Real-time updates appear at the bottom of every new featured fight, but we also take stock of the movers and shakers at the end of each year. You can flashback to see how things have changed from 2016, 2017, and 2018. You can also check out a full recap of 2019 Featured Fights to see the battles that shaped the year!
Season 2019 turned out to be a good year for villains. Marvel's Absolute Carnage gave reason to revisit the classic Maximum Carnage event, which made Shriek and Carnage the two biggest improvers of the year! The "House of X" also saw Mister Sinister and Nimrod make significant gains in a very Marvel centric year. Halloween tradition made Solomon Grundy the most improved DC character, up 250 ranks, while Anti-Monitor's television debut sponsored a 218 rank rise.
Other significant gainers in 2019 were: Dazzler, Nebula, Photon, She-Hulk, Super-Skrull, Scarecrow, Mysterio, Mary Marvel, Doctor Sivana, and Hellboy. In equal opposite, featured defeats saw massive drops for: Dagger, Terrax, Beta Ray Bill, Gladiator, and Eradicator. A loss for Thanos pushed The Mad Titan to the bottom of the Top 10, while Sabretooth settled at the lowest rank of #946.
We added thirty characters to the cumulative rankings in 2019, which is taking us ever closer to the outstanding figure of 1000 ranked characters! Will it happen in 2020? Check out the full list of updated ranks for characters who were featured this year, and stay tuned in the new year for more from Secret Wars on Infinite Earths: The Comic Book Fight Club!
#1 (--) Batman (Bruce Wayne)
#2 (--) Spider-Man (Peter Parker)
#3 (--) Iron Man (Tony Stark)
#4 (--) Wolverine (James "Logan" Howlett)
#5 (--) Superman (Kal-El)
#6 (--) Hulk (Bruce Banner)
#7 (--) Captain America (Steve Rogers)
#8 (--) Luke Cage
#9 (+1) Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards)
#10 (-1) Thanos
#11 (--) Thing (Benjamin Grimm)
#12 (+1) Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
#13 (+1) Human Torch (Johnny Storm)
#15 (--) Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira)
#20 (+10) Steel (John Henry Irons)
#23 (+11) Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
#29 (-4) Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)
#30 (-2) Thor (Odinson)
#31 (-2) The Flash (Wally West)
#35 (--) Silver Surfer (Norrin Radd)
#37 (+12) Black Panther (T'Challa)
#38 (+13) Black Canary (Dinah Lance)
#45 (+39) Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
#46 (+22) Captain Marvel Jr (Freddie Freeman)
#49 (+70) Captain Marvel (Billy Batson)
#50 (-5) Storm (Ororo Monroe)
#56 (-3) Rogue (Anna Marie)
#64 (+28) Scarlet Spider (Ben Reilly)
#66 (-2) Morbius, The Living Vampire (Michael Morbius)
#72 (+36) Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
#77 (-8) Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
#95 (+133) Hellboy (Anung un Rama)
#100 (-3) Black Lightning (Jefferson Pierce)
#106 (+94) Doppelganger
#107 (-1) Blade (Eric Brooks)
#124 (+242) Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane)
#125 (+202) Mary Marvel (Mary Batson)
#126 (-2) War Machine (James Rhodes)
#131 (-11) Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
#135 (+246) Super-Skrull (Kl'rt)
#136 (+250) Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold)
#137 (+250) She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters)
#142 (+308) Shriek (Frances Barrison)
#155 (+270) Photon (Monica Rambeau)
#178 (+294) Dazzler (Alison Blaire)
#200 (-8) Overlord (Antonio Seghetti)
#278 (-6) Plastic Man (Patrick "Eel" O'Brien)
#300 (-6) Alice (Elizabeth Kane)
#324 (new) Tyrant
#325 (new) Tawky Tawny
#326 (new) Sterling Morris
#327 (new) Omega (Michael Pointer)
#328 (new) Blue Marvel (Adam Brashear)
#329 (new) Shang-Chi
#330 (new) Beast Boy (Garfield Logan)
#333 (-1) Moon Knight (Marc Spector)
#335 (-195) Beta Ray Bill
#337 (+300) Carnage (Cletus Kasady)
#343 (-173) Gladiator (Kallark)
#347 (+156) Doctor Sivana (Thaddeus Sivana)
#348 (-6) Medusa (Medusalith Amaquelin)
#350 (+218) Anti-Monitor
#353 (+239) Nimrod
#354 (new) Uncle Marvel (Dudley H Dudley)
#355 (-47) Harry Leland
#383 (+207) Lobo
#384 (+280) Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex)
#390 (-31) Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley)
#400 (-20) Vision
#401 (+229) Mysterio (Quentin Beck)
#412 (-20) The Joker
#439 (new) Conan The Barbarian
#442 (-16) Crystal (Crystal Amaquelin)
#500 (-15) Scout (Kip Kidd)
#562 (new) Roaf
#563 (new) Trickster (James Jesse)
#564 (new) Lady Blaze
#565 (new) Ms. America (America Chavez)
#566 (new) Sersi
#567 (new) Hobgoblin (Jason Macendale)
#568 (new) Kole (Kole Weathers)
#570 (-149) Eradicator
#576 (+283) Nebula
#600 (-22) Scope
#678 (-17) Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski)
#700 (-16) Clayface (Basil Karlo)
#800 (-16) Mister Freeze (Victor Fries)
#855 (-14) Captain Britain (Brian Braddock)
#880 (-13) Black Manta (David Hyde)
#881 (new) Ganymede
#882 (new) Morg
#883 (new) Prowler (Hobie Brown)
#884 (new) King Kull
#885 (new) Ibac (Stinky Printwhistle)
#886 (new) Camazotz
#887 (new) Huo Li
#888 (new) Callisto
#889 (new) Selene Gallio
#890 (new) Black King (Sebastian Shaw)
#891 (new) Friedrich von Roehm
#892 (new) Sage
#893 (new) Swamp Thing (Alec Holland)
#894 (new) Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi)
#895 (-14) Demogoblin
#896 (-28) Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner)
#900 (-22) Mileena
#902 (-28) Enchantress (June Moone)
#909 (-305) Dagger (Tandy Bowen)
#910 (-45) Mister Atom
#911 (-214) Terrax
#915 (-29) Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
#935 (-40) The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot)
#936 (-54) Cloak (Tyrone Johnson)
#937 (-30) Toad (Mortimer Toynbee)
#938 (-30) Thunderbolt Ross (Thaddeus Ross)
#939 (-30) Brick (Daniel Brickwell)
#940 (-30) Killer Croc (Waylon Jones)
#941 (-30) Lady Deathstrike (Yuriko Oyama)
#942 (-30) Dan Hibiki
#943 (-30) Lizard (Curt Connors)
#944 (-30) Zangief
#945 (-29) Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff)
#946 (-31) Sabretooth (Victor Creed)