didn't count on running in to another of his most dangerous enemies: Demogoblin!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Spider-Man 5 (Professor)
Speed: Spider-Man 4 (Olympian)
Stamina: Draw 5 (Marathoner)
Agility: Spider-Man 5 (Cat-Like)
Fighting: Draw 3 (Street Wise)
Energy: Demogoblin 4 (Arsenal)
Total: Spider-Man 29 (Metahuman)
Spider-Man has faced more than his fair share of goblins over the years, but most of those were just guys in creepy costumes. Demogoblin is the genuine article: unleashed from Hell by N'Astirh, and the ambitions of Jason Macendale!
Macendale is best known for appropriating the identity of Hobgoblin, but when he attempted to add supernatural powers to his skills as a mercenary, he was possessed with a demonic spirit that eventually began to consume him. We saw the Demogoblin taking control in Marc Spector: Moon Knight #32, where his crusade against sinners led to an assault on Moon Knight's mansion.
Separated from Macendale the demon later attempted to team with a mystically corrupted Blade in Ghost Rider #40 - only to wind up dead on the end of a demogorge shish kebab! That was soon remedied and he was back causing mayhem in Venom: The Enemy Within #3, where Venom and Morbius teamed to stop Demogoblin in a loose sequel to their affiliation in Maximum Carnage.
That finally brings us to today's battle where Demogoblin hasn't yet made the acquaintance of Carnage and his twisted family of killers. He's just a formidable opponent at last facing his one true arch-nemesis - Spider-Man!
Demogoblin approximates his arsenal from his human host, and Hobgoblin's gear was already stolen from Green Goblin. That means Spidey's experience fighting other goblin-types is invaluable.
Determination and personal ties were vital to vexing Harry Osborn in Amazing Spider-Man #176. We saw how proper motivation could motivate Spidey to lay the smackdown in Marvel Knights: Spider-Man #1! The super-powered Menace flipped that script, using super-strength to secure a win in Amazing #585!
With her advanced super-human strength Menace is a near equivalent to Demogoblin, but we've seen Spider-Man overcome plenty of odds! Let's see...
The Tape: Spider-Man Ranking: Spider-Man (#2)
What Went Down...
Swinging through the Bowery skyline by night, an injured Spider-Man begins the solemn search for Carnage and his adopted family of crazed killers.
The last thing the web-slinger wanted was to run into another nemesis, but when he spots Demogoblin gliding above the city streets, he finds his best lead for tracking down the sinister Doppelganger -- Demogoblin's former pet!
Hoping to track the demon, Spider-Man hangs back to avoid detection, but his reflection in high-rise windows betrays him!
Demogoblin spots the web-swinging hero and accelerates around a corner, riding his flaming glider in an upward arc over the building to double-back and launch an ambush!
His danger-warning spider-senses sound the alarm at the last second, allowing Spider-Man to twist clear of a stream of hellfire shot from Demogoblin's finger!
The demon's arsenal is far from exhausted. While Spidey uses webs to keep the battle airborne and clear of civilians, Demogoblin produces a sinister black pumpkin bomb! He tosses it, forcing Spider-Man to use a street light to hand press himself clear of the blast -- but the bomb doesn't explode!
Instead, the grinning weapon suddenly erupts into a wave of darkness that engulfs the unsuspecting hero!
Spider-Man has no time to dodge the living black, which wraps around his body and sends him hurtling to the street below!
Nearby onlookers offer cheers of support, but Spider-Man cannot comply with their calls to victory. His body is overcome with a feeling of cold and despair. He curls into the foetal position, struggling to leave the pavement even as Demogoblin arrives at his feet!
Demogoblin grabs Spider-Man by the throat and hoists him up against a nearby building. The demon explains his new weapon's purpose to make all sinners taste the bleak and unending hopelessness of torment.
A passing priest hears Demogoblin's doctrine and attempts to intervene. The padre dubs the demon a blasphemous trickster and demands he release the hero by all that's holy. His zeal is met with another choke hold and the promise that he will be the next to burn. It's enough to rouse Spider-Man from the dark!
Inspired by a will to protect others from harm -- Spider-Man strikes!
The mighty blow sends Demogoblin flying through the air, his grip on the priest loosened as they're both launched! Despite the rough landing, the priest is grateful for Spider-Man's efforts. The web-head's rescue job isn't finished yet.
Recovering quickly, Demogoblin launches another pumpkin bomb at Spider-Man's back. Once again, his spider-senses save the day, allowing him to leap clear of the conventional bomb's blast with the priest in his arms!
The act of derring-do aggravates Spidey's injured ribs, but he's spared the need to hide his injury. The Demogoblin uses the moment to make his escape, leaving only a trail of flame as he glides away into the night!
The Hammer...
Spider-Man thinks about pursuing Demogoblin, but with pain radiating from his injured ribs, he's barely able to stand -- let alone commit to a second round!
The web-head will have his chance at a rematch in the next chapter of Maximum Carnage, but not before Demogoblin runs afoul of Cletus Kasady and his merry band of killers! A most interesting predicament given Demogoblin's quest to punish all sinners, but also his relationship with Doppelganger, who he nurtured and maintained after manifestation during the Infinity War.
The prospect of a team-up sounds like bad news for the good guys, who just lost Dagger last issue, but Demogoblin wasn't the only player to join the board during Chapter 3. As you may've noticed from the slightly misleading cover art, this is also the issue that officially brings Venom into the game!
The issue starts with a speciously dynamic three-page sequence of "Edward Brock" arriving at New York's LaGuardia Airport. He's incognito in jacket and jeans, but when he spots the day's headline with a front page picture of Carnage, rage boils over and the symbiote comes alive in full Venom mode!
He'll catch up with Carnage right at the end of the issue, ignoring the sounds of Spidey and Demogoblin's battle to follow a radio report of massacre in Central Park. It won't quite be the showdown the cover makes it seem. In fact, we really only get a panel of Venom's arrival, a leaping sneak attack by Shriek and Doppelganger, and then Eddie Brock showing up on Peter Parker and Mary-Jane's doorstep with his symbiote in tatters.
Not exactly feature fight material, but it's only Chapter 3, so what do you really want? We're still in the assembly period of this 14-part maxi-series event, and to be honest, I always really enjoyed that aspect of this issue.
To some extent, you can attribute the respect the Carnage character commands with fans to this issue. It's very effective at illustrating the supreme threat of Carnage and his crew, who are only building momentum, indiscriminately killing their way through New York City with nobody present to stop them.
Spider-Man's used to fighting from underneath, but he's already lost an ally, busted some ribs, and copped an earful from Mary-Jane. She's going out of her mind with worry having just consoled Liz Allen through the death of her costumed husband. Throw in an unannounced drop-in by the dirtbag who terrorized both their lives (Venom) and you've got serious pressure building!
Viewed in isolation as part of the Maximum Carnage story it's all great set-up, but as Amazing Spider-Man #378, it also reminds you that Spider-Man is always at risk of running in to another unexpected threat, or opponent. Demogoblin will have a role to play in this event, but the way he gets involved is just like any other issue, a chance encounter of happenstance.
Another reason to love this issue is the art. There have been many phenomenal artists to draw Spider-Man over the years, but it's moments like the opening that made Mark Bagley the definitive Spidey artist of 1993! Deliberately high praise when you remember guys like Sal Buscema and Tom Lyle were hitting it out of the park on Maximum Carnage as well!
There was just something about the way Bagley could draw and layout characters like Spider-Man and Venom that was second to none!
His lines were slick and clean, his poses dynamic, and his anatomy spot-on. There are elements of the contortions and style Todd McFarlane and Erik Larsen brought to Spider-Man, but they're channeled through a more refined pen, akin to a modern day John Romita. An exceptional talent I love revisiting!
Credit to inker Randy Emberlin and colorist Bob Sharen, too. They compliment his stuff so well. I recommend anyone seek out the original issues to get a better impression of the colours. I really need to lift my scan game.
If you'd rather read Maximum Carnage in one sitting you can find it in various collected editions. Use Amazon purchase links provided to find a good deal and help support Secret Wars on Infinite Earths at no extra cost!
Today's battle was a bonus bit of demonic Halloween horror. You can find this month's offerings and more by checking out a recap in Cover to Cover: Halloween Frights 'n' Fights!
You can also find battles from Maximum Carnage Parts 1, 2, and 14! Find more from the featured characters by checking out links throughout these posts, or dive into the Secret Archive for a complete index of battles by publisher and series. Follow on Twitter and Facebook for daily links to battles inspired by the topics of the day. Make sure to SMASH those like and share options!
Winner: Inconclusive (Draw)
#2 (--) Spider-Man
#892 (+6) Demogoblin
The web-head will have his chance at a rematch in the next chapter of Maximum Carnage, but not before Demogoblin runs afoul of Cletus Kasady and his merry band of killers! A most interesting predicament given Demogoblin's quest to punish all sinners, but also his relationship with Doppelganger, who he nurtured and maintained after manifestation during the Infinity War.
The prospect of a team-up sounds like bad news for the good guys, who just lost Dagger last issue, but Demogoblin wasn't the only player to join the board during Chapter 3. As you may've noticed from the slightly misleading cover art, this is also the issue that officially brings Venom into the game!
The issue starts with a speciously dynamic three-page sequence of "Edward Brock" arriving at New York's LaGuardia Airport. He's incognito in jacket and jeans, but when he spots the day's headline with a front page picture of Carnage, rage boils over and the symbiote comes alive in full Venom mode!
He'll catch up with Carnage right at the end of the issue, ignoring the sounds of Spidey and Demogoblin's battle to follow a radio report of massacre in Central Park. It won't quite be the showdown the cover makes it seem. In fact, we really only get a panel of Venom's arrival, a leaping sneak attack by Shriek and Doppelganger, and then Eddie Brock showing up on Peter Parker and Mary-Jane's doorstep with his symbiote in tatters.
Not exactly feature fight material, but it's only Chapter 3, so what do you really want? We're still in the assembly period of this 14-part maxi-series event, and to be honest, I always really enjoyed that aspect of this issue.
To some extent, you can attribute the respect the Carnage character commands with fans to this issue. It's very effective at illustrating the supreme threat of Carnage and his crew, who are only building momentum, indiscriminately killing their way through New York City with nobody present to stop them.
Spider-Man's used to fighting from underneath, but he's already lost an ally, busted some ribs, and copped an earful from Mary-Jane. She's going out of her mind with worry having just consoled Liz Allen through the death of her costumed husband. Throw in an unannounced drop-in by the dirtbag who terrorized both their lives (Venom) and you've got serious pressure building!
Viewed in isolation as part of the Maximum Carnage story it's all great set-up, but as Amazing Spider-Man #378, it also reminds you that Spider-Man is always at risk of running in to another unexpected threat, or opponent. Demogoblin will have a role to play in this event, but the way he gets involved is just like any other issue, a chance encounter of happenstance.
Another reason to love this issue is the art. There have been many phenomenal artists to draw Spider-Man over the years, but it's moments like the opening that made Mark Bagley the definitive Spidey artist of 1993! Deliberately high praise when you remember guys like Sal Buscema and Tom Lyle were hitting it out of the park on Maximum Carnage as well!
There was just something about the way Bagley could draw and layout characters like Spider-Man and Venom that was second to none!
His lines were slick and clean, his poses dynamic, and his anatomy spot-on. There are elements of the contortions and style Todd McFarlane and Erik Larsen brought to Spider-Man, but they're channeled through a more refined pen, akin to a modern day John Romita. An exceptional talent I love revisiting!
Credit to inker Randy Emberlin and colorist Bob Sharen, too. They compliment his stuff so well. I recommend anyone seek out the original issues to get a better impression of the colours. I really need to lift my scan game.
If you'd rather read Maximum Carnage in one sitting you can find it in various collected editions. Use Amazon purchase links provided to find a good deal and help support Secret Wars on Infinite Earths at no extra cost!
Today's battle was a bonus bit of demonic Halloween horror. You can find this month's offerings and more by checking out a recap in Cover to Cover: Halloween Frights 'n' Fights!
You can also find battles from Maximum Carnage Parts 1, 2, and 14! Find more from the featured characters by checking out links throughout these posts, or dive into the Secret Archive for a complete index of battles by publisher and series. Follow on Twitter and Facebook for daily links to battles inspired by the topics of the day. Make sure to SMASH those like and share options!
Winner: Inconclusive (Draw)
#2 (--) Spider-Man
#892 (+6) Demogoblin
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