Unnatural Selection (Marvel)
Where: X-Factor Annual #3 When: 1988
Why: Louise Simonson How: Terry Shoemaker
The Story So Far...
Since the 1920s, Dr. Herbert Wyndham has held a fascination for genetics and evolution. Experimentation on his own makeup transformed him into the brilliant High Evolutionary, whose agenda to advance humanity has led to many amazing discoveries -- and atrocities!
In subterranean caverns weaving deep beneath the Earth, The High Evolutionary's Purifiers are deployed to extinguish the devolved and primitive bloodline of the Moloids, but from among their mindless ranks rises a mutation capable of organizing their endless armies.
Where: X-Factor Annual #3 When: 1988
Why: Louise Simonson How: Terry Shoemaker
The Story So Far...
Since the 1920s, Dr. Herbert Wyndham has held a fascination for genetics and evolution. Experimentation on his own makeup transformed him into the brilliant High Evolutionary, whose agenda to advance humanity has led to many amazing discoveries -- and atrocities!
In subterranean caverns weaving deep beneath the Earth, The High Evolutionary's Purifiers are deployed to extinguish the devolved and primitive bloodline of the Moloids, but from among their mindless ranks rises a mutation capable of organizing their endless armies.
A psychic scream from the mutant Moloid is felt by "sensitives" across the Earth -- including Caliban: loyal hound to an ancient being who would regard the Moloid's struggle as fitness to survive. Now the High Evolutionary's tampering must answer to the Darwinistic challenge of Apocalypse!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: High Evolutionary 6 (Genius)
Speed: Apocalypse 3 (Athlete)
Stamina: Draw 7 (Unstoppable)
Agility: Apocalypse 6 (Rubber)
Fighting: Apocalypse 4 (Trained)
Energy: Draw 5 (Lasers)
Total: Apocalypse 36 (Cosmic)
You think just because a couple of guys aced AP Bio they can't start somethin'?
The differences of their abilities are almost secondary to the contrast of their beliefs. They both observe life on Earth with a goal towards advancement, and at times their methodology is not all that different, but for the ancient mutant called Apocalypse, there is great difference between natural and unnatural selection!
Wyndham has experienced life as a neanderthal and demi-god, commanding his Evolutionary Accelerator from bases on Wundagore Mountain, and a distant Counter-Earth, where he resided with animals evolved into a breed of New Men -- part of his efforts to study and contrive the advanced progress of humanity.
His distinct suit of armor houses the best of his technologies, granting the High Evolutionary varying degrees of super-human strength, durability, and an arsenal of weaponry and scientific applications. He'll need them!
Apocalypse is privy to his own array of scientific wonderments, as well as genetic mutations that have allowed him to become strong over centuries of survival -- in total control of his molecular structure and energy projection!
Apocalypse conquered Earth itself in an alternate timeline, and has thought nothing of fighting gods into submission. Will his challenge of the High Evolutionary go any other way? Let's find out!
The Tape: Apocalypse Ranking: Apocalypse (#138)
What Went Down...
From his vantage point in outer space, The High Evolutionary peers deep beneath the Earth's crust, watching as his Purifiers encounter unexpected resistance from the subterranean moloids. It is not the only unexpected presence to trouble him.
Suddenly from behind beckons the booming voice of an intruder!
There stands the looming figure of Apocalypse and a philosophical quandary concerning the fate of the moloids.
There stands the looming figure of Apocalypse and a philosophical quandary concerning the fate of the moloids.
The ancient mutant does not strictly object to the violent treatment of the savage underground race, but En Sabah Nur has seen centuries of survival and evolution, and he aims to bestow upon the brilliant and immortal Evoltuionary the wisdom of patience.
The High Evolutionary narrowly steps clear of a massive energy blast that rips through his powerful computers!
Challenging Apocalypse's arrogance, he accuses the ancient mutant of showing his own impatience in his attack.
The Evolutionary returns fire with massive blasts from his hands that rip through the moon-like facade of his own space station!
The pair are sucked into the void of space, but neither man would be so unevolved to concern himself with the triviality of oxygen.
While the High Evolutionary drifts unaffected, Apocalypse shifts his molecules to become a living bio-mechanical space suit!
High Evolutionary speaks of his own path, experiencing life as both animal and demi-god. He blasts more energy at Apocalypse, who exerts control over his form sufficient to jet himself clear of the danger with ankle-mounted boosters.
Apocalypse rejects the "unnatural selection" of High Evolutionary's efforts to sterilize those he deems unfit. He would see time weed out the weak, and advance the strong, allowing them to exceed and escape the presumed dead ends High Evolutionary arrogantly predicts.
Apocalypse extends his reach toward the High Evolutionary, stretching and contorting his arm to become a gigantic mechanical vice!
He grips the Evolutionary by the torso and draws him closer, inviting the scientist's scorn: "I recognize you, Apocalypse. Your claims... to encourage the growth of the strong... is at variance with your deeds. I consider you a villain of the first order."
The ancient mutant laughs uproariously, claiming everything he does tests human and mutantkind: "-- a trial by fire in which humanity grows strong as a species... or dies."
High Evolutionary wrestles with Apocalypse's body and ideas, grabbing at the mutant's arms, while Apocalypse grasps at his magenta face plate. The scientist works to break the stalemate by rapidly increasing his size!
Looming over Apocalypse, the High Evolutionary describes himself as a benevolent parent making choices for an immature humanity. A claim Apocalypse scoffs at, seeing the Evolutionary as merely attempting to remake them in his own image.
"Your own evolution was forced... and see what you've become. Disembodied... For all your power, with only that armor to give you the semblance of substance. You are a creature of the living dead... Who can no longer reproduce himself... The ultimate genetic dead end!"
Apocalypse dodges a massive energy blast from High Evolutionary's super-sized gauntlet, swinging his own enlarged clamp-hand like a battering ram into the giant target of The Evolutionary's mid-section!
For a moment the High Evolutionary is flung through space, but when he completely disappears Apocalypse knows his gambit. He can see through his invisibility and ensnare him in extending tendrils.
With the High Evolutionary in his grasp, Apocalypse uses his vast resources to teleport the both of them to the subterranean tunnels of the moloids.
There, he intends them to bare personal witness to the battle between The Purifiers, moloids, and their recruited allies -- the mutants of X-Factor!
Watching from a shadowy outcrop over the inner chamber, the High Evolutionary continues to regard the telepathic moloid rallying his people as little more than an animal acting without conscious, creative thought. A notion that will soon be challenged, even if the physical battle between he and Apocalypse is at an end.
The Hammer...
What a fantastic struggle! Not just the clash of super-powers, but the collision of philosophies! The debate is more compelling than the trading of blows, and not just because it renders something approaching a result.
At times Apocalypse wasn't always everything I hoped he would be -- especially in those early days. Sometimes he's a little too willing to roll around in the mud, a little too corny in his villainy to fulfill those big ideas of Darwinist malevolence.
I like an Apocalypse who is lofty in his ideals, coldly grandiose in his speech, and upright and strong in his bearing. Still very much the villain in the potential of his schemes, but somewhat aloof in his actions. He isn't quite that as he swings oversized novelty limbs in space, but the character study is compelling.
In X-Factor Annual #3 it feels as if Louise Simonson is taking the slightly awkward premise of The Evolutionary War -- Marvel's 1988 crossover through various series' Annuals, including The Punisher and Silver Surfer -- and spinning it into an excellent opportunity to examine her recurring antagonist.
I enjoy the way Apocalypse almost assumes the conceit of a hero here, coming to the aid of a lowly moloid whose life the reader might be willing to disregard, even if they feel compassion towards his plight.
I enjoy the way Apocalypse almost assumes the conceit of a hero here, coming to the aid of a lowly moloid whose life the reader might be willing to disregard, even if they feel compassion towards his plight.
Apocalypse is seen to note that he doesn't outright object to the hostile treatment endured by the primitive moloids, but he will defend the emerging potential of a fledgling mutant whose powers present a greater will to survive, and oppose the sterilization of the species.
It's an interesting premise, and a good demonstration of the differences between Apocalypse and High Evolutionary, who might otherwise appear similar in their grand objectives, if inconsistent from appearance to appearance.
The distinctions can get a little slippery, especially over time, but in essence, the High Evolutionary is a practicing supremacist, attempting to reach a pre-determined outcome for humanity through bio-engineering, while Apocalypse is in theory more of an equal opportunity offender, uniquely interested in mutation, and intent on provoking accelerated natural selection through periodic stress tests.
This might seem contradictory when we look at Apocalypse's meddling with the genetics of characters like Warren Worthington, the Angel remade as his Horseman of Death, but we must also remember that these characters are not strictly adherent to the ideas we associate them with. They are also presented to be living characters, with selfish motivations such as the creation of servants, and may be seen to change their mind or approach, from time to time.
Although High Evolutionary remains committed in his convictions and desire to share company with those similar to himself, it's nice that he acknowledges, in his private thoughts, that the mutant moloid, now going by Val-Or, earned a reprieve for he and his people, who once served The Evolutionary himself, and helped build his citadel on Wundagore Mountain. That's gratitude for ya!
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Winner: Inconclusive (Draw)
#129 (+9) Apocalypse
#496 (new) High Evolutionary
#129 (+9) Apocalypse
#496 (new) High Evolutionary
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