Superman vs The New Gods! The Champion! (DC)
Where: Action Comics #586 When: March 1987
Why: John Byrne & Dick Giordano How: John Byrne
The Story So Far...
The will of the evil god Darkseid is far reaching! On Earth, his plans to undermine the public's trust lead to a federal outlawing of unsanctioned heroes and vigilantes. Which means Superman is stuck in the unassuming guise of Clark Kent when Omega Beams suddenly pursue him through the streets of Metropolis!
Despite his best efforts to evade them; the Omega Beams find their target - transporting the Daily Planet Reporter to the throne room of Darkseid! With The Phantom Stranger in witness, Darkseid feigns ignorance to the mortal's true identity - casting him into the wild of his dominion!
Stripped of his memory by the Fire Pits of Apokolips, Superman is manipulated to lead a revolt on behalf of the Lowlies who pulled him from the inferno. As quickly as he championed these Hunger Gods, the confused Man of Steel betrays them -- tricked to believe he is the son of Darkseid!
While Granny Goodness attempts to restore Superman's dulled powers with an intense and cruel training regiment -- the true son of Darkseid rushes to his aid! Orion and Lightray prepare for a fight, but it may be the man they're coming to rescue who works hardest to destroy them!
Tale of the Tape...

Strength: Draw 6 (Enhanced)
Intelligence: Draw 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Superman 6 (Mach Speeds)
Stamina: Draw 6 (Generator)
Agility: Superman 3 (Acrobat)
Fighting: Orion 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Draw 5 (Lasers)
Total: Draw 33 (Super)
Savior is the son of Darkseid. Thrown to the mercy of the Fire Pits of Apokolips; he was recovered by lowly Hunger Dogs and taken to the bosom of the people of Armagetto.
Suffering memory loss: The Savior was inspired to purpose by Amazing Grace, leading a charge to the gates of Darkseid's Tower. It was an act that brought him to knowledge of his true nature as the son of Darkseid, and a player in his game to inspire hope and courage -- only to crush it!
Or so the so-called "Savior" was led to believe...
In truth Savior is Superman: Last son of Krypton, Man of Steel, and defender of truth, justice, & the honorable way! He was deposited on Apokolips by Darkseid's Omega Beams, and manipulated as part of a grander scheme against the heroes of Earth! Fortunately for Superman - heroic New Gods race to aid him in his plight:
Orion is the true second son of Darkseid, but he was raised by Highfather of New Genesis. It was an attempted peace through the exchange of offspring.
Though his spirit is stirred by the call to war, Orion learned to control his natural-born rages so that they may be channeled toward great acts of altruism and good! Orion has used his strength as an ally to the Justice League, and is prophesized to one day end his father's dark reign. A destruction we saw him temporarily deliver when they battled in Countdown #2!
Orion is joined by Lightray, whose uncanny solar light has long shined favourably upon his good friend Orion! A powerful ally, who he'll need, given Superman is still operating under the influence of his false past as Savior!
Amnesia has robbed Superman of full control over his powers, but he remains double-tough and more determined than ever before! We've seen what that means in battles with Captain Marvel [Action Comics Annual #4], Jimmy Olsen [All-Star Superman #4], Green Arrow [Superman/Batman #14], and Wonder Woman & The Freedom Fighters [Superman/Batman #15]!
We've also seen Superman take on Darkseid himself, with the aid of Batman, back in Superman/Batman #42. The Man of Steel made Darkseid bleed on that day -- not quite the wrenching of his heart from his chest that Orion achieved, but a feat no less impressive!
The fact that Superman's full abilities are relying on a deception of faith hatched by Darkseid means Orion could have the edge. Lightray gives him extra eyes on the fight, but it's up for grabs how much influence his solar light will have.
The Tape can't separate them, but circumstances favour Orion. It's another epic DC Comics dream match! Let's see how it went down...
The Tape: Draw Ranking: Superman (#5)
What Went Down...
Where: Action Comics #586 When: March 1987
Why: John Byrne & Dick Giordano How: John Byrne
The Story So Far...
The will of the evil god Darkseid is far reaching! On Earth, his plans to undermine the public's trust lead to a federal outlawing of unsanctioned heroes and vigilantes. Which means Superman is stuck in the unassuming guise of Clark Kent when Omega Beams suddenly pursue him through the streets of Metropolis!
Despite his best efforts to evade them; the Omega Beams find their target - transporting the Daily Planet Reporter to the throne room of Darkseid! With The Phantom Stranger in witness, Darkseid feigns ignorance to the mortal's true identity - casting him into the wild of his dominion!
Stripped of his memory by the Fire Pits of Apokolips, Superman is manipulated to lead a revolt on behalf of the Lowlies who pulled him from the inferno. As quickly as he championed these Hunger Gods, the confused Man of Steel betrays them -- tricked to believe he is the son of Darkseid!
While Granny Goodness attempts to restore Superman's dulled powers with an intense and cruel training regiment -- the true son of Darkseid rushes to his aid! Orion and Lightray prepare for a fight, but it may be the man they're coming to rescue who works hardest to destroy them!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Draw 4 (Tactician)
Speed: Superman 6 (Mach Speeds)
Stamina: Draw 6 (Generator)
Agility: Superman 3 (Acrobat)
Fighting: Orion 6 (Warrior)
Energy: Draw 5 (Lasers)
Total: Draw 33 (Super)

Suffering memory loss: The Savior was inspired to purpose by Amazing Grace, leading a charge to the gates of Darkseid's Tower. It was an act that brought him to knowledge of his true nature as the son of Darkseid, and a player in his game to inspire hope and courage -- only to crush it!
Or so the so-called "Savior" was led to believe...
In truth Savior is Superman: Last son of Krypton, Man of Steel, and defender of truth, justice, & the honorable way! He was deposited on Apokolips by Darkseid's Omega Beams, and manipulated as part of a grander scheme against the heroes of Earth! Fortunately for Superman - heroic New Gods race to aid him in his plight:
Orion is the true second son of Darkseid, but he was raised by Highfather of New Genesis. It was an attempted peace through the exchange of offspring.
Though his spirit is stirred by the call to war, Orion learned to control his natural-born rages so that they may be channeled toward great acts of altruism and good! Orion has used his strength as an ally to the Justice League, and is prophesized to one day end his father's dark reign. A destruction we saw him temporarily deliver when they battled in Countdown #2!
Orion is joined by Lightray, whose uncanny solar light has long shined favourably upon his good friend Orion! A powerful ally, who he'll need, given Superman is still operating under the influence of his false past as Savior!
Amnesia has robbed Superman of full control over his powers, but he remains double-tough and more determined than ever before! We've seen what that means in battles with Captain Marvel [Action Comics Annual #4], Jimmy Olsen [All-Star Superman #4], Green Arrow [Superman/Batman #14], and Wonder Woman & The Freedom Fighters [Superman/Batman #15]!
We've also seen Superman take on Darkseid himself, with the aid of Batman, back in Superman/Batman #42. The Man of Steel made Darkseid bleed on that day -- not quite the wrenching of his heart from his chest that Orion achieved, but a feat no less impressive!
The fact that Superman's full abilities are relying on a deception of faith hatched by Darkseid means Orion could have the edge. Lightray gives him extra eyes on the fight, but it's up for grabs how much influence his solar light will have.
The Tape can't separate them, but circumstances favour Orion. It's another epic DC Comics dream match! Let's see how it went down...
The Tape: Draw Ranking: Superman (#5)
What Went Down...
Faster than a speeding bullet - a figure hurtles past Orion and Lightray! Backlit by the fires of Apokolips, the mystery attacker arcs back towards them in silhouette. The second son of Darkseid soon confirms the man-shaped missile is no mere Parademon -- receiving his trajectory like a torpedo to the gut!
Lightray flies behind, recognizing the face of Superman! Orion does his best to contend with the Kryptonian's fists, urgently requesting a light-powered distraction from his flying wingman.
Lightray flies behind, recognizing the face of Superman! Orion does his best to contend with the Kryptonian's fists, urgently requesting a light-powered distraction from his flying wingman.
Streams of light dance around a stunned Superman as Lightray does his best to daze and confuse the already bewitched Man of Steel! Orion takes advantage, putting distance between he and his powerful attacker!
With Superman now identified; Orion knows strategy will be vital to defeating their unlikely foe. A feat he hopes to achieve without killing him! It therefore requires the most delicate precision when he reaches for his harness to summon forth but a fraction of the world-shattering astro-force!
Concussive bursts of energy surround the aerial Superman - pummeling him from all sides! Though disoriented, he calls upon his recent training with Granny Goodness to take evasive action. Swooping to the city below - he wrenches a monumental column and hurls it at Orion!
The massive structure piledrives Orion into the surrounding super-structure!
Stirred by Superman's claims to be the son of Darkseid, Orion calls the right to single combat. Lightray stands his ground as Orion emerges from the crater his body has made, bracing for the coming of his powerful opponent!
The two lock-up at closer quarters as Superman spews the unforgiving views put forth by Darkseid! He compares Orion to a hero and a fool. The true son of Darkseid contemplates the irony of his father's deception and finds hope.
Superman connects with a straight right to Orion's jaw, but the warrior retaliates with an all mighty slam of his back hand!
The devastating blow affords Orion the time needed to confront The Savior with his own word. The son of Darkseid removes his helmet, revealing the hardened visage of the dark lord's true offspring. He uses a Mother Box to sooth the tortured heart and mind of Superman, stripping all evidence of the sinister teachings of Granny Goodness and dark designs of Darkseid!
The Hammer...
It's a difficult decision for the court of combat! A moments distraction to follow Lightray left the vital moments of conflict tinged with obscurity!
Ultimately, all evidence suggests it was the brute strength of Orion that allowed for tactical victory. Superman was physically halted, allowing his mind to be cleansed. It could also be read that Orion enacted some horrific physical (or psychological) torture during those unseen moments: "Time you learned what it truly means to be a son of Darkseid!!"
The timing of the two-page tangent to Lightray (and Amazing Grace) is a tad awkward in terms of pacing. I'm inclined to wonder if writer-artist John Byrne was making some effort to shield Superman from a punishing visual defeat.
This period of Action Comics is still re-establishing Superman post-Crisis. It may not have been seen as a great time for Orion to be delivering butt whoopings to the mascot hero. Particularly as he has to return to Earth to help thwart Darkseid's plans in the pages of Legends, which this tangentially ties in with.
I kinda like the notion that it was a matter of taste. A dose of tough-love from a man who knows the existential torture of what it means to be the son of Darkseid. It's a devious meaning, but that's what makes the New Gods fun!
Given the minor controversy over last week's result from Captain Marvel versus Superman, I suspect there could be a few dissenting opinions! You can always offer opinions and feedback by posting to the comments section below!
I'm finding these trips back to past Superman adventures the perfect antidote to the wayward revisions overwhelming recent publication. This issue was a particularly enticing cross-section of looming subjects.
I'm hopeful upcoming Action Comics #1000 will be able to restore a sense of thrill and classic enjoyment to a character who's very core has been under attack from many mediums.
The novelty of a Superman twisted to misdeed and failure is fun & games within the context of a couple of issues -- but what's missing from contemporary Superman is the big blue boy scout (with red trunks)! I won't be disappointed to see Brian Bendis inject Byrne influence into the contemporary product. A mix of modern sensibility and the definitive Superman.
It's interesting to note the way Byrne tackled the lingering threads of the Fourth World Saga. The destruction of New Genesis in Kirby's 1985 DC Graphic Novel send-off weighs heavily on the characters. The New Gods became an integral part of the post-Crisis DCU. Byrne treats the characters with reverence, even though Kirby's Hunger Dogs graphic novel could've brought them to an end.
The road for the post-Kirby, post-Crisis New Gods was pretty bumpy. There have been highs, but also some considerable lows. It would've been a shame if they hadn't become the icons they are today -- awaiting a recently announced Hollywood film by Ava DuVerny -- but I think about the unwanted merging of realities and properties today, and think twice.
There are differences. Alan Moore didn't create Wacthmen or America's Best Comics as part of the DC Comics tapestry. Their inclusion is more obtuse. The extension is similar and popularly demanded in some circles, though. Which is pause for thought. Work like Byrne's on Superman may serve as template, but it was built as foundation that still feels as valid as ever. Made to see what could be kept -- not what could be thrown away.
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Winner: Orion
#87 (+89) Orion
#529 (new) Lightray [+1 assist]
#5 (--) Superman