Meanwhile, On Earth... (Marvel)
Where: X-Factor #50 When: January 1990
Why: Louise Simonson How: Terry Shoemaker
The Story So Far...
Plotting the ultimate revenge against his brother Thor and the mighty Avengers -- Loki disguises himself to approach some of the world's most powerful villains and coerce them into joining his coordinated Acts of Vengeance!
The promise of defeating adversaries by deploying villains they've never faced appeals to some of the world's most powerful criminal masterminds, but not everyone is so easily convinced. The ancient mutant Apocalypse has watched their actions from afar, and when Loki arrives to recruit him -- he is less than reciprocal!
Tale of the Tape...

Strength: Apocalypse 6 (Invincible)
Intelligence: Draw 5 (Professor)
Speed: Draw 3 (Athlete)
Stamina: Apocalypse 7 (Unstoppable)
Agility: Apocalypse 6 (Rubber)
Fighting: Apocalypse 4 (Trained)
Energy: Loki 6 (Mass Destruction)
Total: Apocalypse 36 (Cosmic)
It's not often Apocalypse faces an opponent who's older than he is, but should the ancient mutant be humbled in the presence of Loki? Not necessarily...
The Asgardian god of mischief often favors pulling the strings of others to achieve his goals without getting his own hands dirty. That's exactly what brought about the Acts of Vengeance, and today's attempt to recruit Apocalypse into a cabal that includes Doctor Doom, Magneto, Red Skull, Mandarin, Kingpin, and The Wizard!
Apocalypse is something of a manipulator himself, but his penchant for recruiting Four Horsemen in no way reflects upon his own willingness to live by a philosophy of survival of the fittest.
The hardships of many centuries evolved En Sabah Nur from a pallid child in the sands of Ancient Egypt, to a techno-organic powerhouse modified by Celestial technology, and in total molecular control of his body! We saw him extend limbs, distort his figure, and unleash powerful energy blasts in Uncanny X-Men #295!
As much as Loki may appear to be a conniving coward at times, he also possess considerable power of his own. When pushed to fight he's capable of unleashing a variety of destructive energy-based attacks and enchantments.
We saw all of Loki's skills on display when he tricked the Thor of the Heroes Reborn pocket universe into joining him in a fight against the Avengers!
In theory Loki should lord over most mortals, but Apocalypse is one man who has convened with even greater cosmic powers than a god. Its difficult to imagine how even Loki's most malignant curses could suppress his will to survive.
The Tape: Apocalypse Ranking: Apocalypse (#378)
What Went Down...
Where: X-Factor #50 When: January 1990
Why: Louise Simonson How: Terry Shoemaker
The Story So Far...
Plotting the ultimate revenge against his brother Thor and the mighty Avengers -- Loki disguises himself to approach some of the world's most powerful villains and coerce them into joining his coordinated Acts of Vengeance!
The promise of defeating adversaries by deploying villains they've never faced appeals to some of the world's most powerful criminal masterminds, but not everyone is so easily convinced. The ancient mutant Apocalypse has watched their actions from afar, and when Loki arrives to recruit him -- he is less than reciprocal!
Tale of the Tape...

Intelligence: Draw 5 (Professor)
Speed: Draw 3 (Athlete)
Stamina: Apocalypse 7 (Unstoppable)
Agility: Apocalypse 6 (Rubber)
Fighting: Apocalypse 4 (Trained)
Energy: Loki 6 (Mass Destruction)
Total: Apocalypse 36 (Cosmic)
It's not often Apocalypse faces an opponent who's older than he is, but should the ancient mutant be humbled in the presence of Loki? Not necessarily...
The Asgardian god of mischief often favors pulling the strings of others to achieve his goals without getting his own hands dirty. That's exactly what brought about the Acts of Vengeance, and today's attempt to recruit Apocalypse into a cabal that includes Doctor Doom, Magneto, Red Skull, Mandarin, Kingpin, and The Wizard!
Apocalypse is something of a manipulator himself, but his penchant for recruiting Four Horsemen in no way reflects upon his own willingness to live by a philosophy of survival of the fittest.
The hardships of many centuries evolved En Sabah Nur from a pallid child in the sands of Ancient Egypt, to a techno-organic powerhouse modified by Celestial technology, and in total molecular control of his body! We saw him extend limbs, distort his figure, and unleash powerful energy blasts in Uncanny X-Men #295!
As much as Loki may appear to be a conniving coward at times, he also possess considerable power of his own. When pushed to fight he's capable of unleashing a variety of destructive energy-based attacks and enchantments.
We saw all of Loki's skills on display when he tricked the Thor of the Heroes Reborn pocket universe into joining him in a fight against the Avengers!
In theory Loki should lord over most mortals, but Apocalypse is one man who has convened with even greater cosmic powers than a god. Its difficult to imagine how even Loki's most malignant curses could suppress his will to survive.
The Tape: Apocalypse Ranking: Apocalypse (#378)
What Went Down...
Beneath the towering gaze of Apocalypse stands a mysterious man in a grey flannel suit. He has slick black hair, and brings an offer with no clear benefit...
This man invites the ancient mutant to join his so-called "Acts of Vengeance": a scheme Apocalypse has watched unfold from afar. He has seen through the self-styled servant, recognizing him as the true mastermind who manipulates a cabal of Earth's deadliest villains against a gallery of unsuspecting opponents.
Apocalypse shapes his hand into an extending mechanical vice and snatches the interloper off his feet! He wants to know who this man really is and what he hopes to gain from the "absurdity" of his mischievous game.
This man invites the ancient mutant to join his so-called "Acts of Vengeance": a scheme Apocalypse has watched unfold from afar. He has seen through the self-styled servant, recognizing him as the true mastermind who manipulates a cabal of Earth's deadliest villains against a gallery of unsuspecting opponents.
Apocalypse shapes his hand into an extending mechanical vice and snatches the interloper off his feet! He wants to know who this man really is and what he hopes to gain from the "absurdity" of his mischievous game.
A "snap" of energy transforms the mystery man -- revealing the true guise of Loki!
The god of lies & mischief leaps from Apocalypse's grasp and chides him for questioning his right to "annoy the heroes of Earth". He fires a spiteful question of his own: "By what idiocy dost thou, a mutant mortal, hope to imprison a god?"
Loki accompanies his words with a potent blast of energy that knocks Apocalypse off his feet. A minor inconvenience for a mutant in complete control of his physical form. He taunts Loki with his own responsibility for creating his hated Avengers.
Loki glides overhead as Apocalypse falls and tempts the mutant with the promise that others such as X-Factor and the New Mutants will feel the wrath of his conspiracy, just as the Avengers have.
Apocalypse wraps his flattened arm around a metal strut, stopping his descent while transforming his other into an energy cannon.
The ancient mutant fires at the airborne god whilst advocating for humanity's defiant courage.
He deems the petty self-interest of Loki's "master villains" an inevitability of mortal will, which resists the death that begins with their very first breath. The "Acts of Vengeance" has already failed -- and it could be no other way.
Loki darts between the exploding bursts of energy, and dismisses En Sabah Nur's flattering observations of humanity -- indignantly insisting he could crush them!
He's unprepared when Apocalypse suddenly blocks his aerial path -- rising as a rocket-shaped monolith that challenges his godly power!
He's unprepared when Apocalypse suddenly blocks his aerial path -- rising as a rocket-shaped monolith that challenges his godly power!
Loki falls to the floor, momentarily humbled.
Apocalypse reminds the mischief-maker that he too has lived as a god. His perspective is formed from centuries above, and among, humanity. He has felt the glow of worship and continues to receive the power of others' faith.
With that -- one of Apocalypse's true believers emerges from the shadows!
Caliban thrashes Loki from behind with his hand -- confirming the power he has gained from his worship of Apocalypse!
Loki braces his back and views the "servant" with scorn: "Who are you creature, to interrupt your betters?"
He summons a mystic bolt to engulf Caliban in a golden flame, but suddenly it's Loki finds himself surrounded by an inexplicable energy!
The distraction provided by Caliban allowed Apocalypse to activate a machine harnessing ancient Celestial technology. Its power is awesome enough to trap even a god within its field -- helpless like so much as an insect caught in a jar.
The energy field's draining effects are a metaphor for Apocalypse's outlook for the future threats facing mankind. He delivers a sermon, rejecting Loki's attempted manipulations, and declaring him an enemy of a humanity who will be tempered like steel until they can challenge even gods!
Loki declares himself unafraid of such threats. and uses his godly magicks to disappear from the confines of his energy-based bondage -- and appear on a towering monitor screen.
"I am simply ending a discussion that had become tedious... and pointless. Your humans will not survive long enough to challenge the gods, Apocalypse, and you, so proud of your wisdom, are a fool. Dare to oppose me... or my plans... and you will join your human race in death."
Loki shatters the screen, but doesn't damage Apocalypse's unwavering confidence in his plans to send Caliban to test humanity's worthy survivors.
The Hammer...
With Acts of Vengeance Marvel unleashed an early banner event with a simple but effective high concept premise: heroes are confronted by villains they wouldn't ordinarily face. The result was a range of memorable and interesting match-ups, such as Magneto vs Spider-Man, and Freedom Force vs The Avengers.
It was all initiated by Loki: who tricked some of Marvel's most powerful master criminals into pooling their resources into a conspiracy to create a major paradigm shift. A lofty revenge scheme that also successfully roped in Doctor Doom, Magneto, Red Skull, The Mandarin, Kingpin, and The Wizard!
There were a few holdouts and omissions from the line-wide event. Sebastian Shaw became an unwitting participant in an "Aftermath" issue when Loki fused his Sentinels into the towering, nuclear-powered destroyer called Tri-Sentinel. That was also one of the cosmic-powered Spidey issues that were instant favourites.
There was a lot going on in comics of the time, and Acts of Vengeance was a fairly loose crossover for the era. Some key issues dealt with core developments in the master villain's plot, but for the most part, it was a collection of unusual guest spots that added extra flavour and excitement to on-going storylines.
X-Factor #50 is a prime example: predominantly dedicated to the Judgement War sci-fi/fantasy epic that took the titular team to a distant, unnamed planet watched by Celestials. A space adventure that kept them out of Loki's reaches.
The series' late involvement was instead reserved for arch-nemesis Apocalypse, who's shown already watching the unusual shift in villainous alliances, in X-Factor #49 [pictured below].
It was all initiated by Loki: who tricked some of Marvel's most powerful master criminals into pooling their resources into a conspiracy to create a major paradigm shift. A lofty revenge scheme that also successfully roped in Doctor Doom, Magneto, Red Skull, The Mandarin, Kingpin, and The Wizard!
There were a few holdouts and omissions from the line-wide event. Sebastian Shaw became an unwitting participant in an "Aftermath" issue when Loki fused his Sentinels into the towering, nuclear-powered destroyer called Tri-Sentinel. That was also one of the cosmic-powered Spidey issues that were instant favourites.
There was a lot going on in comics of the time, and Acts of Vengeance was a fairly loose crossover for the era. Some key issues dealt with core developments in the master villain's plot, but for the most part, it was a collection of unusual guest spots that added extra flavour and excitement to on-going storylines.
X-Factor #50 is a prime example: predominantly dedicated to the Judgement War sci-fi/fantasy epic that took the titular team to a distant, unnamed planet watched by Celestials. A space adventure that kept them out of Loki's reaches.
The series' late involvement was instead reserved for arch-nemesis Apocalypse, who's shown already watching the unusual shift in villainous alliances, in X-Factor #49 [pictured below].
It's one of those classic comic book scenes that captures the excitement of the event by showing the likes of Hobgoblin and Kingpin in an X-book. Highly unusual at a time when villains were still typically kept contained by their respective heroic nemeses', and editorial houses. It tickles the imagination and invites a reader to seek out characters they might not know a lot about. Good comics!
Apocalypse wonders if the unusual movements of Acts of Vengeance might be a sign of the coming "Armageddon" his Darwinian schemes aim to prepare for.
I particularly like that he first notes the contradictory combination of Holocaust survivor Magneto, and World Ward II Nazi scumbag Red Skull. Strange bedfellows eventually addressed in Captain America -- a future feature fight, to be sure.
When the disguised Loki appears before Apocalypse via observation monitors, it seems like he's going to recruit another powerful ally. As we've already seen: it actually erupts into another exciting battle between villains, filling the final six pages of X-Factor's milestone fiftieth issue with an unusual clash of titans.
Apocalypse became a more overtly evil figure in later years, most notably when he achieved global domination in the grim alternate-timeline of the Age of Apocalypse. It could be forgotten that there was a glimmer of altruism in his original grand design for empowering humanity through survival of the fittest. An aspect of his goals that got a little lost along the way.
It's nice to revisit a story where he very clearly outlines his broad philosophy, and declares a god like Loki an enemy of humanity whose defeat is the end goal of his success. A good bit of character work, and a nice way to set the fight up while also keeping Acts of Vengeance more central to non-mutant characters. There had been multiple X-Men-centric crossovers before this one.
If you'd like to get acquainted with Apocalypse and today's featured fight in its entirety you can find it collected in Acts of Vengeance: Spider-Man & X-Men or as part of Essential X-Factor Volume 3. Use the Amazon purchase links provided below to do any of your online shopping and you'll not only get a good deal delivered to your door -- you'll help support the site at no extra cost!
Secret Wars on Infinite Earths has featured more than 600 battles and ranked well over 1000 characters! You can find them all by diving into the Secret Archive for a complete index of featured fights in order of publisher, series, and issue number. Or refine your search by following topic links throughout each post!
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Winner: Apocalypse (w/ Caliban)
#130 (+248) Apocalypse
#613 (new) Caliban [+1 assist]
#968 (-244) Loki
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Winner: Apocalypse (w/ Caliban)
#130 (+248) Apocalypse
#613 (new) Caliban [+1 assist]
#968 (-244) Loki