Blood Debt (DC)
Where: Wonder Woman #222 When: December 2005
Why: Greg Rucka How: Cliff Richards
The Story So Far...
Responsible for fatally snapping Maxwell Lord's neck before the eyes of the world: Wonder Woman must answer to international outcry in response to film of the humanitarian and philanthropist's apparent murder.
Submitting herself to the International Court of Justice; the superhero and Amazon ambassador willingly agrees to residence in an adjacent detention facility while the terms of her trial are arranged. Alas, death has followed Diana to The Hague.
Watching her plea of "Not Guilty" was the merciless Cheetah, who leaves a pile of court guards' corpses in her wake as she stalks her ultimate prey. Emergency lockdown merely serves to cage the beast as she lies in wait!
Tale of the Tape...

Strength: Wonder Woman 6 (Invincible)
Intelligence: Wonder Woman 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Cheetah 5 (Super Speed)
Stamina: Wonder Woman 5 (Marathoner)
Agility: Cheetah 5 (Cat-Like)
Fighting: Wonder Woman 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Draw 1 (None)
Total: Wonder Woman 29 (Metahuman)
Cheetah is arguably the most identifiable arch-enemy in Wonder Woman's rogues gallery, so it's about time we took another look at this classic rivalry.
Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva was an anthropologist seeking the secrets of an esoteric African tribe. She hoped for the gift of immortality, but was instead cursed when she submitted to a ritual to become the cat-god Urzkartaga's bride.
For desiring the pleasures of the flesh, she was doomed to survive only by consuming it. With this animal instinct came feline physical attributes, including enhanced strength, agility, reflexes, senses, a tail, and super-human speed!
Her greatest assets fighting Wonder Woman are speed and agility, coupled with feline ferocity -- and claws to match. Extra speed enhancements acquired from Zoom helped almost secure a win in Wonder Woman (Vol.3) #29. A tense stand-off with Wonder Woman in Justice League of America #15 ended when Firestorm delivered a knock-out blow.
Cheetah's also come up short against Catwoman, developing a rivalry over two noteworthy battles. In Catwoman: When In Rome #4, her tail was used against her to efficient effect. Catwoman #78 promised a vicious rematch, but again the fighting technique and desperation of Catwoman turned the tables.
Wonder Woman's no slouch in the arena of combat, but will often forego finesse for a brawling warrior's style that suits her incredible strength.
She used power and brawling to clobber Marvel's Juggernaut in Unlimited Access #1's tag team crossover. She tenaciously endured against the unique magic of Genocide in Wonder Woman #32, as well! She even bested two feral foes in Vixen and Tasmanian Devil during JLA: Classified #3! Impressive!
The record certainly favours Wonder Woman, but we still have more ground to cover before Cheetah can be written off. It must be noted that she successfully sniffed out an invisible Phantom Lady, and slashed up Uncle Sam, contributing to the domination of the Freedom Fighters in Infinite Crisis #1.
Could today's featured fight be the one to finally see Cheetah overwhelm her arch-nemesis? Wonder Woman is waist deep in controversy at this time having just fought Superman and killed Maxwell Lord. Let's see what happened...
The Tape: Wonder Woman Ranking: Wonder Woman (#15)
What Went Down...
From the rafters she watched Wonder Woman's immediate fate be decided with spite and resentment. The tribunal hearing determined she be held in the Hague detention facility, where Cheetah effortlessly follows, hidden by shadow.
Wonder Woman takes advantage of a spontaneous visit from Donna Troy and Supergirl to usher her legal council, Peter Garibaldi, on a safe travel home, then she returns to her quarters to confront the enemy she knows is hiding there!
Stepping into the light -- Cheetah revels in the fruits of her imposed bloodlust and then she launches herself at her sworn enemy with reckless abandon!
Her incredible speed allows her to tag Wonder Woman with the sharp edge of her claws, even as she contends with the mighty swinging fist of the Amazon!
Cheetah hits the wall with her feet and springs back in the direction of Wonder Woman. The warrior for peace is ready, but there's little she can do to prevent the momentum of Cheetah's returning charge. They smash through the wall!
Cheetah slashes at her downed foe, anticipating the taste of her flesh. She pounces into the air -- striking back down at Wonder Woman's cheek with the relentless whipping of her feline tail!
By now, armed guards have rushed to respond to the commotion -- but they're helpless before Cheetah's speed and agility. She darts between their bullets and effortlessly disarms them with a flick of her tail, and slash of her claws!
Before she can devour their flesh -- a gleaming projectile slices through her tail!
The agonizing pain clears her mind. She turns, finding Wonder Woman receiving her golden tiara as it arcs back to her hand like a boomerang. The perceived arrogance of her posture inspires a second wind. Cheetah dives at her prey!
This time Wonder Woman catches the charging Cheetah with a straight hand to the throat and slams her into the ground!
In her mind, Cheetah pleads for mercy from the jealous god who supplies her power, but the real negotiation is over. Wonder Woman slams her powerful fists into Cheetah until she's unconscious in a pool of her own blood.
The Hammer...
A decisive victory for Wonder Woman that takes her further down a path of violence.
She may have stopped the murderous Cheetah, but her bloody victory raises further questions as she awaits trial for the killing of Maxwell Lord.
The next issue deals with the fallout of the battle, with the International Criminal Court left with no choice but to revise the conditions of Wonder Woman's parole.
Diana agrees to the now mandatory imposed detention at The Hague, but quickly breaks the conditions when Themyscira comes under attack from an army of OMACs.
"Omni Mind And Community", or the OMAC Project, is a collective of nano-tech converted humans who were used as programmable soldiers by Checkmate, under the directive of Maxwell Lord.
Even in death, he continues to have his revenge against Wonder Woman, attacking her island home, and her international standing.
This all happened as part of the tangled web of events that built toward Infinite Crisis. An interesting time in DC history, when escalating mini-events created an interconnected foundation for an ultimate mid-decade blockbuster.
At the time, I very much enjoyed the unfolding, controlled chaos of it all, but looking back after years of repeating blockbuster events, it does start to feel a little bit bogged down and exhausting.
The strands of Infinite Crisis would define much of the 2000s, but in some ways it feels as if Wonder Woman was the most permanently effected by it.
These 2005 issues inspired part of my Totem of Justice: an attempt to categorize and define a scale of violence and attitude in contemporary super-heroics. Using the DC heroes of the time, Wonder Woman personified Level 7 of 8: Longstanding Solution, or lethal force -- "a life for a life". Echoes of this time still seem to resonate within most versions of the warrior princess.
This period wasn't the first time Wonder Woman had been shown to be an uncompromising warrior in the ancient sense. It did seem to serve as a lightning rod for rethinking her characterization as an Amazon Princess, though.
Refining the definitive status of icons was one of the pleasures of DC Comics in the early to mid 2000s. There seemed to be a genuine effort to reflect upon the past, searching for the truest aspects of various iterations to inform (and reform) a modern classic take.
Even after sixty years Wonder Woman still seemed to lack that type of enduring touchstone. Lynda Carter could only offer the character so much, and even the post-Crisis period by George Perez seemed to be most fondly referenced for its visual exploits and classic riffs.
At the time, it seemed like an uncompromising Wonder Woman was a good way to differentiate her from counterparts like Superman and Batman. It expanded upon and honored the spirit of the Greek Amazon tradition that remains one of the most unique reference points for the character. The friction it created with her tradition as an ambassador for peace supplied interesting circumstance for drama, as in today's featured issue.
The execution of Maxwell Lord ultimately created a single memorable moment Wonder Woman could hang or hat on. That's probably why aggression is still a part of the character, and why Maxwell Lord will soon appear as a foil in the Wonder Woman theatrical sequel, Wonder Woman 1984.
Some time soon we'll work backwards to take a closer look at that defining moment. In the mean time: if you'd like to read today's featured battle you can find it collected in Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka Volume 3: War in Paradise.
Shopping via the very appropriate Amazon link will not only find you a convenient deal, but also help support the site at no extra cost! If you want to go the extra mile like an Amazon Warrior, you can also get involved by signing up to Patreon!
Secret Wars on Infinite Earths has featured 650 battles and ranked well over 950 characters! If you like what it's all about and want to keep up the good fight: Patreon contributions will get you additional updates, extra polls, and custom articles as a thank you.
You can also subscribe to Twitter and Facebook for free daily links to fights inspired by the topic of the day! That's where you'll also find voting for The Contest: Cheetah vs Wolverine! Be sure to vote, like, and share!
Winner: Wonder Woman
#13 (+2) Wonder Woman
#423 (-1) Cheetah
Where: Wonder Woman #222 When: December 2005
Why: Greg Rucka How: Cliff Richards
The Story So Far...
Responsible for fatally snapping Maxwell Lord's neck before the eyes of the world: Wonder Woman must answer to international outcry in response to film of the humanitarian and philanthropist's apparent murder.
Submitting herself to the International Court of Justice; the superhero and Amazon ambassador willingly agrees to residence in an adjacent detention facility while the terms of her trial are arranged. Alas, death has followed Diana to The Hague.
Watching her plea of "Not Guilty" was the merciless Cheetah, who leaves a pile of court guards' corpses in her wake as she stalks her ultimate prey. Emergency lockdown merely serves to cage the beast as she lies in wait!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Wonder Woman 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Cheetah 5 (Super Speed)
Stamina: Wonder Woman 5 (Marathoner)
Agility: Cheetah 5 (Cat-Like)
Fighting: Wonder Woman 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Draw 1 (None)
Total: Wonder Woman 29 (Metahuman)
Cheetah is arguably the most identifiable arch-enemy in Wonder Woman's rogues gallery, so it's about time we took another look at this classic rivalry.
Dr. Barbara Ann Minerva was an anthropologist seeking the secrets of an esoteric African tribe. She hoped for the gift of immortality, but was instead cursed when she submitted to a ritual to become the cat-god Urzkartaga's bride.
For desiring the pleasures of the flesh, she was doomed to survive only by consuming it. With this animal instinct came feline physical attributes, including enhanced strength, agility, reflexes, senses, a tail, and super-human speed!
Her greatest assets fighting Wonder Woman are speed and agility, coupled with feline ferocity -- and claws to match. Extra speed enhancements acquired from Zoom helped almost secure a win in Wonder Woman (Vol.3) #29. A tense stand-off with Wonder Woman in Justice League of America #15 ended when Firestorm delivered a knock-out blow.
Cheetah's also come up short against Catwoman, developing a rivalry over two noteworthy battles. In Catwoman: When In Rome #4, her tail was used against her to efficient effect. Catwoman #78 promised a vicious rematch, but again the fighting technique and desperation of Catwoman turned the tables.
Wonder Woman's no slouch in the arena of combat, but will often forego finesse for a brawling warrior's style that suits her incredible strength.
She used power and brawling to clobber Marvel's Juggernaut in Unlimited Access #1's tag team crossover. She tenaciously endured against the unique magic of Genocide in Wonder Woman #32, as well! She even bested two feral foes in Vixen and Tasmanian Devil during JLA: Classified #3! Impressive!
The record certainly favours Wonder Woman, but we still have more ground to cover before Cheetah can be written off. It must be noted that she successfully sniffed out an invisible Phantom Lady, and slashed up Uncle Sam, contributing to the domination of the Freedom Fighters in Infinite Crisis #1.
Could today's featured fight be the one to finally see Cheetah overwhelm her arch-nemesis? Wonder Woman is waist deep in controversy at this time having just fought Superman and killed Maxwell Lord. Let's see what happened...
The Tape: Wonder Woman Ranking: Wonder Woman (#15)
What Went Down...
From the rafters she watched Wonder Woman's immediate fate be decided with spite and resentment. The tribunal hearing determined she be held in the Hague detention facility, where Cheetah effortlessly follows, hidden by shadow.
Wonder Woman takes advantage of a spontaneous visit from Donna Troy and Supergirl to usher her legal council, Peter Garibaldi, on a safe travel home, then she returns to her quarters to confront the enemy she knows is hiding there!
Stepping into the light -- Cheetah revels in the fruits of her imposed bloodlust and then she launches herself at her sworn enemy with reckless abandon!
Her incredible speed allows her to tag Wonder Woman with the sharp edge of her claws, even as she contends with the mighty swinging fist of the Amazon!
Cheetah hits the wall with her feet and springs back in the direction of Wonder Woman. The warrior for peace is ready, but there's little she can do to prevent the momentum of Cheetah's returning charge. They smash through the wall!
Cheetah slashes at her downed foe, anticipating the taste of her flesh. She pounces into the air -- striking back down at Wonder Woman's cheek with the relentless whipping of her feline tail!
By now, armed guards have rushed to respond to the commotion -- but they're helpless before Cheetah's speed and agility. She darts between their bullets and effortlessly disarms them with a flick of her tail, and slash of her claws!
Before she can devour their flesh -- a gleaming projectile slices through her tail!
The agonizing pain clears her mind. She turns, finding Wonder Woman receiving her golden tiara as it arcs back to her hand like a boomerang. The perceived arrogance of her posture inspires a second wind. Cheetah dives at her prey!
This time Wonder Woman catches the charging Cheetah with a straight hand to the throat and slams her into the ground!
In her mind, Cheetah pleads for mercy from the jealous god who supplies her power, but the real negotiation is over. Wonder Woman slams her powerful fists into Cheetah until she's unconscious in a pool of her own blood.
The Hammer...

She may have stopped the murderous Cheetah, but her bloody victory raises further questions as she awaits trial for the killing of Maxwell Lord.
The next issue deals with the fallout of the battle, with the International Criminal Court left with no choice but to revise the conditions of Wonder Woman's parole.
Diana agrees to the now mandatory imposed detention at The Hague, but quickly breaks the conditions when Themyscira comes under attack from an army of OMACs.
"Omni Mind And Community", or the OMAC Project, is a collective of nano-tech converted humans who were used as programmable soldiers by Checkmate, under the directive of Maxwell Lord.
Even in death, he continues to have his revenge against Wonder Woman, attacking her island home, and her international standing.
This all happened as part of the tangled web of events that built toward Infinite Crisis. An interesting time in DC history, when escalating mini-events created an interconnected foundation for an ultimate mid-decade blockbuster.
At the time, I very much enjoyed the unfolding, controlled chaos of it all, but looking back after years of repeating blockbuster events, it does start to feel a little bit bogged down and exhausting.
The strands of Infinite Crisis would define much of the 2000s, but in some ways it feels as if Wonder Woman was the most permanently effected by it.
These 2005 issues inspired part of my Totem of Justice: an attempt to categorize and define a scale of violence and attitude in contemporary super-heroics. Using the DC heroes of the time, Wonder Woman personified Level 7 of 8: Longstanding Solution, or lethal force -- "a life for a life". Echoes of this time still seem to resonate within most versions of the warrior princess.
This period wasn't the first time Wonder Woman had been shown to be an uncompromising warrior in the ancient sense. It did seem to serve as a lightning rod for rethinking her characterization as an Amazon Princess, though.
Refining the definitive status of icons was one of the pleasures of DC Comics in the early to mid 2000s. There seemed to be a genuine effort to reflect upon the past, searching for the truest aspects of various iterations to inform (and reform) a modern classic take.
Even after sixty years Wonder Woman still seemed to lack that type of enduring touchstone. Lynda Carter could only offer the character so much, and even the post-Crisis period by George Perez seemed to be most fondly referenced for its visual exploits and classic riffs.
At the time, it seemed like an uncompromising Wonder Woman was a good way to differentiate her from counterparts like Superman and Batman. It expanded upon and honored the spirit of the Greek Amazon tradition that remains one of the most unique reference points for the character. The friction it created with her tradition as an ambassador for peace supplied interesting circumstance for drama, as in today's featured issue.
The execution of Maxwell Lord ultimately created a single memorable moment Wonder Woman could hang or hat on. That's probably why aggression is still a part of the character, and why Maxwell Lord will soon appear as a foil in the Wonder Woman theatrical sequel, Wonder Woman 1984.
Some time soon we'll work backwards to take a closer look at that defining moment. In the mean time: if you'd like to read today's featured battle you can find it collected in Wonder Woman by Greg Rucka Volume 3: War in Paradise.
Shopping via the very appropriate Amazon link will not only find you a convenient deal, but also help support the site at no extra cost! If you want to go the extra mile like an Amazon Warrior, you can also get involved by signing up to Patreon!
Secret Wars on Infinite Earths has featured 650 battles and ranked well over 950 characters! If you like what it's all about and want to keep up the good fight: Patreon contributions will get you additional updates, extra polls, and custom articles as a thank you.
You can also subscribe to Twitter and Facebook for free daily links to fights inspired by the topic of the day! That's where you'll also find voting for The Contest: Cheetah vs Wolverine! Be sure to vote, like, and share!
Winner: Wonder Woman
#13 (+2) Wonder Woman
#423 (-1) Cheetah
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